
Harry Potter: HBP (Spoilers thread)

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Nearly 27,000 posts, and contemplating re-reading children's books. Man you got way too much free time on your hands.

Right now I have a decent amount a couple days a week, not for long though *fingers crossed.*B|
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Really insightful stuff Tom. When I saw R.A.B I thought the same thing. It has to be a Black relative. Would she be that obvious. Then again reading the HBP it pretty much pointed to Snape being the HBP. The book was in his previous office, the spell used on Draco was pretty evil and Snape was there and cured him in the nick of time.

I think Draco is pretty much dead. His only purpose was to get the Death Eaters inside of Hogwarts and Draco did not kill Dumbeldore, it was Snape who finally did the job. He has no more use to Valdamort and remember Dumblefore said to him that Lucious is better of in Azcabhan since he gave away one of the Horcruxes. Maybe the Malfroys have served their purpose to Valdamort.

I think you are on to something with your Dumbledore theory though. On a side note. Now that Dumbledore is dead all his protections spells are gone too, even the one for Privet Drive.

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I'm not so sure about Dumbledore's protection spells. I think the one on Privet Drive lasts until Harry turns 17. It seemed important to Dumbledore that Harry return there one more time. And I feel that Dumbledore expected to die over the course of the school year. Everything he did and tried to teach Harry was in preparation for his death. I don't think he'd make such a point of Harry returning there one more time if the protection spell wasn't there.

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Glad to see there are other skydivers reading the book. I can't even get my wife or three kids to read the books. There have been some excellent speculations brought up. I will have to reread the book again to gain further insights. I too feel Dumbledore is going to have some impact upon Harry Potter and Voledemort even in death, most likely just because he left valuble information behind for Harry, maybe at his Aunt's house. Draco is going to have some deep thoughts if he realizes the Dark Lord does not really care about him or his family, I agree that he will still be evil just because it is in his upbring from his father.

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*keeping my eyes tightly shut so I don't see any spoilers*

Just popping in to say that all you super fast readers who devoured book six so quickly suck!!! I'm only on page 17 and I started yesterday!

I'm thinking....stretch it out until book 7 is ready for pre-order.

Must...delay...crying over whoever dies....as long...as possible.

Please, return to your discussion, move along, nothing to see here, just a chick pouting cuz she doesn't have enough time to read the book as much as she likes!
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Not buying the whole snape and dumbledore private in the head conversation.

Doesn't fit the story that the dark lord is less powerful legimens than snape. If he is spying volly would know, surely!!!

But remember, Snape is a very powerful Occlumens as well.
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yeah, and on the roof theyd both be trying to speak to each other, not to hide thoughts from each other.

like that idea, guess well just have to wait and see, or i might just head round to JKs house and ask her, we both live in edinburgh after all! :P

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so what about the idea that there is only one more book????

As I gathered, each book would detail each year of Harry's Hogwarts experience...

Now that harry has stated he's not coming back for his seventh year - does that open the possibility for a running series despite what JKR has said?
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I was thinking the very same thing but I think she has publicly stated that there would only be 7 books. I think what will happen is that the OOP will tell harry that Dumbledore would have wanted him to complete his education and Harry will continue his new crusade will attending classes. Sort of a part time crusade if you will.

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One concern I had was that in the HBP Harry is told that Voldermort used his Uncle's wand to murder his father, yet when Harry faced Voldermort in the duel all the people who had been killed with Voldermort's wand came out of his wand - one of which was his father.
Is there a reason for this or just an oversight by the author?

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One concern I had was that in the HBP Harry is told that Voldermort used his Uncle's wand to murder his father, yet when Harry faced Voldermort in the duel all the people who had been killed with Voldermort's wand came out of his wand - one of which was his father.
Is there a reason for this or just an oversight by the author?


Voldemort used HIS uncles wand to murder HIS father, not Harry's father.

and as far as I can remember, Voldemorts father did not come out of the wand.
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Sorry - I meant Voldormort's father and when he came out of Voldermort's wand he was the one who said something along the lines of "I always thought he was a wizard" But if he was killed using Voldermort's uncle's wand then he should not have come out of Voldermort's wand.

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Tom - Is your analysis from a Harry Potter fansite or your very own? It's pretty darn good and fills in some thoughts I was wondering on. I pretty well agree with all the points as it ties in nicely with how she writes. I think I'd like to do a full reread more critically now that the book has become a better story now rather than just the Hardy Boys series with magic.

But I had some goofy ones too. I thought the potions book was Lily's and it was for her son HBP = > Harry B Potter (I don't recall if we ever knew Harry's middle name). But I did think that Dumbledore wanted Snape to cast the spell instead of Draco and they were 'talking' via legilimens. Still think Snapes a good guy and conflicted, but not in his mission, though. He'll be the biggest hero in the end and it's almost required he die when Harry realizes the truth.

If there are several Horcrux's that could be a book per Horcrux. It could take a while.

open items will define the last couple books

1 - Wormtail is indebted to Harry - That hasn't happened yet

2 - Ron and Hermione haven't got together

3 - Ginny - not fully resolved

4 - Malfoy must still have a role to play, it seems his part in this book was a subtly hiden confict even to the point of confiding in an, albeit, dead, mudblood. He will come out on one extreme or the other - I vote good guy in the end (that would tie up every single person Harry hates on a personal level - wormtail/snape/draco - into a common role of unwilling/reluctant/willing supporter of the final conflict)

5 - I have more - anyone else want to add?

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Still think Snapes a good guy and conflicted, but not in his mission, though. He'll be the biggest hero in the end and it's almost required he die when Harry realizes the truth.

I disagree with this one because of the conversation Harry and Dumbledore had during one of their private lessons - where Dumbledore admitted that his mistakes would be huge and most costly. I'll have to reread to get the exact wording. But when I read that, I immediately thought of Snape. He's a motherfucker to be sure. IMO of course ;)
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Harry's middle name is James, after his father. :)Interesting idea though... ;)

no, it was dumb. The book was a student's, lily was a student long before she knew she would have a kid, etc.....Had I though of it more clearly, Snape would have come to mind much more easily.

Still think Snape will be the good guy when it washes out.

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Snape is a great character. Very conflicted and complex. I do think in the end he'll prove instrumental in Voldemort's downfall.

Draco Malfoy isn't nearly so complex. He's just a mean spirited spoiled child. No way he's going to turn "good" by book 7, but he *might* find himself running from the Death Eaters and needing the protection of the Order of the Phoenix.

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Snape is a great character.

I totally agree - I even love the way he's acted in the movies by Alan Rickman.

I used to think he was really a good guy in disguise, but I no longer believe it. No matter how deep undercover, you don't kill your companions - that's just wrong. Snape is evil, in my book.

I also don't believe the theory of Dumbledore having a horcrux - I think it was described as a terrible thing by Dumbledore, because you have to split your soul, and I don't think Dumbledore would stoop that low.

But I was certainly wrong in my guess about who the HBP was (I think we all were :P), so I know I could be wrong about these things too.
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I agree about the horcrux. Dumbledore wouldn't commit murder, nor would he split his soul while he was alive. But if there was another way, if he could have sent his soul into something while his body was dying, knowing what was at stake, I think he would have done it. Of course he made it pretty clear that he didn't think death was something to fear, and that Voldemort's fear of death and dying could be his greatest flaw. So who knows?

And I agree, Alan Rickman plays Snape perfectly. All in all, I think the movies have been very well cast!

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