
"One Flew Over The Void"-crossing the U.S.-Mexican border

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That's pretty funny. Next time someone gets busted on a BASE jump they should tell the judge they were just making an artistic statement.



Sounds good to me! Some of the shit I've seen in the name of art is plain disgusting. At least, with a B.A.S.E. jump, there is skill and something worth seeing. I don't see anything artistic in planting thousands of orange flags in a park!:S


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Well at least he thought to get permission before exploiting the mentally insane to make his political statement.

Ya know, it's interesting. On the ABC newscast last night they didn't mention -anything- about the mentally insane people he used. It only showed and explained how he made a statement about crossing the border as a cannon projectile.

It was only upon reading the article that the mentally insane picture was reported. :S


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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