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joooooooooshhhhhhhhhh!!!! bp's don't understand turtle power!!!!!:P
i keep trying to click on these people, but that site it locked down. they don't want me in at all :(
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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:D You're the one who said you were starting a 'pretty people only' country, remember? We were going to set something up to where your pretty people would be allowed to work in my country.


Don't do that... I might not be able to run for president of this country. :D
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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ok yall here is the deal,

right now I am awaiting validation from the sites moderators, then the little darling members that view my profile will be able to rate me, and then I will discover if i gain audience with the beautiful people or not. There are two things I would like to be remembered for, Shoving a kids ice cream cone into his face, and then yelling "YOU FUCKING REMEMBER ME!" and shitting on all the coats at a party, this winter, and being pretty has nothing to do with either one of those:D

Ahh, what a wonderful world.

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Crazy! I've met 'attactive' men, that once you get to know them..for some reason the looks seem to fade as their personality / ego reveals it's ugly face. Inner beauty never fades.

I call those the please keep your mouth shut or your ruin the fantasy kind of men. :P

So I was thinking I should send Derek's picture in, he is good looking and in increadable shape, but I'm wondering if the base jumping picture might be to much for them to handle. :D
Fly it like you stole it!

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Hmmm...I don't like the idea of such elitism, but I don't think you'd be rejected Andrea. I'm so ugly they would look at my picture, laugh, and then send hitmen out to steal my tequila for even applying.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Thanks for the compliment, Vinny. I think the site is ridiculous though. I've always been attracted to the regular guys who have developed their personalities a little than just the pretty boys.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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regular guys who have developed their personalities a little than just the pretty boys.

You forgot men like me who are adonises, and yet have a profound soul and deep knowledge of the world.

Appologies for the spewed pepsi on monitors all over the world.

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'if' you get approved, then you have this:


It is completely free to upload your picture and profile. If you want full access to all the features on the site Subscription costs are as follows:

2 Days: $8.00
14 Days: $20.00
30 Days: $25.00
90 Days: $70.00
365 Days: $260.00

I guess it costs a lot to be 'beatiful'. :S

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'if' you get approved, then you have this:


It is completely free to upload your picture and profile. If you want full access to all the features on the site Subscription costs are as follows:

2 Days: $8.00
14 Days: $20.00
30 Days: $25.00
90 Days: $70.00
365 Days: $260.00

I guess it costs a lot to be 'beatiful'. :S

Yep. How many "beautiful people" achieved or maintained this "beauty" without medical assistance?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I've taken a lot of time and made a lot of effort at becoming a tequila swilling JACKASS. Let's see one of those pretty boys try and drink tequila like I do! Ha! Wussies.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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gotta love how 3/4 of the pictures are professional photos. either they are all performers (headshots needed for auditions) or like so many on the internet, they are stolen pictures.
"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Kierkegaard

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Hi cudlo

Wouldn't expect anything else :o it's the internet.

Someone had a good idea the site is being discussed on T.V. and if enough of the "chosen" ones get accepted and pay their dues:S someone is going to make some money;):ph34r:


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While I understand that lovely girls (in all definitions) can go dateless because guys think that they don't have a chance and so don't ask. My gut reaction is that a girl that posts herself on beautifulpeople.net is looking for dates on richdude.com
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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i submitted my picture now i have comedy clubs and lipo suction clinics pming me WTF I just want to be accepted>:(

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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Thank you for submitting your application to BeautifulPeople. We are sorry to inform you that your application was invalid and that it has been deleted due to the following:

Sorry, our minimum age is 21

We hope that you feel like creating a new application-profile. If you do so, please keep in mind the reason why this application was not approved.

Best regards
BeautifulPeople Network

My bolding, not theirs. If they'd allow (encourage?) me to lie about my age, what other lies have they allowed other people in on? :D:D Hey, the bright side is I have 4 months to work on becoming beautiful! This is my new goal in life! I will be accepted by beautifulpeople.net!


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on the site Subscription costs are as follows:

2 Days: $8.00
14 Days: $20.00
30 Days: $25.00
90 Days: $70.00
365 Days: $260.00

I bet once you sign up you'll be told that the others think you are VERY beautiful!! I love the idea! Its a gem! Bunches of people (target demo: elective plastic-surgery patients) will pay to get sucked-up-to by a web site!! "Hey you, you are sooooooo beautiful. Wanna buy another month?" :D Wish I'd thought of it. ;)

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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Hey, the bright side is I have 4 months to work on becoming beautiful!

Uhhh, if nobody has told you lately that you are beautiful, let me be the first:

Skyspire, you beeeeeeeeeeyooooooooooootiful--no work needed!!!

While I'm at it, same goes for ALL the dz.com chicks!!!


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