
Fat, Dumb and Stupid....

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Some person put a note on my car at the grocery store saying and i quote "Fat, dumb + stupid is no way to go thru life. idiot."

the worst part is I don't even know what i did....it's not like I cut somebody off and if I did no body was honking. I just don't get it....who the hell would be so angry at life to leave something like that on my car. Yes i am a couple of pounds overweight...and it kinda hurts to get called fat....actualy this is the first time I have ever been called fat. and that really does hurt. but I just hate the fact that some jackass had to put that on my car instead of being a man and just approaching me about his or her issues. I mean WTF is up with the world.

The only person I could think of was a guy that was pulling into and parking in one of the area's right next to a handicap spot that is all lined off. I mumbled that it was not a parking spot....but I didn't even say it loud and the guy driving the thing didn't notice me or at least I didn't think.

oh well...my rant of the day...I'm kinda feeling a tad depressed about it. isn't that odd? how something like this can bring me down three weeks before my wedding.:(:(:(

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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No worries. You're life is so much better than theirs, if that's all they (or he/she) have to do with it.:|

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Perhaps it was a mistake....someone trying to give the note to someone else, maybe even play a joke, and got your car instead.

My huge 1800 skydive on my bumper tends to keep my car a tad different than most....but wish it was all it was. just the note it self seemed sudden...it was torn off from a peice of paper and the ink is all smooshed and stuff. what a jack ass.

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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I wouldnt worry about it. just the fact that someone would rather leave a note then say it to you shows what kind of character they have... sounds like someone felt that they needed to feel like they were better than someone else. I would shrug it off and not let it get to me. fuk em. ;)

ExPeCt ThE uNeXpEcTeD!
DoNt MiNd ThE tYpOs, Im LaZy On CoRrEcTiOnS!

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The note was very mean. >:( The person, who wrote the note is horrid, angry and spineless. Please don't let someone like that get you down, and who cares if you have put on a few pounds? I'm sure that your lovely wife loves you, just the way that you are. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding! :)

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I went to a rest area late at night in nothern Alabama to use the restroom. When I got back to my car there was a note on the windshield that said, "I want to suck"
The creepy part was that there wasn't anyone there except for a family with like 5 kids parked right next to my car. So disturbing....

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Hey, fuck them, don't let that dick bring you down man. It sounds like a raondom act of assholeness. Go home and get a hug from your wife, then laugh at the dick that left the note, since you've got a great family and a successful life.:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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That' was pretty good...:)
Anne's out for the night...so havn't had a chance to even vent to her.


Life is funny. You'll be sitting there, across from an AFF student you think you never saw before in your life. Suddenly you'll recognize the person. It'll dawn on you. It will be golden. "Fat, dumb, and stupid" is no way to go through your grad dive. Now gear up and impress me. :D

Don't worry. If there is one thing I've learned in life it is that the insecure people are the assholes. Never met, but if you're a medic and in love with a wonderful person, you have the world by the tail. Disregard all else!

Bob Marks

"-when you leave the airplane its all wrong til it goes right, its a whole different mindset, this is why you have system redundancy." Mattaman

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So youre ok with the dumb and stupid part of the comment? LOL

if you're gonna go through life worrying about what other people say than at least try to listen to the good things;).

I haven't chatted with you for a while but youre a good guy. don't worry about the note and just go on being a cool dude. someone probably forget to remove the plunger that day:o

EDIT to correct spelling
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Too bad you didn't know who did it. I was usually a very quiet, gentle person, until this crap happened with my chest. I would have written a return note, and placed in on all cars around me stating "I'm a paramedic. Pray you don't get in an accident."

Makes 'em think a bit... [:/]:S
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I would have written a return note, and placed in on all cars around me stating "I'm a paramedic. Pray you don't get in an accident

Knowing marc, that wouldn't matter. He takes his profession seriously and would still work to save the life of the prick. He's a good guy like that.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Oh yea, I know that Sunny, and so does Marc. The point is that the guy wouldn't. Of course Marc would, but making the guy think about what an asshat he was without actually saying it....priceless...
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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