Weekend numbers Aug. 26-28

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4 great jumps to include y first head down dock with wrongway, first jump at skydive tecumseh, and first jump in michigan, but they awere all on the same jump so only one case owed.. had a great time this weekend, everyone there was way cool....

is it friday yet???????

"i have no reader's digest version"

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:$: 2 : 2

Went to Skydive Long Island's CASA Boogie; even met up with some people from my home DZ, which I wasn't expecting at all. Beer owed for first jumps there and first jumps out of a CASA.

Dragged hubby with me and we camped out at a local campground. I'm glad i did as I heard the party crowd at the DZ kept everyone awake and the showers were cold :P

Weather was crappy on Sunday so we did the outlet mall and the beach while waiting for our Ferry back to CT, which was a great way to spend the day B|

Arianna Frances

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3000 - The number of dollars I am about to use to buy a second rig.

1000 - number of additional dollars it is going to cost to have it reharnessed and stick a cypress in it

14 - the # of hours driving to Atlanta and back (totally worth it). Be sure to come to the freefly boogie.

1 - the number of neptunes I destroyed this weekend. Well even a near perfect weekend has to suck some how.

13 - skydives.

0 - try to get me to buy beer on a non boogie weekend.

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another great weekend in tecumseh... god, i LOVE that place!
10 fun freefly jumps, 1 included jumping into wally's party for another night of craziness with the tecumseh party crowd! thanks chrissy, sporto, marshall, kristen, ian, jim o, amanda, jim p, junior, mindy, cory, brian h, lauren, cheryl, ryan, adam, adrianne, wrongway, wingi, franz, etc. (i'm sure i left a few off).... for the great jumps and parties! i love it there!
can't wait to see you all this weekend for another round of fun:S

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stuck around home and did some shopping for clothes for the new job and saw a few whuffo friends i've been avoiding all summer.;) picked up my car from the autobody and they still have things to do so I will need to drop it off again>:([:/]..grrrr

Where is my fizzy-lifting drink?

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Great weekend.

Let's see...
-Finished my B-License requirements
-Did my 1st CRW.
-Did my 1st smoke jump.
-1st time helping pie someone.
-Got some upgrades on the motorcycle :)
Already thinking about next Saturday.

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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Damn, you ready for Nationals or what!

Not yet...Besides we are going against professionals that do this full time..Our 150-180 jumps is nothing when you have to face Airspeed, Fire, the GK's....ect.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Saw some friends visiting from home town on Sunday. Nice dinner/get together with sumptuous fair at another location in the evening.

Nice 3-way w/ 10 or so points to start
4-way with around 5 pts
Pathetic Tracking dive attempt :S
Nice demo of Aaron's Icon and Pilot.
Stupidly downwinded and got dirty (I wanted to wash my jumpsuit anyway - good thing I waited a week).

Firsts? What are those? There are no firsts!

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