
Is Cutaway worth the rental?

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I used to survive on that movie when I was 18 and couldn't jump after I did 2 static lines:D. Watch it so you can say you watched it;). I like the fact that everyone lives at the dz and it's kinda like a hippie commune, complete with drugs:D

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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yes, the skydiving scene in Fandando is by far the best; however, she was specifically asking about Cutaway:P

I'm a HE, damn it! I'm Old Testament prophet who was bestowed a double portion of the grace of my predecessor, Elijah, who can bring down Fire and Brimstone on yo' ass biotch!:)

Now that that is out of the way, yes I was more interested Cutaway.

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definitely. yes, it's totally hokey as far as the plot goes, but what movie doesn't blow the subject matter all out of proportion? you even get to see bill booth, movie star, in action! on top of that, it's fun as hell to pick it (and any skydiving movie) apart on technical points.
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
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Yes young skydiver . You must learn great movie quotes to be well rounded at the bonfire.

Turbo died because he jumped for the wrong reasons.

How can I still be a Padoine learner if I can't jump right now?! [:/] This sucks! I'll prolly have to go back now to 'Ewok' status...>:(
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Absolutely rent it. I bought it and watch it all the time. Awesomely horrible movie.


Sometimes, awesomely horrible movies are some of the best...like Napolean Dynamite and Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

Update: Friggin' Blockbuster doesn't carry it!!!>:(>:(

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Why rent it when you can own it for a about the same $$.

"He wasn't fast enough...So we killed him."

And, okay, read this review! Someone -really- liked Rodman in the movie! :^0


And how do I own it for so cheap?

When I bought it at Virgin Mega Store it was only $4.99 (and this was their regular, not sale, price).


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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...for the skydiving that is.

I saw the trailer in Skydiving movies and it looks like there is a lot of cool action, even though the acting may suck. I liked the skydive in Point Break.

It sure depicts an original way of nailing a Mr Bill... I wonder if someone will try that one at Rantoul this year.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Why rent it when you can own it for a about the same $$.

"He wasn't fast enough...So we killed him."

And, okay, read this review! Someone -really- liked Rodman in the movie! :^0


And how do I own it for so cheap?

When I bought it at Virgin Mega Store it was only $4.99 (and this was their regular, not sale, price).


I have no idea where one is...maybe in the City 50 miles away?

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I have no idea where one is...maybe in the City 50 miles away?

Your profile says "California", but no DZ is listed. Don't know -how- close you are to where I am. ;)


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I have no idea where one is...maybe in the City 50 miles away?

Your profile says "California", but no DZ is listed. Don't know -how- close you are to where I am. ;)


Northbay. I'm trying to be on the downlow in case anyone from my home DZ recognizes me...probably not good enough, but oh well.

Update: I found another video store down the street where I'm registered that has it and will hold it until 10 tonight! Yes!

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"And how do I own it for so cheap?"

We recorded off the satelite for free and watched it at the DZ on a rainy day. This was before it was even available for sale.

It sucked so hard (for whuffos anyway) it went straight to the lifetime network.

My favorite part was when Redline and whatsisname are having a chat on the tailgate with no rigs on.

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"And how do I own it for so cheap?"

We recorded off the satelite for free and watched it at the DZ on a rainy day. This was before it was even available for sale.

It sucked so hard (for whuffos anyway) it went straight to the lifetime network.

My favorite part was when Redline and whatsisname are having a chat on the tailgate with no rigs on.

No no, Cooper had his rig on, Redline's was further forward in the plane :S
cavete terrae.

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