
Where has all the romance gone?

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In this day of fast cars, fast connections, fast planes and instant everything, has romance and love gone out the window?

When last did you do anything for your partner / potential partner that included telling them how you feel and romancing them without the new technology. (Text messages don't count)

Have women become so used to instant life that love and relationships should follow suite?

Have we as women stopped expecting to be courted and are we too quick to enter into and discard of relationships at the drop of a hat?

Where have all the gentlemen gone?
Or has sex just replaced the goodnight kiss?

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are we too quick to enter into and discard of relationships at the drop of a hat?

Seem to be............if it ain't happening this instant it ain't happening and the "In good times and in bad" now only reads "While it's working for me and fuck you if it isn't perfect." :D

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Actually I don’t think the romance is gone...

I think we (men) had to adapt to stay one step ahead of the competition. Unfortunately woman stopped doing exclusive dates. Any other guy with a mobile phone could interrupt any date and do some queue jumping.

When last have you switch off you mobile on a date? For men it’s a question of adapting or sleeping alone. We would like to be more old fashioned romantics but that not the vibes we get out there.

Btw that was an awesome jump that we had Saturday. You touched my leg on every slot we turned now wasn’t that romantic? :ph34r:


If you woke up breathing, congratulations!
You get another chance.

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EEEUUU, about that coach /student stuff.
The last time I had some guy try hang onto me at breakoff and then write romantic poetry about my debrief to him.

Now if you don't try kill me in the sky.....

Thanks PJ, I might take you up on that looking for you thing.:P

See all the good one's are taken!! :(

I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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Actually I don’t think the romance is gone...

I think we (men) had to adapt to stay one step ahead of the competition. Unfortunately woman stopped doing exclusive dates. Any other guy with a mobile phone could interrupt any date and do some queue jumping.

agreed here... some of it is certainly a matter of time and distance.. i will be here one day and on the otherside of the planet tomorrow.. so its ALOT about the time you spend together when you can... which means cutting off outside distractions if you want the kind of attention that leads to romance... i used to write alot of letters when i was a away, something more personal, more physical than a phone call or email, something that you could hold that i actually touched... the physical connections are important i think, particularly when personal time is short.. and if you dont maintain them as well its to easy to get distracted by someone who happens to be 'johnny on the spot'...

even when i thinking of someone far away, are they still thinking of me??

it sometimes gest lost somewhere along the way...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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See all the good ones are taken!! :(

Good ones = ones who commit
Ones who are commited = good ones, by definition.

Self-fulfilling prophecy, I'm afraid.

(So, you need to find one who's not so good and CHANGE HIM!)
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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See all the good ones are taken!! :(

Good ones = ones who commit
Ones who are commited = good ones, by definition.

Self-fulfilling prophecy, I'm afraid.

(So, you need to find one who's not so good and CHANGE HIM!)

ROFLMAO...um yea...right.....going into a relationship expecting someone to change for you. That is just asking for desctruction. Thats not healthy at all....
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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When last did you do anything for your partner / potential partner that included telling them how you feel and romancing them without the new technology.

The last girl i was with, what did we do?
We played putt-putt, rode a ferris wheel, sat on a beach and looks at the moon, kissed her forhead, cut a single rose from my rose bush and placed it on the seat of the car when i picked her up from the airport, held her when she cried.

what did she do?
She left me a couple little notes on my bedside table, called me from Jamaca telling me shes drunk and going to meet a couple hot eruopian guys to hang with, and dumped me two days after my b-day.

I think how you act in life is a direct reflection on how you were raised. I grew up with my mother, never really had an y fatherly influance till i was 15. So my mother taught me everything about relationships, how to treat a woman. there are some good guys left out there.....just like there are some good girls left out there......just gotta find them.
"Professor of Pimpology"~~~Bolas

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Going on a first date with a lady this weekend. Talked to her on the phone yesterday about picking her up, where we're goin and such and she asks if its gonna be "dutch". I was kinda taken aback that someone would think I would ask her out, then expect her to help pay. I dont know, maybe its the norm now but I sure didnt expect that question. I realize it may just be the "norm", and she's just making sure, but WTF happened to dating???

The Dude Abides.

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ROFLMAO...um yea...right.....going into a relationship expecting someone to change for you. That is just asking for desctruction. Thats not healthy at all....

This sound like the old saying, "Women get a man and hope they can change him, men find a woman and hope she never changes."

If one goes into a relationship thinking they can change someone, they've already lost.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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I don't think I know what romance and love is anymore. I thought I did at one time, but not anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I have a ton of wonderful friends, but as far as anything romantic... I truly think I'm dead inside when it comes to that...

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We were all rooting for Missy.

Real funny, you silly French kniggit!:P

Hell, I keep hoping Karen can do something useable with you.:o:D
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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We were all rooting for Missy.

Real funny, you silly French kniggit!:P

Hell, I keep hoping Karen can do something useable with you.:o:D


Cleaning Pepsi off monitor

I am however with Remi...I bid the best of luck to Missy!

Runs for cover
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Hopefully its not become the norm. I've been with my wife for 22 years, 2 dating and married for 20. Romance is an everyday thing, its the little things you do each day that builds to those incrediable moments.

We still date each other today, setting time out of our schedules of work and playing mom and dad to three girls. But like skydiving, if you want to master it and be the best you can be you have to make time for it, as is in dating or marrage.

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If they really like you, they'll be romantic - at least what they would consider romantic. I, personally, have a very hard time being "romantic", but I do my best.

If they really like you, they'll call. They'll find a way to call, unless they happen to be in basic training for the military or something.

If they really like you, they won't have a million excuses as to why they're not available.

Soooo . . . if you really like someone, you'd better not screw up in any of these categories. Because a smart person (which I try to be, but am not always successful) will drop you like a bad habit.

If someone's not even THEIR version of romantic (guy or girl), walk away. For some people, romance is over-the-top, flowers and love letters. For others, it's just the occasional sweet kiss on the forehead. I'm definitely not an over-the-top kind of person (giving or receiving), so I look for the hidden romance. If there's none, leave. They don't care about you. [:/]

The change in the type and manner of displaying romance is a sign of the times, but I think in the past, they just faked it better. ;) I don't want anyone faking it with me, so I'm happy with things the way they are. :)

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Have we as women stopped expecting to be courted and are we too quick to enter into and discard of relationships at the drop of a hat?

Where have all the gentlemen gone?
Or has sex just replaced the goodnight kiss?

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present exibit A: Morgan Sherrod and David Lund. Both wildly in love with each other, wanting nothing more than to celebrate their 75th wedding anniversy after having spent a lifetime of love together and having raised their children.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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what did she do?
She left me a couple little notes on my bedside table, called me from Jamaca telling me shes drunk and going to meet a couple hot eruopian guys to hang with, and dumped me two days after my b-day.

Hey! I think I dated her as well.

Personally speaking - I don't have the energy to be like that anymore. Why? I'm tired of getting badly burned by the women I trust the most. I've learned my lesson too many times and each time it only got worse. Romance now comes second to trust in my book - and trust needs to be well earned. However, someone as jaded as me believes that finding a partner worthy of trust is a very rare find. Therefore being single and alone is the better option. I fought off being jaded as long as possible, but the most important people in my life brought me to this point.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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what did she do?
She left me a couple little notes on my bedside table, called me from Jamaca telling me shes drunk and going to meet a couple hot eruopian guys to hang with, and dumped me two days after my b-day.

Hey! I think I dated her as well.

Personally speaking - I don't have the energy to be like that anymore. Why? I'm tired of getting badly burned by the women I trust the most. I've learned my lesson too many times and each time it only got worse. Romance now comes second to trust in my book - and trust needs to be well earned. However, someone as jaded as me believes that finding a partner worthy of trust is a very rare find. Therefore being single and alone is the better option. I fought off being jaded as long as possible, but the most important people in my life brought me to this point.

I think she had a sex change and I dated her as well...

You've described exactly how I feel...

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well you could ask my girlfriend where it has all gone, cuz I seem to be giving it all to her ;)

Cheers and Blues


CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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Have we as women stopped expecting to be courted and are we too quick to enter into and discard of relationships at the drop of a hat?

Where have all the gentlemen gone?
Or has sex just replaced the goodnight kiss?

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I present exibit A: Morgan Sherrod and David Lund. Both wildly in love with each other, wanting nothing more than to celebrate their 75th wedding anniversy after having spent a lifetime of love together and having raised their children.

Awwww... Dave! :$ That's so sweet. :)

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