
Skyhook and ADD?

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It's at least to me clear in the harness part of the video how the C.L. works and the rest of the video how the main becomes the pilot chute. Easier said than typed!!!

I understand, but wanted to make it clear. In your first post you suggested that the hanging harness portion of the video made it clear to you how the Skyhook works when it in fact it has nothing at all to do with how the Skyhook works. The Collins Lanyard works without a Skyhook and the Skyhook would work without the Collins Lanyard.
Owned by Remi #?

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True Dat. I really hope we all use our heads and save ourselves, but just in case as soon as funds permit I will be ordering a custom Vector with skyhook and cypres II. Last rig was a Vector first rig was a Wonderhog. Loved them both!! Hey Bill Booth how bout a perminant demo?(Black and Neon Green pleaseB|)


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OK, I'm no grammar nazi, but doesn't anyone else find the title of this thread funny?

I guess that would be one good reason to have Skyhook

"Oh SHIT, time to cut away" *chop* "Now I'd better pull my reser....Hey, look at the pretty clouds!!"

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OK, I'm no grammar nazi, but doesn't anyone else find the title of this thread funny?

Sometimes it's spelling or a typo, but some folks do call them automatic deployment devices (ADD) instead of automatic activation devices (AAD).

I think the latter is more descriptive.
Owned by Remi #?

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