
William Brightwell...Gold Coast

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As many of you already know William (Brightwell) had a landing accident today at the DZ. The first reports were pretty bad, but things are looking better although it is still early.

He has a fracture of the C1 and C3 vertebrate as well as a Scapula

They think that the leg only has a deep gash and is not broken.

He also suffered a Concussion.

He is at the University South Alabama hospital in Mobile.

This day has brought my heart so much pain. William was my AFF Instructor. My heart hurts for Laurel, his beautiful new wife. I wish I could give you both comfort. [:/] I have called all my "prayer warriors" and they are actively praying for William's speedy recovery right now.

Two amazing angels will be there with you tomorrow...they will change your life...as they have mine..they are an amazing spiritual connection. They have unconditional love and compassion...they are my parents.


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I've never met William or Laurel, but I saw them on TLC's While You Were Out. They seem like wonderful people. I will keep them in my thoughts.

"seem like wonderful people"...well they ARE...I'm sending 2 amazing angels to visit them tomorrow after church.


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Sorry if I offended you with that statement.[:/] I didn't mean to.

No offense at all...I just wanted to reiterate that they are amazing people. Laurel did my PMS Barbie jump and accepted me with open arms at Gold Coast as a newbie...and William ...holy shit...he had the patience of a Saint. I was a very challenging AFF student and he was so patient with me. I remember how sad he was to not pass me on L3 for the 2nd time out of the Cessna (Otter broke down blah blah)...but he really felt bad telling me that it was best that I do it again. So...all I wanted to say is "yeah...they're good people":)


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Get well my friend......that man had my Reserve side on my first 3 levels.....[:/]

sending vibes that way.
For long as you live and high you fly and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry and all that you touch and all that you see is all your life will ever be.
Pedro Offers you his Protection.

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Sweetie, don't worry. I'm sure that your post was not offensive at all to Kaytee, nor to anyone. Your post was very caring and supportive, as are all the posts in this thread.

Laurel ~ My girl, please hang in there. I will be praying and hoping that you are your beloved husband, William are ok. Just know that you are so very, very loved, and everyone is pulling for you both right now.

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Oh, Laurel, I'm just catching up on the threads. Many, many prayers and wishes for a quick recovery for William are coming your way from me. Stay strong, we're all here to support you.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I know Laurel, but do I know William? I would know his face if I saw him... just terrible at remembering names... [:/]

I hope and wish you a speedy recovery! His spinal cord wasn't severed, was it? I hope not...
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Thank you all for your warm wishes for William's speedy recovery. His injuries are as follows:
* Sliced joint in his right knee
* Broken right scapula
* C1 vertebrea fracture in 3 places with some bone shattered into the ligament (we are scared about this)
* C4 fracture (not bad)
* Hemmoraging to his brain - this is the most serious. He did seize at the scene.
* Optic injury to his right eye (not specific at the moment)
* I think he has mouth injuries that aren't specific, yet

He is not conscious, yet, but I just know he will come around any day. He is VERY strong and is posturing when he needs more pain meds, which is a good sign. He got food today, which was quick! He is off sedation drugs to see if he can come out of his coma on his own. His blood pressure is high, but not scary and his heart rate is normal. He is also breating on his own, even though he has a ventilator.

As for wingloading, # of jumps, etc. William was wingloading his FX 99 2.4:1. He has about 1000 jumps on this canopy alone. He was doing a tandem video and came in for a high performance landing during high winds. He had planed out completely (he was NOT living in the corner). According to people who saw the video, it seemed that William started to flair and realized he had no lift and that he was going to strike the hill going very fast. He droppeed both toggles at the last second and curled up in the fetal position to protect his internal organs. He struck the grass hill instantaneously and bounced about 30 feet into the air eventually landing on the concrete tarmac. His pilot chute tangled around one of the runway lights preventing him from hitting the fuel truck. He was wearing a Bonehead Composite camera helmet, which burst into more than 7 pieces upon initial impact.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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Laurel - sending good vibes to you and William. You sound very optimistic for his recovery and I'm sure that he feels that positive energy. Hang tough!
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Laurel, praying for his speedy recovery. . .


He droppeed both toggles at the last second and curled up in the fetal position to protect his internal organs. He struck the grass hill instantaneously and bounced about 30 feet into the air eventually landing on the concrete tarmac. His pilot chute tangled around one of the runway lights preventing him from hitting the fuel truck. He was wearing a Bonehead Composite camera helmet, which burst into more than 7 pieces upon initial impact.

And this is why he lives. . .a very smart and safety concious move this was. . .My prayers are with you and your family Laurel. . .William is a strong one and will be whole again.
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Much love from GA. Please take care of yourself and realize he is going to need you alot in the near future. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you guys.

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I did not read this until today, it's been one terrible week.

We haven't been able to make it out to Moss Point in a while but you're both in our thoughts none the less.

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.

Christina & Al

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