
What is your ratio of # jumps/# posts ?

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You always have some bizzare ass question. What is the deal?

Well, I don't know about that but maybe you're right. :)In this particular case, Ann, I guess you have to know the person to understand the question.
I come from a fairly structured background both in life and in aviation. In my 5-day-a-week life, qualifications actually do carry some weight. If a person tells me she went to the film school at USC, then I know what that means and I have a pretty good idea of what they've been exposed to in their training. In my previous weekend life as a flight instructor, if somebody said they had an instrument rating then that too meant I knew they had done certain things -- if they said they had a CFI, then I knew they had done even more and as a matter of fact, I would know precisely that on a certain day in front of a certain type of person, they had demonstrated their abilities to a certain level. No question about it.
Now, please understand I'm not saying this specifically about you, but I have heard people say the D-licensed qualified thing before, but without them actually holding it -- how do I know? As a matter of fact, the statement draws attention to itself and sort of makes me suspicious.
Ok, by now you're probably asking yourself, "what the freekin' difference does it make?" Well, maybe to you it doesn't make any difference at all, but to me it says something about a person's level of commitment and what they think of achievement.
On the other hand, just because somebody says they have certain qualifications, doesn't always mean they do. I recently got a resume from a guy that claimed he was an editor for the first four seasons of South Park. Well, you knew I was going to check that one out if for no other reason than to chat with the guys over at South Park. Yep, I guessed correctly, they'd never heard of the guy.
Not only that, you'd be amazed at what some people try to pass themselves off as. My favorite is when some yahoo walks into the Bomb Shelter over at Perris wearing a SEAL Trident tattoo on his arm -- pretty much a dead give away he's NOT a SEAL, but he says he is!!! The fun part is watching the real SEALs that jump there get in his face for it. They call it stolen glory and real SEALs take it pretty damn seriously.
So, anyway, if you're qualified, why not just get the license?

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So, anyway, if you're qualified, why not just get the license?

Why not? Why should I? If my current licence lets me do everything I want to do and I have no plans on getting a instructors rating or competeing then upgrading is kinda pointlesss other then personal reasons huh? If someone respects me less or don't trust me since I never bothered to upgrade (Like you upgrade to a new camera everytime one comes out....) from a C to a D, then its no skin off my back.
I would have never got a licence in the first place if I did'nt plan on leaving my home DZ...
If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will....

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Like you upgrade to a new camera everytime one comes out....

Actually, in my 5-day-a-week professional life, it's critical! Producer's have a tendancy not to hire folks with old technology. You'll find very few freelance production camera people out there shooting with tube cameras!
As for my weekend camera flying, if everyone was switching over to a new format, you bet your ass I'd upgrade to stay competitive. That's just smart.
Anyway, that's a different topic.

If someone respects me less or don't trust me since I never bothered to upgrade (Like you upgrade to a new camera everytime one comes out....) from a C to a D, then its no skin off my back.

I guess. It'd be interesting to know who has the most jumps and still only has an A. What do you suppose their jump numbers would be? 500? 1000?
Just out of curiosity, would you ever consider getting an AD? Or maybe the new USPA 3-D award?

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>Just out of curiosity, would you ever consider getting an AD? Or maybe the new USPA 3-D award?
If provided my skill level ever gets to that point and there is a need/ want for it.... I would consider it. Just the same as if I ever decide to become an instructor... I'll get my D.
I'm the kinda of person that procrastinates ANY time I can... I gguess this is another example huh?
If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will....

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"The D license usually only shows up for the pro ratings and instructor stuff.
Or if you want to compete in a USPA sanctioned comp... "
Okay, I'm coming in a little late folks so bear with me.....
D licenses are in my experience extremely useful things to have, eg at competitions as stated earlier, they're also required for FAI world records and suchlike.
However they are the most use when you are travelling, my old home DZ (in Scotland) for example has two landing areas, one for D license holders, and another (futher away) for everybody else. DZ operators are more likely to let you do your own thing, jump with anybody you want to etc, if you have a D license. Otherwise you may end up doing endless 'evaluation jumps' every time you show up at a new DZ. Which, if you need one, is probably not a bad thing.
In short, a D license is kinda like a skydiving passport....My UK D license has never been questioned or challenged at any DZ I have visited.

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This is my 139th post and yet I'm the lowliest. I have jumped out of the same porter over the same cow pasture a mere nine times. Close to getting AFF behind me. I'm pretty damn thankful most of the users on this forum don't recognize me as a whuffo, I know my instructors don't. I posted one day about the quality of the individuals in this sport as opposed to the balance of everyone else and how that is one of the things that draws me to skydiving, that and and the thrill of leaving an airplane at 13k. I've had my bouts with billvon and quade over various things, but never on skydiving. When it comes to that, I just listen and learn. I enjoy the chit chat with them and other people that I personally look up to. I wish I had over 200 jumps, but one thing I know . . I will oneday. :D

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Resurection for fun.

I think the most impressive is billvon on page one...

+1000 jumps +17000 posts
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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