
Learn to pack!

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Ok, I'm sending this out to all you rich ass skydivers who don't know how to pack your own chute.
I'm a poor packer who has been broke for the past 4 months trying to get my A license. I work my ass off to jump. Even though I have my A, jumps don't get cheap till you got your own gear. Here's what pisses me off.
Someone comes to the DZ, just off student status, and has at least 5g in new gear. Then comes and asks me to pack it while I'm slaving away at student gear. It would be different if he wanted me to pack because he just wants to socialize, or he is being nice enough to offer me the extry money. But ohhh nooo, he wants me to pack because he don't know how. Hell, if ya gonna have your own gear, KNOW HOW TO PACK IT.
Just my opinion though, what do y'all think?
-So how hard is the ground?!

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I agree! I have a friend who has 60 + jumps. She is just now getting comfortable packing for herself (she still rents gear). I think that you should always pack for yourself as a newly licensed skydiver, just to gain confidence in your packing ability.
It scares me that my friend got to 60 jumps with so few pack jobs!!!

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hey, if you don't wan't to pack there rigs, there is nothing in the sky diving book of rules that says you have to. i don't pack my own rig, although i can assure you i can, and do from time to time. it's really no big deal. a lot of people i jump with let the dz packers do it for them, so we can socialize, and review video while were waiting on the next load. to have to jump, and pack, and try to make 8-10 jumps a day, in my opinion, that takes the fun out of it. for those that do pack there own rigs, kewel. but you shouldn't be angry about it. we have a couple of packers at our dz that were packing before they started jumping, they learned to packed, packed through the summer, now there on student status. just a thought, have you ever thought that a lot of sky divers let packers do it to help them out? by the way, i tip my packers, i don't know about everybody else. if we go by what your saying, i guess we shouldn't eat at resturants? or have our cars serviced at a dealership? lighten up my man, it's all good!
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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Actually, I agree with you completely. I don't think I conveyed this very well with my original post. Your situation doesn't bother me at all and I appreciate the extra work when I get a chance. However, its the people that don't pack there own chute because the just don't know how that upsets me. I hope my position is a little clearer now.
-So how hard is the ground?!

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I think you missed the fact the Chros isn't pissed that they don't pack, just that they don't know how!!
He even said that they are having him pack not becuase they are helping him out or want to socialize, but because they haven't learned to pack their own shit. That is where the danger and scariness come in!

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Ok, I'm sending this out to all you rich ass skydivers who don't know how to pack your own chute.

Okay, lose the attitude, honey.
I ain't no "rich ass" skydiver. I bust my balls working at a high-stress job so I can do my four or five jumps a month. I researched gear for a long damn time before I found a safe, used rig I could afford. It didn't cost no 5K either.
And I don't pack for myself.
First of all, I TRY to learn. Believe me. I own manuals and the Pack Like a Pro video. I've taken three, count 'em, three packing classes from riggers. I've gone to skydiving friends' houses so they can try teach me to learn to flake that thing and get it in the bag. I practice all the time.
Here's why I'm so nervous: I had two reserve rides in my first 20 jumps. I'm just not comfortable doing it myself yet. And until I am, I'm OK with paying a packer I trust to do it for me.
Personally, I'd rather people pay packers than do a shitty job on their own gear.
Alex wants to see you bleed.

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I got my boyfriend pack like a pro its a video that teaches you how to pack. It's right now on back order but from what he has heard its really good. If you want the site where he got it from let me know its cheap too about $20, and tell the little rich boys to stop being lazzy butts and get their butts in gear..and dont worry i know how u feel I wanna jump but can't..hopefully i'll be able to do my first tandem this month in 2 weeks and counting!!!!!!!
How high? So high that I can kiss the sky! :)

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My girlfriend, pol0grl19 (I love you babe!!) ordered for me pack like a pro. I am doing this so i have the video at home and practice packing so as to save money for jumps, because I am a student and only work part time. Every once in a while, ill give to a packer for him to make some extra money.
And yes for our anniversary i am giving my girlfriend a tandem jump. In about 2 weeks, she wont be a whuffo anymore.
Skydiving is not a sport, it is a way of life!
Omar B-24801

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I learned to pack from that old ass video too! It was hard as hell... I had my rig opened up in my living room with the container dangling behind the back of my couch and the canopy stretched out barely fitting in the space in front of the fireplace... I had one hell of a time keeping a finger on the pause/play button and one on the lines!!! Have fun...
"pull high! It's lower than you think..."

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Sorry for any packers but i have to pack every rig i jump. I still rent my own gear so the first jump of the day is packed by a packer and they usually do a great job but i like to know just how everything is on every jump and if anything happens then its my fault i took the packing class at the DZ and they taught me pretty well .....

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Well, I am not a rich-assed whatever it was you said. I wish I were (the rich part, at least)....
I pack. I had to to get signed off so I could get my A license. But I don't pack well. I am struggling for two hours to get the stupid chute into the stupid bag, and then I wonder what I forgot, so I get too scared to jump it. And if I do jump it, it opens in like 1200 feet (NOT an exaggeration - that happened once)......I happen to be renting gear at the moment, because a) I haven't decided what gear I want, and b) I can't afford gear just yet. I am also still renting a huge 210 Spectre, and I swear they give me the wrong bag (too small) every time.
So, it is worth it to me to pay a packer (that I trust, and that knows what they're doing), and once I am more confident in my skydiving skills and malfunction recognition and correction facilities, then I will practice packing faster, better, and so forth. But until then, I will pay for a good pack job, and after a good, safe day, I will also tip my packer (never had a reason to not tip him, btw).
I know how hard they work. I watch them. And I know how some people treat them. And I respect and appreciate them (and you, too!) for being able to pack for me, so I can get my ass in the air, and go flying, even though I am a weenie packer......
Just my .02, though.
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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My future wife is not a jumper, she has done some tandems but doesnt want to jump..( Yet!)
I taught her how to pack and she has gone through instruction from the chief instructor for NSW and now has her packer 'B's.
She is now packing for most of the people at my dropzone who can afford a packer. She is even been asked by instructor to supervise newbies pack jobs.
Before you say...yes I still pack, but only when forced!!!
Freemind, freesky, freebeer, freefly, freesex

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It was hard as hell... I had my rig opened up in my living room with the container dangling behind the back of my couch and the canopy stretched out barely fitting in the space in front of the fireplace...

Yes! And that cheesy voice over...and every time that rigger turns, looks at the camera, and speaks, I laugh so hard I drop the canopy...
Alex wants to see you bleed.

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I'm the friend that has 60+ jumps and is just now packing on a regular basis.(I'm still renting gear) I have explained it before.. but here's how I feel about it.. I just was NOT comfortable packing yet. The packing class wasn't offered until my 35th jump.. I packed about 5 times that day step by step.. no whole one time packs.. came back the next weekend and packed again, except nobody was around, except for quick questions. I would have been more confident to have those next 5 pack jobs assisted during the whole pack. When you first start packing, you don't realize that everything doesn't have to be perfect. Then to have someone different every single time give you "new tips", nothing was feeling reassuring. Finally, last weekend i just did it from what i knew. it opened fine.. and yes.. i packed all 7 jumps last weekend. and i will continue to pack. I agree. everyone should know how to di it, but I also don't think you should just do anysort of a shitty pack job becuase your feeling pressured. I'm the one who jumps it, and If I don't feel confident, that's what should matter. It does not effect a single other person there (other than the packer) if I didn't pack.I'm safe in the jump and that is most important.
And.. please.. be patient. we APPRECIATE THE PACKERS!!! I KNOW I DO!!!

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Youve finally found us on web.. This is a fun site and keeps me occupied until the weekend.. Isnt packing fun I think it makes the dive so much better, knowing that whatever you just packed has to open then after pulling that ripcord waiting to see what on earth is going to happen.i.e.. line twists, on heading , a back breaker.. its all part of the dive..

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I absolutely hate to pack but I'd rather jump more than pay a packer. Personally, also, i like to think that it's ultimately my responsability. Of course, I say this till i can afford to jump, eat AND pay a packer all at once. I'm also an enginerd (well not yet) and i will invent a machine to do this someday.....

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Boy.... arent there a lot of sensitive p[eople out there! Then again, I think the original post was a bit...mmmmm... "aggressive" one could say?
I guess I have to agree in general terms...
I've been to a couple of boogies where some of the participant of our groups could not pack themselves (not "they rather have a packer" or"couldnt be bothered with the hot sweaty job", they just couldnt pack at all...)
Please learn! It was frustrating for them and us when they couldnt do 2 quick loads back to back cuz their packer was too busy, and we either had to wait for them, or have a smaller formation!
Muff 914

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I can only say that I feel that packing is not comfortable, yes it is not a good thing to do in the hot summer or in the cold winter but, I never pack my chute -with my mighty 15 jumps- silently without talking to others. If I have any questions or anything to tell it is a good time to share something during packing. The other thing I feel mor safe with the chute I packed of course with the supervision of my instructor -ALWAYS-. Maybe in the future when I will have my own gear
and I would have 7-10 jumps a day I would ask somebody to pack my chute but just because of the time issue.
In my skydiving club I talked to a ex-military guy who has at around 4000 jumps. When they had some joint exercise with the Soviets in the 70s or 80s, here in Hungary. A Russian officer arrived with 30!!! chutes -for himself- and said shall we pack them in the night and jump them in the next day or two. They packed them and jumped, although they could have asked any private or any low rank poor guy to do it.
This guy said also that nowadays he is very dissapointed to see that anybody can do an AFF or static-line course without even knowing what he is wearing, how is it looking or how to pack it. I agree with him because when I had my first jump and course/training I would not jump with a chute that somebody would put on me and say jump with this son. I felt safer when an instructor and me packed my first chute not for jumping but for packing practicing, she was telling me every little step and explaining that while opening this line does this, this goes here, this goes there. Finnaly before my first jump at least I had an idea what a parachute is.

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I was paying packers until after my 70th something jump. Reason being, I just had not gotten around to learning. An at first I was not confident enought to try packing.
I am much happier packing my own, you get to learn more about the equipment. You have more money in you pocket!
Majority of packers I have used have been good, but I have had a few funky wee openings. Therefor I'd prefer to have myself to blame when the canopy opens off heading (ahg)!
As for the new kit thing. I sympathise. I've seen lots of people do Cat8, Cat 10 and get new kit, back to back. And I've seen some people double my jump numbers in half the time (wonga $£).
Its 14 months since I started skydiving and I still dont have my own kit........... Should not be long now tho :)
I think its hard for the majority of us for the first year or so.

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