
Calling all computer geek jumpers

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Let's get together and write kick-ass DZ and jumper software and license copies to DZ's for jump tickets.

Since this is the 21st century, the DZ business apps will be web based Model-Driven Architecture systems with service handlers written in either .Net or Java. The back-end will support any standard SQL server. It should do manifesting, basic accounting, contact management for marketing to get tandems back in the door, aircraft maintenance tracking, thorough set of management reports, data-feeds via the internet to the USPA, built-in POS for merchandise, online slot reservations, etc.

I haven't researched the software targeted for jumpers, but I imagine they're basically electronic log books. It might not be feasible to target this market.

DZO's - are there features you would like in a piece of software that are just not available on the market today? If so, what are they?

Geeks - We could code this stuff on our laptops while waiting for weather to clear. Just last Sunday I spent about 6 hours sitting around a fogged DZ listening to phrases like "jumping out of a perfectly good airplane" and "... no perfect parachute, no perfect tandem master, nor a perfect student..." I could've been cutting code...

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Good luck with your project. You would be a valuable resource of knowledge as to your experiences automating the business needs of your particular DZ.

Thanks for chiming in.

If this project lifts off, perhaps you might be so kind as to contribute your expertise in web design. I'm more of a business systems engineer. To me, the web is just another front end. But it's ubiquitous so may as well leverage it. With the advent of Ajax, web front ends can be almost as feature rich as traditional client/server apps.

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I jump to get away from this crap!

But, I am writing a software app for one of the best known DZs that will run certain parts of their business... Web based. SQL backend, .net .aspx front...

Jumprun, a software already out there, does a lot of what you are asking for - but not all.

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Sounds like it could be very easy - depending on complexity. I'm in the middle of a project doing something similar for the medical community with a completely SQL back-end.

But I'm sure there are programs that already do these things. I've never done manifesting before but I know my DZ is all computer automated, so I imagine it's being done already.

Arianna Frances

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But I'm sure there are programs that already do these things. I've never done manifesting before but I know my DZ is all computer automated, so I imagine it's being done already.


Yes, there are always software apps that already do some or most of what yours will be doing. But in the tech world, new innovation is good and there is always room for more than one software solution.

We techies are wise not to reinvent the wheel, but sometimes we shouldn't let that thinking get in the way of being innovaters. After all, we could all still be driving model-T's right now...

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The reason I'm making ours webbased was with the idea then that we could have control of the club from anywhere. Also, jumpers will be able to check their accounts, prepay, pay if they forgot, oops I forgot to log a jump who was on that load again etc. It will also let us handle all the tandem and sl course signups. It's a great idea in theory and is proving to be much more complicated in the programming, especially for someone who is still at the bottom of the learning curve.

I'd also be interested in pepole chiming in and expressing their ideas, as jumpers, for what they'd like to see on the front end of their dz's website. Just curious to see if there is anything else I can build into the system
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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It's a great idea in theory and is proving to be much more complicated in the programming, especially for someone who is still at the bottom of the learning curve.

Sounds like you're putting a whole lot of good effort into your feature-rich system. PHP can do a whole lot but you're getting into things that require more power than I believe PHP was designed to do. Most specifically, it is cumbersome to mesh business logic with display (html code) and incredibly difficult to maintain. 80%-90% of all work involving software is maintenance.

I'm certainly not trying to dissuade you from your chosen toolset, but perhaps you can utilize some of power of using compiled languages such as C# or Java to assist your project, as well a design which includes modeling your data entities (i'm a firm believe in model-based software design)

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What kind of security tools/protocols/standards do you know? What kind of system development do you do?

CISSP #41138, I'm not a developer, but do network and system architecture work.

UNIX/Windows, Cisco, etc.

Something with a DZ view would be nice, k, THX!


Those that have not jumped can not understand
Those that have jumped can not explain.

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It's a great idea in theory and is proving to be much more complicated in the programming, especially for someone who is still at the bottom of the learning curve.

Sounds like you're putting a whole lot of good effort into your feature-rich system. PHP can do a whole lot but you're getting into things that require more power than I believe PHP was designed to do. Most specifically, it is cumbersome to mesh business logic with display (html code) and incredibly difficult to maintain. 80%-90% of all work involving software is maintenance.

I'm certainly not trying to dissuade you from your chosen toolset, but perhaps you can utilize some of power of using compiled languages such as C# or Java to assist your project, as well a design which includes modeling your data entities (i'm a firm believe in model-based software design)

I know that php isn't the best option, but it's what I'm working with right now. I've fairly knowledgeble in html and wanted to get into the php side of things. I've been hosting a php/mysql message board on my home based server for some time now and just upgraded our club's site to a hosting package off of the schools servers. I may not be explaining very well, or maybe haven't encountered the problems yet, but from what I've seen php do or asp for that matter as well, I should be able to build the front end of things using a combination of html and php. It will require some work to keep it up, but that's the best way to learn. I have trouble learning from books, I have to break it, tear it apart and then put it back together again to fully understand it. that's why this process is taking so long, that and every night I can't sleep and just think of more ideas to make the system better.
<--- See look, pink dolphins DO exist!

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Sounds cool.

Lemme know if anyone needs a security architect/systems dev guy.

What kind of security tools/protocols/standards do you know? What kind of system development do you do?

13 years of too much to list. I like playing in *nix land because its fun. I own all security, business assets to system particulars. In a nutshell, I secure it, I monitor it, and I work with federal agencies if you try to break it.

For software I work with developers to ensure that security is included in the initial design so as to avoid an ugly and brutal bolt-on effort sometime later once you've had your first intrusion or two. Some of that is basic dev techniques, some is less basic secure design principles.

Others out there with an interest will understand what I mean when I say that everythign in life is just a system, once you can recognize a system you look for ways that people would exploit it, then you look for ways to defend against that exploit. Ad nauseum. Anything, buildings, systems, cars, even people, are vulnerable to exploitation. Some of the best security hacks dont even involve technology.

TV's got them images, TV's got them all, nothing's shocking.

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And then you guys will need me with my statistical/actuarial background to analyze the data for you...for reasonable consulting fees of course.B|

Certainly participating DZ's could upload the statistical data from the app to a central server if they allow. What kind of interesting questions might you ask the data? How many AFF students make it to A license? How long does it take the average student to graduate? How many average levels are repeated? How many tandem masters does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Interesting possibilities, but the data would be there to query....

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I have built apps 3 asp, asp.net both built on SQL for DZ's.....
I kinda gave up on pushing my App when i thought i was giving up programming....
I'd have to dig through my stuff, but i bet I have a bunch of backend stuff that could be used.....

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I jump to get away from this crap!


I always used to say that if you didn't have the Love, then you shouldn't be a professional programmer.

Unfortunately, that was when I was young and idealistic. I still love to code, or I would - but doing it for a living for a decade has sort of beaten all the fun out of it - which is why I need skydiving now, I guess.

So, it's not a total loss.

(Or I could take my young self's advice... I need an alternative career now so I can go back to loving code - any ideas? Still gotta fund the jumping somehow.)
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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I always used to say that if you didn't have the Love, then you shouldn't be a professional programmer.

I only program about a week a month, I have so many things on my plate I get a lot of variety.

I think I would go insane programming 40 hour weeks.:S Then again, I would go insane skydiving for 40 hour weeks too. I need every day to be a little different to keep my short attention span happy.;)

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Unfortunately when hobbies become careers they lose much of the allure.

I've met many mechanics who drive junk cars...

Thankfully for me I never really coded for fun (except game programming, always loved that - but its not what I do for work atm) so work isn't so bad.

Arianna Frances

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inreply to:"Others out there with an interest will understand what I mean when I say that everything in life is just a system, once you can recognize a system you look for ways that people would exploit it, then you look for ways to defend against that exploit."

Do the people who set up sites such as DZ.com ever use the information for deviousness such as potential victim recognition? or touchy info spreading? like as in extortion? like as in how much will it cost to shut me up about such & such?

I was told recently that some of these sites have secret access points that unlock special features.

I've seen such "special features" popping up on rental DVD's as well .(I just love freeze frame and slo-mo) I found a series of only slightly hiddden icons in a movie ( background stuff on a single frame) which when played on a computer gave access to a new page asking for a password and giving me several thread choices. I couldn't guess the password and it locked me out from further access.

The movie was a bit wobbly and I thought the secret access point may have opened up a "snuff" type bonus special features for those in the know .

Any clues?

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