
How do you feel about revenge?

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Know in your heart that what goes around really does come around...and that person will need to duck..(don't give them the heads up on that one though);)

Bad JuJu..begits Bad JuJu...Period...Just does.

...and you don't need to do a thing...except wait with a smile of satisfaction:)


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I've come to realize it isn't about me. Most often when someone does something unfortunate, it's because they have issues of their own to deal with, or simply had misplaced intentions. I let it go.

Don't Fuck with me Keith - J. Mandeville

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inreply to :'Let's say someone hurts you or someone close to you very badly.....do you let it go or do you get even? '

There's an old asian proverb that goes a bit like "he who does nothing but waits on the bank of the river will eventually see his enemy's body float by."

in our modern reality this can be translated as "don't worry ..if YOU don't do anything THEY will end up picking the wrong victim...":P

There is nothing more satisfying (as regards revenge) than being that wrong victim. We're still legally allowed to defend ourselves ...so far.

Be ready ,be game and you get to watch karma work through your hands.:ph34r:

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If the 'offender' acted with malice and intent and if your revenge strategy is legal, then revenge is usualy worth it, IMO. If you fail to act, then you may be perceived as a soft target for future similar acts by the same person or by others.

Comparing it to the justice system; if you're robbed and you report the crime and the suspect is arrested and convicted. You may feel a sense of 'closure' and satisfaction at the verdict and the justice system will claim to have 'sent a clear message to the community'. It's little more than state-sanctioned, bureaucratic revenge.

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Never take the Karma into your own hands.

I mostly agree with this and most of the other posts that advise moving on and don't waste another minute thinking about it. Karma will eventually catch up with wrong doers.

However... sometimes Karma just needs a little nudge to get the snowball rolling into an avalanche. ;)

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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There is a chinesse saying that goes like this:

"A man need never revenge himself; the body of his enemy will be brought to his own door."

I have to say that this saying, in my opinion is really true, since I have experince it many times, ofcourse I haven't seen them death or anything, but is strange when you let it go, in the future you always hear how they can;t skip their karmatic payments.

Danger brings fear, but fear... brings more dangers.

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Let's say someone hurts you or someone close to you very badly.....do you let it go or do you get even?

Get even. It may be your cosmic responsibility to be Karma's instrument in giving them what they deserve.. If you don't heed that calling, you may be inviting bad karma on yourself.

Like Tonto said, that's just transfering the karma to yourself.

Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

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I think that sitting around waiting for Karma to do the job for you is not only just as bad as those who actually seek out revenge, it is also lazy. If you really think revenge is in order, get to it, don't wait around for some mystical force to handle it for you.


I like Beans

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but is strange when you let it go, in the future you always hear how they can;t skip their karmatic payments.

Yup, but sometimes you need to give the karmatic debt collector an address! ;)
Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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Sure, it's not the politically correct thing to say, but I don't have any problem with revenge. Rather than trust in karma, I'd rather be karma.

I do certainly find that there are ways to go about revenge. The first rule of revenge is that it needs to be determined whether the act for which you are seeking vengeance was itself revenge over a past misdeed. In my younger years I did some things worthy of revenge. If that misdeed done to me was itself vengeance for a past act, then the slate is wiped clean. In fact, I would find myself having respect for those who paid me back for something I did. It made the relationship more friendly when I took my lumps. It's the way it should be.

The second rule is that the revenge should also be equal to the level of the act for which vengeance is sought. Someone plays an embarrassing prank on you? Don't put sugar in their gas tank for that. Simply embarrass them back.

The third rule of revenge is one where it gets more sophisticated and merges with Rule 4. Rule 3 is to tell nobody about your plot or the revenge you just got. It is highly effective if you act like "the bigger man." The mark (the one you are doign this act upon) should view you as friendly and a "let bygones be bygones" person. The point is you need to be above suspicion when the revenge occurs. Nobody (I mean NOBODY) should know your plans or that you did the act.

To be above suspicion, Rule 4 needs to be closely followed. Rule 4 is "bide your time." Be patient. A bad event happening days after you were wronged will naturally lead the mark's suspicion to you. A good guideline is to wait a year. Seriously. A year. Probably more and maybe less (never on the anniversary of the misdeed).

Waiting a year will also let you determine whether the vengeance is still necessary. Maybe karma already caught up to the evil-doer, in which case more pain and the vengeance you planned will violate Rule 1. If during the interim the mark has encountered some seriously rough times, the vengeance will be particularly harsh as opposed to other times when it would have been proportional.

Sure, I may sound like a bad guy for saying it. But I also believe that most people, whether they admit it or not, would get revenge if they thought they could get away with it.

Don't let the evil-doer get away with it. Often times, without your affirmative act, the evil-doer will get away with it scot free. As I said, don't trust karma. And also bear in mind a fundamental rule of human nature - you simply can never forget where you buried the hatchet.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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my mom always told me that you get more with honey than vinegar - not to say i've never wanted to "get back" at someone - but she's right - its a great way to lay the guilt on someone without coming across as the bad guy - and it makes you feel better cause you're really not doing anything wrong - it just really screws with someones head
"life does throw curveballs sometimes but it doesn't mean we shouldn't still swing for the homerun" ~ me

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I always get more upset on behalf of someone else than I do for myself...

I always hate seeing this mentality. Noble, it sounds, to put others before yourself... but not when it contradicts the notion that all are created equal... or the motto "Do unto others as you would have done unto you." if you subscribe to it.

If you can "let it go" then you can "let it go". Changing your mind about this because someone else is victimized does noboby any service.

I present that you'd be doing better if instead you said:

someone hurts you - let it go
someone hurts someone close to you - you should let it go and hope this close one can too. If they cannot, assist them in doing so.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I'm neither noble nor equitable. If you hurt my dear ones, I will LAUGH when you fall on your face. If you hurt my dear ones badly, I'll kick you while you're down there. I might feel bad later, and that's my karma to deal with. :|

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I'm neither noble nor equitable. If you hurt my dear ones, I will LAUGH when you fall on your face. If you hurt my dear ones badly, I'll kick you while you're down there. I might feel bad later, and that's my karma to deal with. :|

Yeah yeah... Thanks for the warning.
(I guess I'm lucky I treat others the way I wish to be treated.... and thusly would never find myself delliberately hurting your loved ones... giving you no reason to be so uptight.)

Aaaaanyway. [:/]

My 'vote' is no.

Vengeance is no better then the act you are trying to make right in the first place.

If you ever find yourself thinking you are doing karmas work, you are sadly mistaken. Karma, if you subscribe to it, is a law of nature. We do not have conscious parts to play in it.

Defending a loved one from harm is one thing but getting "pay-back" on their behalf is quite another. Anyone claiming they would seek revenge for a loved one... should check themselves for true motive.

No evil deed is done for good reason.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I wasn't talking to you personally, silly goose.

And I DO treat others as I'd have them treat me - with acceptance, respect, and kindness. And if anyone hurts me, I'll look and ask for any explanation before believing it was malicious. I've always done that. And I've been hurt maliciously before. Yet I've never taken revenge on anyone.

That said, I get really fierce when it comes to my dear ones. I just do. I've never taken revenge on anyone's behalf either. I just feel more enraged and inclined to do so...

What I've posted is my true feeling on the matter more than anything I'd ever do.

It's very zen and enlightened and all that stuff to just let hurts roll off like water off a duck's ass, but I'd be a hypocritical liar if I didn't own up to what I'd really want to do. Lucky my superego is intact. :|

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I wasn't talking to you personally, silly goose.

And I DO treat others as I'd have them treat me - with acceptance, respect, and kindness. And if anyone hurts me, I'll look and ask for any explanation before believing it was malicious. I've always done that. And I've been hurt maliciously before. Yet I've never taken revenge on anyone.

That said, I get really fierce when it comes to my dear ones. I just do. I've never taken revenge on anyone's behalf either. I just feel more enraged and inclined to do so...

What I've posted is my true feeling on the matter more than anything I'd ever do.

It's very zen and enlightened and all that stuff to just let hurts roll off like water off a duck's ass, but I'd be a hypocritical liar if I didn't own up to what I'd really want to do. Lucky my superego is intact. :|

Yada Yada Yada!!!;)

Revenge is sweet!!!!
Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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