nate_1979 9 #26 August 22, 2005 :2:2 Two jumps in hawaii! 'Nuff said. First jump in Hawaii First jump from a King Air Both jumps done at Pacific Skydiving Center Will be jumping at Skydive Hawaii on Tuesday and Thursday evenings this week. FGF #??? I miss the sky... There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Frenchy68 0 #27 August 22, 2005 Is that pic taken from the 4,000 meters platform, Mr Luganis? "For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bluskidave 0 #28 August 22, 2005 0:18: 0 14 tandems, 3AFF and one sunset14way. Goodbye to Ben off to Alaska,E.B. did a good job of managing the Dz while Ryan the manager had a great time in Vegas attaching the BALL AND CHAIN, sorry Wendy, I'm sure it's the other way around. Blue Skies, Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sharimcm 0 #29 August 22, 2005 0:1:Too Much! First time to Atlanta (The Farm), naked tandem jump (great video when I actually got to watch it in the privacy of my own home)- I had to let someone else save my ass, beer owed? Yes... Oh wait... It was a pretty low key weekend. Nothing happened... "I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hexadecimal 0 #30 August 22, 2005 0:5:0 4 solo freefly jumps 1 high deployment @ sunset with a couple friends Bought some white freefly pants... and kept them that color all day Good day over all Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
swoopdog 0 #31 August 22, 2005 0:4:0 2 3ways rw 1 4 way rw 1 3way tracking jump (gee I love those long walks back!!) If your going to live in FEAR, why live at all!!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhreeZone 20 #32 August 22, 2005 16 hours in cars:14:2 Traveled this weekend training with my 4 way team. Even with absolutly crappy weatcher we still did 6 yesterday and 8 today in 4 hours. First time at Crosskeys and first time all the team was together. Can't wait for Nationals.Yesterday is history And tomorrow is a mystery Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ACMESkydiver 0 #33 August 22, 2005 ::~Jaye Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Douva 0 #34 August 22, 2005 -1 : 6 : 2 Beer Owed For: First time doing "The Mirror." First board chop.I don't have an M.D. or a law degree. I have bachelor's in kicking ass and taking names. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest #35 August 22, 2005 0:0:0 Spent the whole weekend writing my Rantoul articles for the mag. They're due tomorrow. mh ."The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
popsjumper 2 #36 August 22, 2005 :11:0 At The Farm: - pretty much self-explanatory 11 - solos, 2-ways, 4-ways, 6-ways, tracking dive With friends old and new (JD, Hellerman, Jumpchikk, Chuckie, BdBrown, Peanut4040, Darla, Pyke, Bobster, AnnieMae, panzwami, Icon134, Cassie) 0 - escaped with no injuries to the beer account this week. Although I must say, observing the lingerie jump was a new experience! However that eye-candy was negated by the nude jump by Peanut4040. Side notes: PsychoBob is aptly named. All the ladies on the lingerie jump were, well, fantastic!.My reality and yours are quite different. I think we're all Bozos on this bus. Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beverly 1 #37 August 22, 2005 3:3 SLLOOOOWWW Weekend Did teach my first official SL course on Sat though. No Students hurt, died, etc..... I think true friendship is under-rated Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mailin 0 #38 August 22, 2005 :3:0 Had an awesome weekend at Cross Keys - gosh, I love it there. Got sleeves, hoping they would help with my 130+ fall rate, but... nope. I gotta re-learn how to fall flat I think Nobody is gonna be able to jump with me.... JenArianna Frances Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrangeJumper 0 #39 August 22, 2005 Nun Ya:4:1 One low pass (7,500), two free fly dives, and I owed for my first helicopter jump which was fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once again, another kick ass boogie at Orange!!!! The Original Cabana Boy! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Darius11 12 #40 August 22, 2005 Only jumped on Saturday. Did the Scott Miller advance canopy course again, and as always it was a blast. Learned a lot.5 Hop n Pops Jen you should just start freeflying I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skychick312 0 #41 August 22, 2005 9 awesome jumps this weekend!!! 1 High Altitude Hop-n-Pop (sunset load)...8 Freefly jumps! Good swoops and hey I might get to do this on Wed. all over again!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Be the change you wish to see in the world! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alanab 0 #42 August 22, 2005 1:1:0 1 really short stay in deland 1 amazing memorial jump (it happened to be jump #420) in memory of egon, krys, piers, and bruno. the one i was on was a full otter load tracking dive! the people at deland put together 2 really cool memorial jumps for them and i was honored to be on one of them. the jumps were followed by lots of heineken, stories and memories told by many people, a fly by, releasing of 4 small birds, a south african bbq, a huge game of flaming footie, and great times with friends. thanks to everyone who put the memorial together. it really was beautiful and i am so glad i could be there for it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skinnyshrek 0 #43 August 22, 2005 do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amanduh 0 #44 August 22, 2005 NUNYA:4:0 *2-way FF w/ Danny - Bumper Bodies, YAY!!! *3-way FF w/ Paul & Will - another vice versa exit - ALMOST pulled off..get legs DOWN ..get legs DOWN! *4-way FF w/ Jenn, Paul, & Danny - laughed the entire dive! What an exit!!! *2-way FF w/ a newbie FF'er - it was his 4th attempt and he is already solid! I was so proud! (This was his 36th jump or something like that) Last load Sunday all the swoopers on the load went for the some awesome footage of them showing their skillz! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jeth 0 #45 August 22, 2005 Quote 0:5:0 4 solo freefly jumps 1 high deployment @ sunset with a couple friends Bought some white freefly pants... and kept them that color all day Good day over all Wow, you actually kept 'em clean! That won't last... Yep, great day at SDC! 0:4:0 Did my pre-second sommersault exit, that was fun!! Got a few points on some 2-ways, and finished off the day with a 6 pt 3-way with stand-up landing! Woo-hoo!! Too bad I didn't get to jump with soarfree, but guess we'll try again next time! "At 13,000 feet nothing else matters." PFRX!!!!! Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109 My Jump Site Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chopchop 0 #46 August 22, 2005 :14:0 7 tandem videos, 2 AFFs and 6 freefly jumps.. nice weekend in Byron chopchop gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking.. Lotsa Pictures Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Buried 0 #47 August 22, 2005 0:5:1 nice weekend visiting the farm even tho us northerners aren't used to that much humidity . Missed the party bus, but thank ATL airport and weather for that Where is my fizzy-lifting drink? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GeordieSkydiver 0 #48 August 22, 2005 :10:0 Lots of freefly 2 and 3 ways, with lots of docks on each. fun fun fun.Lee _______________________________ In a world full of people, only some want to fly, is that not crazy? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
livendive 8 #49 August 22, 2005 :13:0 9 tandems 3 AFFs 1 coach jump Blues, Dave"I AM A PROFESSIONAL EXTREME ATHLETE!" (drink Mountain Dew) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
windcatcher 0 #50 August 22, 2005 : No jumpy for me this weekend; icky stormy weather. Mother to the cutest little thing in the world... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites