
Do you jump with low-timers?

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Oh and you want to talk about rewarding? I left SD Atlanta for over 1 1/2 years due to employment in the armpit of America. (Cleveland, OH) I come back.........and several people have either surpassed or caught up with me in jump numbers. Job didn't allow a lot of time for jumping. You should see some of the people I used to chase around the sky. They have ALL become right good free fliers. One of them is even on a team now. I have to go dig up the video of where I tried to stay with him when he was learning head down. I literally couldn't keep up with him because he was tracking away so fast. :D:D:D

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Not sure what people's definition of a 'low-timer" is. I think different people have different definitions. And I think it changes. For instance, when I had like 50 jumps I thought someone with 300 jumps was really experienced. Now I have 300 jumps, but still consider myself a low-timer. I guess it's like age - when I was 18 thought 30 was really old, now someeone 30 is a youngster ;).

I enjoy jumping with EVERYBODY! Sometimes I jump with people with new A licences and sometimes with people with 1000's of jumps.

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing ~ Helen Keller

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There's a time to jump with low timers and a time to work on your own skills and jump with people at your level or better than you.

Maybe it's just the folks I know or the loads I get on, but I've found that working with low timers is often the best way to improve my skills. To be honest, I've gotten a little bored with the "dirt-dive 8 times, then get there, dock, wait for people, wait some more, go to the second point, wait" style of jumps. Given the choice between a 2 or 3 point 10 way and a 10 point 2 or 3 way with newbies, the jumps with novices are going to give me a lot more opportunity to fly and a lot less "sit and wait" time. Don't get me wrong, I still like jumping with people who have been my friends for years and do so whenever I get the chance. But those people make life easy on me and I don't have to work very hard, so I'm thinking the skills improvement comes elsewhere.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Like I said, there's a time and place for both and I try to do both. I get a lot out of jumping with "low timers" and I also get a lot out of slowing down and doing smaller dives. But I can also give more to the low timers if I challenge and improve myself on more advanced dives. And I haven't learned all I can from the "dirt dive 8 times, get there, etc." kind of dives you described so very well. (I'm one of the ones people wait for more often than not! :$)

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Almost everywhere I go unless I'm going to do big way stuff.I enjoy helping to new people hopfully keeping some people in the sport.

This is true... I've jumped with Chris... B|...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Newbie myself. But always go up to the new face at the DZ and ask if they want to jump. Sometimes I get the lesson, sometimes it is the other way around. Looking forward to having enough jumps to get my coach rating to help pre A students. I appreciated my coaches and want to share that same high when a student finally "gets it" and flashes that smile.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

You know you want to spank it
Jump an Infinity

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Yep. I love jumping with low-timers. I love seeing the look on their face when they achieve something they never thought they could. I love seeing their reaction on the ground to a kick ass dive.
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> My question for the groups is: how often do you ask how many
> jumps someone has? Thats a question I just don't ask.

I would assume that this is pretty important. For basic RW maybe there's less of a problem but with freeflying there's a significant risk if someone gets low, or corks, or both. As a low-timer, I make it a point to let people know how many jumps I have so they know to expect the kinds of mistakes that low-timers make. Plus, it reminds them to bring a camera to capture the carnage for the xmas video.

Also, because I'm a fatass with fall-rate issues, I want them to know that they're probably going to have to work to keep up. I don't want to end up in an unsafe spot (say, with them directly above me while freeflying) because I failed to mention that I do 160+ in a sit. :-)

[ Yes, I know I need to slow down. Spare me the lecture. I'm working on it! ]

As for the original question, my experience has been that most people are willing to jump with me even though I'm a low-timer and I fall fast. That said, there have definitely been some that weren't interested. I've never pushed the issue, though; hell, it's THEIR jump, and if chasing my fat ass around the sky isn't their version of fun, who am I to say otherwise? I'd rather do a solo and get better so that maybe one day they *will* feel comfortable jumping with me.

"If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough."
--Mario Andretti

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I absolutely jump with low-timers..

This weekend I did 3 AFF jumps.. and a handful of tandem vids..

OK,Ok.. I got paid for those.. but I also saw a guy with 26 jumps getting ready to do a solo and he said after that he was going to pay for a coach jump to do his "A" license check dive..

So.. I went and paid for my slot, and surprised him by asking if I could jump with him and we did his check dive and turned a few points after that.. :)
I also jumped with ballsack, Genoyamamoto and champu on their 500th.. to some people, we are all low-timers.. ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Frequently. However I tend to jump with the type of person that is willing to ask you if you want to jump. Otherwise I'll assume you're doing exactly what you want to.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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>My question for the groups is: how often do you ask how many jumps someone has?

All the time! Taking up five people with 50 jumps each is a recipie for disaster.

Forgive me for seeming ignorant, but why is this a recipe for disaster?? I have only just been introduced to the world of skydiving, and am curious to know what angle you are coming from???
Thanks in advance..;)

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Ironicly, as a newbie I now only like jumping with people who have at least several hundred jumps. I now try to avoid jumping with other newbies, because I have and they just lack any idea. :|

One of my instructors gave me this advice when I got my A - he recommends mixing it up a bit - jump with people who are much better than you so you can have some successful skydives, and see how it should be done.

Also, jump with people who are at or near your level, so you realize how much your instructors and the people who are much better than you are compensating for your lack of experience, so you really know what to work on. I find I'm most likely to have fall rate matching issues when I'm jumping with other newbies. I'm not arrogant enough to think it's (entirely) their fault - I realize it's because the more experienced folks are much better at compensating for my fast fall rate and I need to continue to work to get better at slowing my fall rate.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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you know this is messed up question.... I used to go all the time with low time jumpers and had fun.. but now that i freefly it has become plain dangerous and i try to do it as little as possible. My best friend has footage of a jumper with around 65 jumps dumping while my buddy was RIGHT next to him in a head down... the kid went from sit to belly to dump in like .5 sec. with no wave off.... we explained to him the problems and he was like yeah yeah wont do it again.. so Off on another jump the kid floats on the freefly jump and stays right on top of my buddy forcing my friend to dump really low for fear of opening and having the low timer fly through his canopy...
So I really do like jumping with low timers but as it is at the moment it is just an added danger that is unecessary in an already risky sport...
anybody else have somehting like this happen to them or at their DZ?
HISPA 72 ----- "Muff Brother" 3733

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Well, I'm still very much a low-timer myself, but I know that one of the most important things I can do is jump within my limits, choosing my jumps (and jump partners) carefully.

When I say that I'll jump with newbies, that means I'll do basic, belly-to-earth RW. I'm not going to do more than a two- or three-way with someone with less experience than me, unless everyone else on the jump has a lot more experience.

I am just now playing around with freeflying, so I only do solos. I'm still working on holding a stable sit, so I have no business being in the air with anyone else, unless it's someone with a ton of freefly experience who is good enough to stay the hell out of my way.

I was going out to do a solo sit one day, and had a newly-minted A license holder say "Well, how about if I follow you out in a sit, we'll just do some no-contact stuff."

I politely said "hell no" to that jump and explained why. I know my own (lack of) freefly skill level, and even if he's a total natural, I can't imagine his freefly skills are that good either. I wasn't about to trust him to stay away from me, and I'm perfectly willing to admit that my awareness when I'm freeflying isn't nearly as good as when I'm on my belly. I wasn't about to worry about where another low-timer was.

So yeah, it happens, and we all have to make good decisions about who we jump with and what we do with them.

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