
Cell phone question

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Is it possible to go to the message service on a cell phone before it's rung very much (by hitting other numbers or something).

Someone that I really want to talk to in person calls me, and it only rings for about 1-2 seconds and goes to voice mail. When I call to test, it rings a perfectly normal number of times.

At first I thought I was just missing the ringing, but it's 3-4 times in a row now, and I know this person (a contractor) doesn't really want to actually talk to me.

So I'm just wondering.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I don't know about the thing you describe, but mine (Verizon) goes directly into voice mail about 60% of the time. It just seems to not ring at all.>:(
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
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Most likely the problem is with the cell sight that your phone was communicating with. Malfunctioning cell sights are the reason behind dropped calls, calls that you dial but never ring, calls that echo and lots of other things. It is usually attributed to hardware problems with in the sight it self and could be easily fixed of the company you contract with actually gave a shit. Unless you call to bitch about it, the problem will persist. Guaranteed

P.S. The average metropolitan cell sight generates roughly $100,000 a month in revenue. Multiply that by the number of cell sights in that metropolitan area, and you begin to get an idea of the money being made by cell phone providers. The practice as of late has been to hire unskilled labor to fix these sights and they are paid next to nothing. Cell phone companies are making money hand over fist and doing just barley enough to keep their network up and running.......At your expense. For every dropped call, call that goes straight to voice mail with out rigging even when your phone is on, or any other malfunction, your are still being charged.

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Cell phone companies are making money hand over fist and doing just barley enough to keep their network up and running.......

In a world where eveybody wants something for nothing, are you surprised? While each tower may generate 1.2M/y in revenue, what are the costs to build the tower, maintain the tower, maintain the other infrastructure, customer service, billing, etc . . . I'm sure that cell providers are profitable, but I have to wonder if they're really making money hand over fist.

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Having worked in the industry I would have to say that absolutely they are making money hand over fist. Sure the cost of installing an operating cell sight is expensive but they pay for them selves very quickly. Not only that but the effort to fix them when the stop perfoming is usually not that great. Once the system is up and running, normally minor maintenance is all that is required to keep them running properly. Fail to perform that minor maintenance and VIOLA! you get lousy service.
Cell sights are un-maned and operate 24-7. As I mentioned, 1 metro sight in LA will average roughly $100,000 per month. Cingular, recently purchased AT&T's mobil network of roughly 1600 sights through out the greater Los Angels area.
that comes to roughly $16,000,000,0 a month in LA revenue alone. And that's just L.A. I haven't even mentioned cities like Chicago NY and on and on. Multiply that times 12 months and "Holy fucking shit Batman!" That's alot of money
Granted there are over head costs to running any business but if they cant do it with that kind of revenue stream then there is some serious mismanagement or "fuck the customer" attitudes going on
Get this. Inda has better cell networks than the U.S. So does Mexico and most of the rest of the world. We Americans just seem conent to sit back and accept shit service. Did you know that the U.S. is perhaps the only country where the cell companys get away with charging you for incomming calls. Thats right, they get comming and going. You wont find that in Europe. Why is that?
Recently I saw that one of the cell providers was now saying that they would no longer charge for incomming calls and made it sound as if it was some great favor they where doing for the consumer. Yea right whatever

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mine displays an option(ignore call...yes/no) when I have a call, however, on many occasions my phone will ring only once then send the call to voice mail.
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OK, thanks, all.
Maybe I'll call the provider tommorrow to find out.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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