
Remote Control Parachute Plans

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I'm looking at trying to make a small 6' RAM Parachute for dropping from an RC Plane. I looked in the previous posts and there is only talk of ones that can be purchased. I have an OLD chute that I will give me loads of material to make one of my own......But I need plans to build one with! Any help or directions on where to try to get some scale plans? I'm not looking for industry secrets just a RAM chute that will carry a guy and look real!!!! B|

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id imagine if you decrease the size of everything proportionatley equal you could get pretty close.. wingloading would be an issue as well, figure out the square footage of your wing and weigh your "guy" about the same to start, there will probably be a considerable amount of trail an error tho..
steering lines will probably be a pain as well..

you could maybe use a parafoil kite if somehow you could use a servo to move a small weight from left to right under the wing loading one side or the other more...(a two line kite anyway...)

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Yeah I thought about using the whole Kite thing but I have all this Material to use up and I'd rather build it.

I have all the other things worked out....Pilot chute, Container, Dude, Risers, All I need are the plans to make the RAM chute. You are right about the R&D to figure out how to best fly it and at what weight but I am trying to get my young Daughters into more exciting things than playing with their Barbies when they could be flying them....;)

An OLD bag design would work for what I need to do. Nothing fancy just something that will work.

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I have some experience building stuff. Matter of fact, I built a number of things similar to what you want to do.

What you have ahead of you will be a BIG pain in the butt. That is if you are talking control of the ram air system and not just dropping it and having it float down. Considering your interests in RC my guess is that you want to actually control it.

Your biggest problem won't be related to the canopy it will be related to rigging and control mechanisms. Even the slightest asymetrical tension will create a turn. If your control servo system isn't built properly you'll not be able to correct the line-length differences.

My questions:

1. What type of control mechanism?
2. Size of aircraft from which you'll 'launch' the unit?
3. Method of deployment and packing?


If you are going to go to all the trouble, plan for a bit more weight and add a digital camera. Have a jumper deploy your system at jump altitude and fly the thing with camera system attached from the ground.

Cool idea...but what a pain in the ass to get it working correctly.

See some of my stuff: http://aicommand.com/Personal.htm

Good luck. Send me a PM if I can help in anyway. I wish I had the time!

I am not DB Cooper

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I'll PM you. I am planning on dropping it from my 1/4 scale Piper Cub with a 10' wing span and about a 10 lbs load. It will be remotely controlled and I'll have a 12 or 13" "guy" It will be a wood frame like a person that will house the radio gear and each arm will get the servo so that when actualed the arm will drop and the breaks will induce a turn just like on a Real rig. There are many people out in Holand who have been able to make these work but they have gone comercial and like I said before I hate to buy something that I can make!
How are you involved with the Mk-79s on your web page? I'll PM you later on.

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Ive been thinkin bout making a powered parachute with a parafoil. Probably going to encounter the same problems with stering ect.



I am sure that this is NOT what you want, Someone to show you what you are trying to build and saying that you could just buy it.....But just in case.

I am trying to make my own jumper from scratch as well. I'm going to have head out to the Local DZ and take measurements. [:/]

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