
Tattoo & Piercing Care...All you will ever need to know!

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I have seen a lot of posts about piercings: infections, care tips, likes, dislikes, discomfort levels, etc. Over the years, I have accumulated great advice from some of the best body modification artists in the state of Ohio. Several of the artists I apprenticed are well known from coast to coast as the best in their field. I have had every part of my body pierced at one time or another. Except for the little space abover your nose and in between the eyebrows.

Currently I have 15 and 5 of them are below the neck. Here is just some of what I learned about piercings and piercing care over the past 6 years.

**I'm at college right now and don't have the time to crank out this post in one whole piece. I will be editing to add body parts, tips, etc. so please check back**

PIERCING PAIN LEVELS (scale 1-10, 10 being the worst pain): (This is usually the first question I get when people notice my piercings)

Nipples= 8.5 - 9 Nipples are sensitive, bloody, painful to get pierced. This is especially true for males. On whole, I hear men complain about nipples hurting more than females. This seems to be the inverses of tattoos- males have a better time with tattoos than women. Women generally take piercings better than males. No offense guys, that’s just what I have experienced in piercing people.

Libret (lower lip)= 5 This is a painless piercing and easy to care for. I took mine out because it irritated my gums and started to make them bleed. It was just not comfortable. I know plent of people who have it, love it, and have no probs. Your lip will swell a little but suck on ice cubes and you'll be all right.

Tongue= 5.5
The piercing itself does not hurt. In fact, you can hardly feel the piercing, if you closed your eyes you would never know it happened. This is due to the fact that most of our nerves in the tongue are located on the outside rim. That's why it hurts so damn much when you bite your tongue but doesn't hurt to stick a needle through. The toughest part of this piercing was the next day. Your tongue is swolen beyond anything you have ever experienced before. You will most likely talk like you have a dick in your mouth until you can suck on some ice cubes.

Hood = 4 This is a female genital piercing. This was the easiest piercing I have ever had. Unfortunately, it was probably my last :( The pain was nothing, the healing process is mostly done by your own body and pissing. It is really fun to play with (ask spy38w, he knows;)) and healed up like a charm. I never had pain while it was healing or discomfot when walking up stairs or any of that. **I love this piercing, it is my favorite, mad kudos;)

(traditional location-above)= 4.5
This one is easy kids but a bitch to heal. Can take up to 6 months to a year. Mine was closer to a year. Stick with it though, they are so sexy!

(non-traditional- below)= 7
Hurt way more than I thought it should have. It was a pain in the ass to heal but really fun to have :) Kudos to this piercing!

Ears= depends on location
(These next few are located in the ears)

Inner Conch= 10 The inner conch is the inner "shell" of the ear. This is the thickest cartilage you have in your ear. It is located on the inside of your ear and goes straight down through the bottom.
**This was the worst piercing I received:S>:(. The man who did it had to stand up and push down on the needle (instead of staying seated) because the cartilage is so thick.**

Tragus= 6.5 Tragus : A tragus is the little bump of cartilage right in front of the ear canal. This is the little part of your ear that sticks out and almost covers your ear hole. This piercing wasn’t too painful but you hear every layer of cartilage in your ear crunch; it’s pretty gross. The next day after this piercing, I could not open my mouth all the way to eat because the piercing is close to the face and causes jaw pain. This happened on both sides of my face.

Rook= 6.5 This ear cartilage piercing passes through the upper inner cartilage fold. To many people's surprise, this is one of the more painful piercings- mine healed up nicely and was not too bad. This piercing was first named by Erik Dakota as a shortened version of his first name.


General Piercing care (does not include genital piercings)

Use clear antibacterial soap and warm water twice a day. Make sure you clean the jewerly first then rotate it through your body. You will feel the "crusties" scrape your insides if you don't clean them (note:very painful in nipples).

Do not change jewerly until the piercing has healed up nicely. If you notice your holes getting red and irritated, change to a new hoop/captive bead ring and make sure you clean it and keep dirty hands and other parts off of it for a few days.

The trick to keeping nipple piercing happy is sea salt. You must take extremely good care of these puppies. If you don't clean the jewelry thoroughly, dried blood and bodily fluid will be rotated through your hole along with the jewelry. You want to clean off as much as you can and rotate the jewelry from end to end.

This one is a pain in the rear to heal. Takes a long time but stick with it. Clean this thing religiously, at least twice a day with clear antibacterial soap. Make sure if your piercing

Nothing to it ladies! Just clean with clear antibacterial soap while in the shower and you have a fun new play toy!

Suck on ice cubes, eat popsickles, jello, pudding, anything soft. Cold stuff will significantly reduce the swelling in your tongue. *TIP* take 2 ibuprofin (yes ibuprofin-I can't spell- not advil, I usually take advil and it didn't work when I tried it. Neiter did aleve.) and when you wake up in the morning, the pain will be managable and swelling will be reduced.

After you eat or drink anything, use mouth wash if you can't brush your teeth. Brush 3 times a day to keep the area clean and use Listerene.


**Note: very few parts should be pierced with a
barbell first because they do not leave much room
to rotate the jewelry and really clean the
jewelry. Exception=tongue and below belt

Clean your tattoo twice a day with clear antibacterial soap, a warm wash cloth (use to suqirt water out of onto the tattoo. DO NOT WIPE WITH THE WASH CLOTH), and then use anti bacterial ointment in small layers consistently through out the day until the tattoo begins to peel.

Once the peeling stage begins, use thin layers of scent free lotion. Lubriderm, Neutrogena, etc are just fine. Remember, it's still good to clean your tattoo twice a day even after the peeling begins.

*excess ink may also come off in the form of scabs. Use the ointment to minimize scabs but do not use too much. Be careful with the scabs because they can take ink out of your skin if you pick at them or rub them roughly and they come off.*


If it itches, smack it with an open palm.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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If you go for a 'prince albert' i.e your bell end, you don't need or should use anything.
Your pee will do just fine. And it's all natural!:)

Not necessarily. I used sea salts to clean the jewelry itself.;)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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Although some people are sensitive to it, nothing will clear up an infected piercing and heal it faster than betadyne. Hospitals use it for surgery for a reason. :)

Most of the time Betadyne is used on the area of piercing to clean it at the studio. All piercers use it but ask if you are allergic first. If you don't know they usually wait a little longer to start the piercing incase there is a reaction. More likely than not, most people will be just fine using it. Still it should be aproached with care.

Nice advice!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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If you go for a 'prince albert' i.e your bell end, you don't need or should use anything.
Your pee will do just fine. And it's all natural!:)

Not necessarily. I used sea salts to clean the jewelry itself.;)

Sea Salts always a good thing to use occasionally with new piercings. It is one of the most natural ways to flush your body and clean out your piercing. I would suggest a 20 min. soak every other day - every 2 days for the first few weeks of a new piercing.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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If you go for a 'prince albert' i.e your bell end, you don't need or should use anything.
Your pee will do just fine. And it's all natural!:)

I haven't gotten to my new hood piercing but that is also cleaned naturally. It is however a good idea to use antibacterial soap twice a day. I usually just keep a little bottle in the shower and do it in there. My hood healed up way fast!!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I would do the Tattoo aftercare in a different way:

Try keep the tattoo moist for up to 36 hours after work (depends on size small ones don't bother) cling film is good for this , with a Antibacterial cream layered over it. Don't use anti. creams or solutions that contain any form of alcohol in it, dries it out to quick.

Use a face sponge ( very soft) and wash the tattoo properly ( don't rub excessively or to hard), if you are using antibacterial cream and it isn't washed off the tattoo properly this can still cause infection. Washing properly removes evrything.

Keep applying a cream to it to keep it moist for as long as possible, helps the ink settle properly.

By washing it properly and not letting blood dry on it etc , you help prevent scabs from forming( yes there will be some , but will be only small) no scabs = lesser chance of infection from picking at it etc.

It's good to use a Anti. cream in the later stage with E45 in , helps it heal nicely, although I have always used Savlon cream and this is great. Used to be able to get Nelsons healing ointment which was fantastic (sadly havn't seen it in a while) which had a honey base to it and kept the tattoo moist for a long while, healing properties of the honey in it were great as well, all natural.

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Try keep the tattoo moist for up to 36 hours after work (depends on size small ones don't bother) cling film is good for this , with a Antibacterial cream layered over it.

The cling film should only remain on the tattoo for up to two hours after you leave the studio with it fresh. If you cover it up you do not allow it to breath. This can cause nasty infections in some people because of the inability for toxins to escape and breath through the skin.

After you exercise or anything like that, it should be cleaned and ointment applied. Apply ointment before you exercise to increase the likely hood of it staying moist through out your workout.

Antibacterial cream isn't as good as the clear kind. Again, the cream may fog/dull some of the colors and lines.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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Try keep the tattoo moist for up to 36 hours after work (depends on size small ones don't bother) cling film is good for this , with a Antibacterial cream layered over it.

The cling film should only remain on the tattoo for up to two hours after you leave the studio with it fresh. If you cover it up you do not allow it to breath. This can cause nasty infections in some people because of the inability for toxins to escape and breath through the skin.

From personal experiance never had that problem, always kept them as moist as possible, no infections, no colour degradation, and i've had just a few done.

All to their own i suppose. I've tattoo studios sell all sorts of sh*t creams and ointments which are really bad, and these are the people ho should know best.

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All to their own i suppose. I've tattoo studios sell all sorts of sh*t creams and ointments which are really bad, and these are the people ho should know best.

It really pisses me off when people who own the studios are total jack off's. They will pawn shit off on people that just should not be used or sold to people with new piercings. They are the ones that should know but they also have a bottom line and if they offer the cheapest stuff (most clientel are poor college kids or close to that age range) they will get a ton of business.

I usually stick to scent free, dye free shit and have an alright time. Glad the cling wrap worked for you. Did you use them on large or small pieces? Just curious, might try it for my next big one!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I usually stick to scent free, dye free shit and have an alright time. Glad the cling wrap worked for you. Did you use them on large or small pieces? Just curious, might try it for my next big one!

Fairly big pieces ( not sure what you constitute as big) 1/2 to 3/4 of biceps, half of back, many years back.

Left arm pic has since been completed and looks a lot better than the pic now, don't have an updated one.

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I have to make a slight addition to this one (sorry babe hehe)

Nipples - Painlevel 3475689123745 - I thought I'd been hit by a bus when I had my first one done. I actually got cold sweats and ended up having to go outside the piercing place to vomit.

Tongue - Pain level 0.1 - Can't say actually getting it done hurt at all ... the healing period however ... lets just say my barbell was close to 1" long and my tongue was so swollen you could barely see it. I have to admit, the second time I did it (a boring Sunday evening infront of the TV) was probably a 1.5 worth of pain but no swelling.

I can vouch for the more personal piercings as well. If you are looking at becoming an experience richer, this is for you. I've personally never stopped regreting having it done LOL ...

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If you go for a 'prince albert' i.e your bell end, you don't need or should use anything.
Your pee will do just fine. And it's all natural!:)

The reason you don't need anything to clean it with is cause it doesnt stop bleeding for the first 3 @#$%@#$ days LOL. I'll never have that done again!!!

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If you go for a 'prince albert' i.e your bell end, you don't need or should use anything.
Your pee will do just fine. And it's all natural!:)

Ssss-ss-ssalt? *crosses legs* .. what did ya chase that with, a healthy does of hydrochloric acid????
Not necessarily. I used sea salts to clean the jewelry itself.;)

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I have to make a slight addition to this one (sorry babe hehe)

Nipples - Painlevel 3475689123745 - I thought I'd been hit by a bus when I had my first one done. I actually got cold sweats and ended up having to go outside the piercing place to vomit.


I agree with you, it wasn't pleasant at all, wasn't as bad as wheni had 1 of them ripped, but i was a little drunk when that happened.

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If you go for a 'prince albert' i.e your bell end, you don't need or should use anything.
Your pee will do just fine. And it's all natural!:)

Ssss-ss-ssalt? *crosses legs* .. what did ya chase that with, a healthy does of hydrochloric acid????
Not necessarily. I used sea salts to clean the jewelry itself.;)

Sea salt is soothing and great for piercings. You should however, wait till the piercing has stopped bleeding before using the salt.
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I had my belly button pierced three months ago. I've been cleaning it religiously with anti-bacterial soap twice a day plus spraying Bactine several times throughout the day.

A week ago someone suggested using kosher salt and warm water solution. It's healed more in the last few days than in the last two months.

For my tatoo, a little aloe vera lotion worked wonders.

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I usually stick to scent free, dye free shit and have an alright time. Glad the cling wrap worked for you. Did you use them on large or small pieces? Just curious, might try it for my next big one!

Fairly big pieces ( not sure what you constitute as big) 1/2 to 3/4 of biceps, half of back, many years back.

Left arm pic has since been completed and looks a lot better than the pic now, don't have an updated one.

Awesome Tattoos!
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I had my belly button pierced three months ago. I've been cleaning it religiously with anti-bacterial soap twice a day plus spraying Bactine several times throughout the day.

A week ago someone suggested using kosher salt and warm water solution. It's healed more in the last few days than in the last two months.

For my tatoo, a little aloe vera lotion worked wonders.

I would stay away from the Bactine. The can would make you think it works great for piercings but it has a lot of ingerdients that aren't good for holes.

Try sea salt or what your friend recommended and it should heal faster and nicely:)
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I have to make a slight addition to this one (sorry babe hehe)

Nipples - Painlevel 3475689123745 - I thought I'd been hit by a bus when I had my first one done. I actually got cold sweats and ended up having to go outside the piercing place to vomit.


I agree with you, it wasn't pleasant at all, wasn't as bad as wheni had 1 of them ripped, but i was a little drunk when that happened.

Been there, done that. I had a very hesitant opening (didnt get in the saddle until 1,100 feet) and as I was going to cut it away I grabbed cut-away handle and nipple ring. I needless to say got rid of the ring after that!

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Been there, done that. I had a very hesitant opening (didnt get in the saddle until 1,100 feet) and as I was going to cut it away I grabbed cut-away handle and nipple ring. I needless to say got rid of the ring after that!

Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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I went Au naturel and mine stopped bleeding within 2 hours.
My peircing friend told me nmot to piss for as long as poss as it would be like 'pissin razorblades'
Lying bastard!!:)Maybe we should continue this thread with pics of each others peircings???:)I'll post mine shortly

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I went Au naturel and mine stopped bleeding within 2 hours.
My peircing friend told me nmot to piss for as long as poss as it would be like 'pissin razorblades'
Lying bastard!!:)Maybe we should continue this thread with pics of each others peircings???:)I'll post mine shortly

I'm taking and posting mine after dinner :);)
Tunnel Pink Mafia Delegate

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