
Top Ten Bitches For Today

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>:( should have been out of here 5 minutes ago but now i'm dealing with morons.

drinking will happen in 55 minutes or i'm going psycho on their asses! :S:D

Dealing with Morons...You mean us lot or your customers?

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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10) My lower back always hurts
9) My wife and son are still on vacation, and I had to come back early
8) I have to fix a sprinkler head tonight before my grass dies
7) My diet started today
6) My motivation to work anymore today died an hour ago

Umm... I got nothing. How about on the positive side...

1) I just found out I'm moving from my cube into my own office
2) I've got the house to myself tonight
3) I actually feel better because I'm eating better on my diet
4) I'm almost ready to leave work
5) My Cypres arrived today
6) This is an "on" weekend for jumping
7) I had a good workout at the gym today
8) I got out to see a movie in the theater last night
9) I've got a DVD rented for tonight
10) I've got a steak waiting for me in the fridge for dinner tonight

11) I feel better about my life after reading everyone else's bitches :P:D

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10. I just mistakenly ate a big dollop of Dave's Insanity Sauce instead of just the tapatio sauce.

I'd write more but I'm bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose and the hole where my tongue ring was before it melted out.

That is truly a bad thing. Occasionally, I will think of something that I was very scared of when I was a kid and then intentionally do it just to see if my fears were justified. For example, one time a did an intentional belly flop off a diving board after jumping really hard on it several times so I would get maximum height. Yep. It belly flops really DO hurt. Didn't hurt my belly, though.

A couple of months ago I decided that I would down a tablespoon of Dave's Gourmet Insanity Sauce.

Where the fuck to they get that "gourmet" thing, anyway?

For the first few seconds, I thought. No big deal. After that, my abdomen started feeling like what I would imagine to be a combination of acute appendicitis, a shotgun blast to the abdomen, a really difficult childbirth, and that guy in Alien who incubated the alien in his abdomen.

It was beyond bad. Way, way beyond.

I was grateful when the nausea started. I figured if I threw up, then there would be nothing left to cause the intolerable pain. WRONG!!!

When I threw up, some of the crap splashed up into my right eye and started it burning really bad. The burning in my mouth, abdomen, and eye didn't subside for hours.

I won't do that again!!!


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Bring that sauce here...Try and get a huge fucking tablespoon of wassabi i mean a fist size dont just swallo it chew it and swill it round your mouth.....hehehe Wash it down with beer ahhhh good times:)

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Man its the best buzz ever seriously, you can only do this after a few beers but man it should be illegal...Only problem is the morning after cold toilet roll needed:)

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Damn Lisa you used to have more jumps then me!!!!

It's about quality, Dom, not quantity. :P

I have excellent excuses for not jumping a lot in the past twelve months. Besides, I'm averaging almost 10 a month right now - that's like almost 120 a year.

Why so many when I'm constantly broke, you might ask? Cuz they're FREE! :D

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10) Intel just cancelled the J3 line of FLASH and I have to redesign this thing to work with P30 FLASH.

9) Our test department can't find any scope probe adapters. It's been three months so far.

8) Our department is trying to save money by not having cookies at meetings any more.

7) Our IT department. Enough said.

6) They just built a building right in front of my office and blocked my view of the ocean.

That's about it.

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1.5 Oh yeah and I don't even have anyone to call baby much less someone to miss. I suck.
;):),,You can call me BABY and say u miss me.. I miss you
If there are no trials in life,how will u know what is really imprtortant
luv2liv,,,SUMMOOO 1


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3. I realized that all my "friends" suck
2. I realized that all my "friends" should kiss my ass
1. I realized that all my "friends" are only around when they want something


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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10) Our court date (divorce) just got postponed....AGAIN. This time it's because the judge is very, very ill, so I'm really not bitching about it....just disappointed because I am so ready to be able to move on. It could be much worse. Prayers to the judge and her family....

I don't think I have anything else to complain about. :)

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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10. I cant decide where to ride my mountain bike today
9. I cant decide what bar to go to today
8. I cant decide what bar to go to tonight
7. I cant decide what to do tomarrow
6. I dont know what day it is
5. Am I supposed to be some where
4. what is this thing called work
3. where do all my neighbors go in the morning
2. why do these bills keep showing up
1. do I program my coffey maker , or just make it when I wake up tomarrow

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okay here is my list.......

1. i don't have a set schedule at work so i can't plan on when i'll see my special someone next
2. my car is a mess
3. i need a hair cut
4. i miss righty and lefty
5. see number 1......

actually today was pretty freaking good.... worked 4.5 hours got paid for 8... can't beat that!!!! andi got to see a friend that i hadn't seen in like 5 years.. so it was all cool....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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