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will ask someone to help with cropping the pics, are you offering to provide the rest? :)

I think you need to get a room! :P

But seriously, you need some sunshine, some warm weather, blue sea, blue skies and hug.

The latter i can help you with:


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Hey Peej,

yeah I know!!! I need all those things along with a Mirage container but I will defiantely take you up on a hug. The blue skies, and sea I will get in Durbs next week!

Thanks as always for being a agood friend!!!!

"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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Thanks as always for being a a good friend!!!!

Hey, you reap what you sow remember? it's your awesome personality that attracts the goodness of others;)

And Fish: Outdoors is ALL good! ;)

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You need.... a healthy dose of friends (beers mandatory).

It puts a smile on the face and distance to the memories.
(Btw jumping and that mirage container will help to


If you woke up breathing, congratulations!
You get another chance.

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