
What is your ratio of # jumps/# posts ?

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# jumps / # posts
less than .5
.51 to 1.0
1.01 to 1.5
1.51 to 2.0
more than 2.0

This is just a personal observation, and maybe I'm waaayy out of line... but here goes.....
Now, I don't post so much, but I try to diligently read my favorite forums every day. I am amazed at the amount of expert advice I see coming from people who have somewhat limited experience in skydiving. When I started jumping, if you had 200 jumps you were considered an "Expert", but nowadays, I say that <200 jumps is still borderline whuffo.
What is your ratio of #jumps/#posts ? I think a number greater than 1.0 would be a good thing.
George Galloway
"newbie" who has been active in skydiving for 30 years

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George, yup, I'm the 2nd in line for post numbers, but I have 120 jumps. The overwhelming majority of my posts have been community stuff, hanging around the bonfire after the beer light type stuff.
As for advice, I post what I know, which isn't much as of yet, but I try to help as best I can. Many of the posts are ended or started with a "this is what I think, but double check/ one of the more expeienced guys help me out on this one" type lines. :)Oh, and once this damn college student induced poverty goes away, I'll rectify my ratio as quick as possible.
A human cannonball, I rise above it all
Up higher then a trapeze, I can fly

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839 jumps, 12 years in the sport, one kid who is one reason I have so few jumps/number of years jumping, 5 1/2 years selling gear full time which is another reason I have so few jumps/number of years jumping (how come this industry pays so bad?!?!?! Riddle me this, Batman), one back surgery that took me out for a year and a half which is another reason I have so few jumps/number of years jumping, 4+ years instructing S/L, 114 tandems, senior riggers ticket...
2700 posts, moderator on two forums. So my ratio isn't real good by your standards (.31) - but I work for two of the "top names" in the sport and I've been lucky enough to meet, jump with and hang out with some other "top names." I may not know as much as some people here, but I know more than some others who have more jumps than I do. I have made a lot of posts partly because I can post from work - not everyone has that luxury.
Okay, I'm done defending myself. :)pull & flare,
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Apparently, he doesn't!
When he finds out, it might be a great "remove foot from mouth" episode!! hehe
I don't want to answer the original question because I don't try to give advice on here about skydiving, except to say "talk to your rigger" or "talk to an instructor" or something. As with any newsgroup, we should take what is being said with a mental note that it is just someone's opinion and may or may not be correct.
I have WAY more posts than jumps, but I try to just post about interesting things, like poop chutes. :)There is a lot of valuable information on this forum, but it has to be sifted through and evaluated just like info. you receive from some people at the dz who think they know everything.
Wasting away again in Margaritaville....

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George --
The thing about the ratio is it doesn't take into account idle chit-chat. There are a lot of folks here that ask good questions, some give good advice and a lot of others pretty much just chit-chat. Some of these folks are handcuffed to keyboards pretty much all day long and well, chit-chat with other skydivers is sort of preferable to banging one's head against the cubical. :)For the record, 1041 jumps and 995 posts before this one. Hopefully, more good information than not, but a LOT of idle chit-chat.
By the way, what are your favorite forums? I'm sure nobody would ever mind you jumping into a thread with your advice!

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Yeah... lets see for me: 298 jumps:2558 posts. I'm most the way through getting my riggers ticket, just need to get a few more pack jobs. Just got out of college in October and did'nt start jumping till May of 2000. If there was no such thing as winter in Ohio I'm sure I would be closer to 600-700 jumps. I've read everything that I can get my hands on and reviewed hours of video of canopy flight and canopy proformance to gain a better understanding of flight. I've grabed books on fluid dynamics to understand wing designs better. So yeah while my profile is showing nothing I've got a lot of experience and knowledge that I'd like to try and pass along. The best way to learn new things is to teach right?
Now if I could ditch my desk job, pay off the student loans, and move out to a dropzone or get my riggers ticket and get hired by a gear maker.... life would be great for my jump numbers.
If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will....

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The thing about the ratio is it doesn't take into account idle chit-chat

And those cubical walls can be very hard on the head :) I would guess that 99% of my posts have been idle chit chat. There have been a few times when I have offered my limited experiences to help others that are new to the sport where I can directly relate. I have never tried to offer my opinions as expert advice (excluding off Skydiving topics) and to be honest, when I do post seriously, it is usually a question that I do not understand and would like to know more about...
I've got to stop wishing, got to go fishing, I'm down to rock bottom again....

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Lets see...this is post # 7677 I think. I have 173 jumps. So, I don't know shit about skydiving and still make plenty of mistakes every time I jump. I have studied hard though and try to only comment on MY EXPERIENCES. I know what works for me....YMMV. :)"It's all about the BOOBIES!"

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shiiiit.....I have to do 18 jumps and post NOTHING until that's done! Right...this is me OVER till I make 18 more jumps.....arse.....God...better make this a good post then....But I got nuffin to say....Erm..Okay...It'll take me about 2/ 3 weeks to do 18 jumps if I go hard out.....so until then....SKREAMER YOU ARE A FAGGOTY GAY TOSSER AND YOU SHAG SHEEP! Adios doooods x :)

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Excellent idea. Was trying to think about some "performance" type rating for this forum. Thought about your ratio and considered multiplying it by "Years in the sport". With an Engineering degree, I think you can break down anything into numbers. Like the other night, I had sex that was definitely a 10! Unfortunately, that was on a 50 point scale.;) 971 jumps, 628 posts. 1.546178 Posting Index. My goal: 1000 jumps before 1000 posts.

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Ratio of over 100 (one hundred) jumps to posts.
I have enjoyed every one of 2570 jumps, over 29 1/2 years. Counting this one, I have 22 posts. The Forum is excellent, every jumper should check
it out from time to time. Keep learning....keep sharing what you've learned.

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My ratio is .375 aprox.
I have an A license, yet D qualified.
Most of my posts mean something but nobody knows what. There are around a 1000 of them.
If people want to have a ratio of jump #s to experience / knowlege.
It reminds me of my brother - super high IQ and dumb as a door knob.
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Anyone want a Kitten?

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1600ish jumps / 62 posts
I have noticed the same thing, but figured that was why the profile was so easily available, so you could evaluate a a post based on the posters profile and give it the appropriate weight... new jumpers can have some interesting insights too, but all should be careful about from whom they take advice, in person or on DZ.com.

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465+ posts. 650+ jumps. 4,500 hours flying. 2,500+ hours flying jumpers. IAD JM. No Rigger Ticket but 4 saves. 17 Tandems as TM.
I like talking around the campfire too so I guess my posts will exceed the jump numbers sooner or later. I'll have to quit posting then I guess. Ahh well.
Chris Schindler
No need to pull up my profile.

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