
Ive got an....

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"A" Lisence whoohoooo
Thank you Scrumpot, Your an awesome coach...
Thank you Gregor for jumping my pre-second pack job, Thank you Lisa for running up and asking me"did you see , Gregor had a mal-function" (Grrrr, I almost cried until she said she was joking) Thank you Gregor, Christine and Scrummy for introducing on accident my first hybrid exit (I was the head down hehehe and it was goooood) Thank you to all participants of "Team Nekkid" And thank you skydive Delmarva for ummm hurricanes, whiskey and THAT band
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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WOO-HOO!!!! ...And a HUGE THANK YOU to YOU too!!! ...For FINALLY on that last dive, actually "working" me ;) Otherwise, you made it SO EASY!! :)

It was an AWESOME time, for sure. You are an AWESOME person LM, and an AWESOME LICENSED SKYDIVER!! YIPPEEEEEE!!!! :)

It was entirely MY PLEASURE, and MY EXTREME, YET HUMBLEST OF PRIVILEGE to have been even remotely involved with, and there with you!


Be careful out there (okay the curmudgeon coming out in me again :) remember, I'm OLD after all :o), and I look forward to seeing you out there in the sky again (SOON, okay?) as a fully licensed, card carrying SKYDIVER for sure.

Pictures to be posted soon! :ph34r:

It was indeed my SUPREME PLEASURE.

Oh yeah, and P.S. ...You make one hell of a sammich too ;) *(that one was for you, Frenchy)!

I am honored (and grateful to have been allowed the opportunity) to call you, FRIEND.
Blue Skies,
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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Soooooo, when are you gonna get some non-girly beer?:)
OTOH, a big Congrats !!!!! to you. Welcome aboard. :D
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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"A" Lisence whoohoooo
Thank you Scrumpot, Your an awesome coach...



Thank you Gregor for jumping my pre-second pack job, Thank you Lisa for running up and asking me"did you see , Gregor had a mal-function" (Grrrr, I almost cried until she said she was joking)

Hey, for a free pack job, I'm happy to be a guinea pig. That was actually about twice as neat as my own usual pack job!


Thank you Gregor, Christine and Scrummy for introducing on accident my first hybrid exit (I was the head down hehehe and it was goooood)

Picture of the accidental hybrid attached!!!


Thank you to all participants of "Team Nekkid" And thank you skydive Delmarva for ummm hurricanes, whiskey and THAT band.

Yeah, what a weekend. Despite the weather we got some great jumps in and had a killer party. It was great meeting you, and jumping and partying with you. Lots of pictures from the weekend are available here.

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"A" Lisence whoohoooo
Thank you Scrumpot, Your an awesome coach...
Thank you Gregor for jumping my pre-second pack job, Thank you Lisa for running up and asking me"did you see , Gregor had a mal-function" (Grrrr, I almost cried until she said she was joking) Thank you Gregor, Christine and Scrummy for introducing on accident my first hybrid exit (I was the head down hehehe and it was goooood) Thank you to all participants of "Team Nekkid" And thank you skydive Delmarva for ummm hurricanes, whiskey and THAT band

Hey nekkid lover. First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS on your A license!! You are a trooper for what you had to go through to get it and you totally deserve every last check mark on that card. Now you can relax and enjoy!

I had a blast jumping and streaking with you, and of course dancing on tables, spraying everyone with the hose, chugging whiskey, jaeger, hurricanes, wine, and beer. At least neither of us can be held responsible for the sink being ripped off the wall ;-)

I can't imagine anything topping this past weekend. ENJOY and be safe when you get back home, but hope to see you at Delmarva again real soon!

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I had a blast jumping and streaking with you, and of course dancing on tables...

Uh... Next time, make sure the memo makes it to SoCal.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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HOLY MOLY< jeesh I thought "what happens at the Drop Zone stays at the Drop Zone" ROFLMAO, you guys kicked ass,

the sink, ahhhhh the only thing we werent responsible for...

my favorite quotes from the weekend are

"I want a divorce" screamed while caveman weeks flung part of team nekkid over his shoulder to carry her to his cave

"I wanna go play in the corn" By me, while drunk, at about 3 amish

"Lisamarie get out of the corn" By Scrummy

and the best quote of the weekend was by Lisa and that was "man that suit is flaming"
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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lol blame the lost memo on the fact that between me and Christine we drank more then a a bar full of drunk rednecks...Ive tried to add it up and it is at the very least

5 huge "Hurricanes"
6 evil chugs of whiskey
Half a bottle of wine
6 twisters
3 inchs of jeager
plus we were nice and got others drinks and well 1 for them one for us...
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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lol blame the lost memo on the fact that between me and Christine we drank more then a a bar full of drunk rednecks...

Liquid Drunk Rednecks is my idea of a good time. Drink'em up, babe!:|

(Then again, the a a part is not very booze enticing...:|)

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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knuckle head???? sigh sniffle lol, and SHHHHHHH lol

Yes Ma'am............:$


HOLY MOLY< jeesh I thought "what happens at the Drop Zone stays at the Drop Zone"

Unless there are stills and video it didn't happen. If there are I'm going to be VERY upset that I have NOT YET received copies! :D

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I cant wait to try it on purpose, It was awesome, what was most funny is I worked to hard to follow the dive flow, I was told dont let go, Scrummy would tap my arm out, lol I didnt let go until he was under me and I was in a odd configuration. Thanks for the congrats all
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I cant wait to try it on purpose, It was awesome

YEAH!!! That's what I'm talking about! Sounds like a new freeflyer in the making at Delmarva. Just what we need! Freefly chicks rock!:D:P

I'd be more than happy to freefly with you any day, just find me at the dz...:)

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