
My First SkyFest Experience

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And, no...I don't owe beer - that debt has been paid in full many times over. :S

I arrive in Texas knowing that Turtlespeed has arranged for me to be picked up at the airport and get a voice mail saying that Thanatos340 wasn't going to be there and that he was still sleeping and that I'd need to rent a car. :o hmm...start to look at the car rentals and ask directions on how to get there and Wade (Aggieland packer) agrees to rescue me from the airport. (Thanks, Wade!)

Wade shows up, and we have a nice conversation while driving to Spaceland. Turtle came out and gave me a hug. Get to see KatieBear and give her a hug...see Chuckie (SkyMonkeyOne), GQ_Jumper (grabbed his ass as promised :D;):D), Jumpergirl, and....and...and...I met so many DZ.commers that I'm not going to list everyone's name as I'd forget someone's name/DZ.com name and feel very guilty for doing so. :$ Got a ton of hugs and snuggles. B|

Started jumping and as I was coming in for a landing after having jumped with GQ_Jumper, a photographer was taking my pic on landing and took quite a few. Man...I apparently am concentrating very deeply while landing. :$:D:$ I found out afterwards that it was our very own Namgrunt that took the pics. Thanks to Namgrunt for the photos.

Next jump was my SCR jump. Thank you, upndownshop, for the ticket. It was a very sweet thing to do. :)
Next jump was Jumpergirl's 400th jump as well as SCR jump for GQ_Jumper and a few others as well as one or two working on their SCS. Had a blast in the air playing with friends, again, and then had to land. Came in to land...landed...took a step as I needed to walk out the landing and my foot went into a hole. Fell to my knees and heard a pop B|. Nothing like hearing it through a full face helmet...I'm still trying to convince myself and my body that it was just like cracking your fingers and was just air being release...yeah...errr...ummm....[:/] So jumping for me was done for the weekend although I waited until Saturday to admit it to myself.

Party a little bit Friday evening at the tent and then need to call it a night as I can't stand any longer...my knee was killing me. GQ_Jumper was a total gentleman that evening and gave me snuggle time after having offered his bed to me (great snuggler...helped to soothe my hurt ego and prevented me from being a total girl and crying :$)...and no, you naughty peeps...he was a perfect gentleman to me. :P (Not sure if I should be disappointed that he was a perfect gentleman or not. :P;):D)

Saturday show up at the DZ and spent some time yapping with people. Violated a canopy >:(:$:) - and yes - the girls (4 of us total) have pics of it - although I haven't developed my film yet. (Can you imagine the look on the film developers face as he sees the pics? :D) By the way...did one of you peeps win the Batwing? :) Spent some wonderful time yapping with CSpenceFly (and yes...I'll try to get to the next RoamingDZ at Dublin) and Shari and Thanatos340 and....and...and....:D Got a ton of cuddle time as well. Hey ladies...Thanatos is a snuggler and a really good snuggler as well. ;)

Got to see the multi-point POPS jump - there's nothing more beautiful than a formation gone right and the canopies in the air. Congrats everyone on that!!! B|

And then comes the evening....the dreaded SCR ceremony. Shari and I go buy our beer - the cheapest we can find - and keep it in the car to keep it warm. Yeah...well...that was the plan until Larry informed us that it had to be cold or else it'd be worse. :| Well...I don't want it any worse than it has to be so we...errr...let me rephrase that - Shari and Thanatos - go and get the beer and put it in the ice. [:/] Uh oh.....

Got to watch the gorgeous FireFlyTX do her fire dance. Damn, girl...I don't swing that way, but you have a gorgeous body. Brains...noice one. ;) Oh...by the way...any suggestions on who can teach me to dance like that up here in WI? :)

And then it's time...the dreaded time...the SCR ceremony. I get to sit on a chair since my knee is screwed up, and I can't kneel. I'm given the opportunity to postpone the ceremony but figure that I'll go through with it now. And...errr....yeah...beer is cold...so is ice. Beer in the eyes sting...beer feels like it burns skin off...have I ever mentioned that beer stinks? :S At least my hair is nicely conditioned today. My jumping shoes got permanently retired after the ceremony. They were so full of beer and mud that even in the morning, they were still sopping wet. :S:D:S

After the ceremony, one of the guys is very sweet and selects a beer can for me to keep, takes the chair I was sitting on, and helps me back to the tent. Thank you! I get back to the tent and am so freezing cold that I'm shaking. Shari and I decide to call it a night as we realize the time. We need to shower but need to get up early as I need to get to the airport early on Sunday.

We get back to the hotel, shower (individually - you pervs :P), get into bed and fall asleep instantly. Alarm goes off and we get ready and she takes me to the airport. Thank you so much Shari for the ride. It's appreciated.

I had an exhausting time at SkyFest but would do it again in a heartbeat. It was awesome meeting everyone, jumping with the few that I got to jump with, getting all the hugs and snuggle time. Man...skydiver's rock!!!! I'm definitely going to attend this boogie again. :)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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get a voice mail saying that Thanatos340 wasn't going to be there and that he was still sleeping and that I'd need to rent a car.

I swear I thought he said you were coming in Saturday Morning. All anyone had to do was call me and I would have been there. Sorry for the Mix up.


Violated a canopy - and yes - the girls (4 of us total) have pics of it

How the hell did I miss that??;)


Thanatos is a snuggler and a really good snuggler as well.


It was Nice to finally meet you. You are always welcome to share my Love Sac!!;)

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hi cora!!! you should have introduced yourself as ladyskydiver. i would have known the name then :)
>have I ever mentioned that beer stinks? At least my hair is nicely conditioned today.
hmmm i only got the mud treatment:P

btw- thanks to guys for bailing me out! and a HUGE thanks to upndownshop!!!!!:$
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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I swear I thought he said you were coming in Saturday Morning. All anyone had to do was call me and I would have been there. Sorry for the Mix up.

No worries, hon. I told you I was going to give you and Clint grief about it online. I was just keeping my promise. :D;):P


How the hell did I miss that??;)

We made sure most everyone did miss it. Although we did have some students and an instructor come in as we were peeling items off and then had to change rooms. A tandem ended up walking into the other room we ended up in so I'm pretty sure that he'll stick around even if he doesn't continue jumping. :D:$:D


It was Nice to finally meet you. You are always welcome to share my Love Sac!!;)

It was nice to meet you as well. Awww...you're so sweet. ;)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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you should have introduced yourself as ladyskydiver

I did if someone mentioned DZ.com or I recognized a face. If someone looked familiar, but I couldn't place them, I didn't mention my DZ.com name...and usually ended up with them coming up and saying hi. :$


hmmm i only got the mud treatment

I got the mud treatment as well as the huge ass mosquito treatment. Those damn bites are still itchy. :S
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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It was good to see you again Cora at Spaceland! The beer light was on by 3:00 Sunday when the real storm came thru! The landing area after that one passed was almost a lake. Hope that knee is better today. Amy got hauled off to the hospital Sunday afternoon after crashing down on top of Tom Jenkins
back during a hybrid dive.The video was painful to watch! See ya again soon.

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It was really great to meet ya - definately have to look into getting a love sac for future use......
Hope to see ya at another boogie soon!

Live Life, Get Paid and Get Laid!
If you touch it.....it's your responsibility!!!

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It was awesome meeting you girl. I wanted to jump with you and GQ so bad on Saturday, but next time I see ya, we will definitely get our jumps on together. I'm so sorry about your knee and hope it heals quickly.

As for the time on the love sac... wish I would have spent more time over there... you give great massages!! ;) I think I professed my love to you as well..:ph34r:

The SCR ceremony is one I will never forget... and you are right after awhile the beer felt like battery acid being poured over me. :o

Working on pics now...hope to get them up shortly...;)

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The SCR ceremony rocked!!!! I did make every attempt to keep you guys from getting too much beer poured on you, but my being a smartass can only get me so far:P
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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It was WONDERFUL seeing you again! I didn't realize how much I miss you until I got to see you. I'm so sorry I didn't get to say goodbye. :( I was so disappointed. :(

I'll post our pics tonight!! B|:)

I can't wait to see you again!!

Love ya!!

It was great seeing you, again, as well, hon! I miss you tons too!!!

Oh, shit...you're posting pics and from a few PM's that I've received so have others. :$

You'll definitely see me for the walk....who knows what will happen in between. ;)

Love and hugs!
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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You're more than welcome from me Cora! It was great meeting you and chatting it up. Glad you made it back safely!

As for me, that was my first SkyFest experience as well, and I've paid my beer debt as well.

And, I will have to agree... Thanatos340 is a great cuddler! Had a great time on the LoveSac! :)

See you at the next boogie!

"I had a dude tip his black cowboy hat to me after I provided him with a condom outside my hotel room at 3-something in the morning." -myself

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I've paid my beer debt as well.

Just think of all the innocent maggots you will get to pour on next year!!!B|:D

>:( <-- 'nuff said. :)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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:D @ the title of the pic
:o I actually like that pic of me

And go ahead and post the bikini pics as long as they don't make me look fat. :D
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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:D @ the title of the pic
:o I actually like that pic of me

And go ahead and post the bikini pics as long as they don't make me look fat. :D

like i said -

i have to find them -
my computer is hogging them and wn't let me see.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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