
Where has all the romance gone?

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Well my wedding vows where " for richer or poorer/ better or worse " and that still holds true 15 years on.

I am sure there are still people who do look for the romance in a relationship but life is so fast today that i think slowing down is the hardest thing you can do.

I gave up a career in IT computer hardware due to the long unsocial hours when my little girl was born 10 years ago, best move i made. Have spent so much more time with my wife and kids which wouldn't have happened otherwise, Have a really crap job but it gives me time I wouldn't have had. Why my wife has bothered sticking with me is another story;) f*"\ked if i know. if i was her i would find some.

Funny thing is my wife made all the pursuing know that i think off it. Damn i was hogtied and have just realized:S:S:S

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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Where have all the gentlemen gone?

Sometimes I think they've been chased away. I may be a little old fashioned,but I love it when a man holds the door for me, lets me get on the elevator first,or helps me change my flat tire. I think it's great,but I know of so many men who have tried to behave like this only to be told "Back off,it's not 1950 I can do this myself" How many men are going to keep trying after being told that?
If women still want men to be gentlemen then let them be gentlemen. Smile when a strange man holds the door for you, let the man pay for the date. I'm sure most men would'nt mind. It's not an insult to your independence or equality, it's a way of showing respect to a lady.

Don't hate me girls,but I think the "lack of" gentlemen is partially our fault.[:/]

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Where have all the gentlemen gone?

Sometimes I think they've been chased away. I may be a little old fashioned,but I love it when a man holds the door for me, lets me get on the elevator first,or helps me change my flat tire. I think it's great,but I know of so many men who have tried to behave like this only to be told "Back off,it's not 1950 I can do this myself" How many men are going to keep trying after being told that?
If women still want men to be gentlemen then let them be gentlemen. Smile when a strange man holds the door for you, let the man pay for the date. I'm sure most men would'nt mind. It's not an insult to your independence or equality, it's a way of showing respect to a lady.

Don't hate me girls,but I think the "lack of" gentlemen is partially our fault.[:/]

AMEN!!!! I couldn't agree more!!!!! I love when a guy treats me like that. I love gentlemen. It's a shame too many of "us" have led men to believe it's not a good thing anymore. :S

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I agree. And I definitely think I've done that, but not out of touting "equal rights" or the feminist movement. Just out of embarassment. :$ I've never gotten on to anyone, but if they offer to carry a bag that I can carry with little or no difficulty, I'll usually politely decline.

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AMEN!!!! I couldn't agree more!!!!! I love when a guy treats me like that. I love gentlemen. It's a shame too many of "us" have led men to believe it's not a good thing anymore. :S

Thank you. My wife and I have been married 21 years and she still lets me open doors, pull out chairs, (pack her rig), all the little things that say "I treasure you." Romance is alive and well at our house.:)

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I once held the door open for a lady at a shopping mall. She got all sour and said "I can open the door for myself thank you!"

I said "Oh yeah?", walked in myself, pushed the door shut as she tried to follow me through it, and turned the lock. :D:D:D Of course it was only for show. She only had to use the door right beside it, and I unlocked it again before going inside. "I'd of offered to hold the door for you even if you were an ugly man... get over yourself." I said.

I hope she got the picture as a few bistanders had a good laugh at her expense, that being nice is good. Being rude is not.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I like being romantic, and spoiling my SO (when I have one).
But I have become pickier as I get older. I am not willing to waist my time and energy for people who have no clue what love is. There is too many people out there today that are not worth it.

There is way too many people out there who are only worth a one night stand or two and nothing more.
Many times it is hard to tell them apart but in time the truth always comes out.

Show me someone who understands love, and life. I would love to be romantic.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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I once held the door open for a lady at a shopping mall. She got all sour and said "I can open the door for myself thank you!"

I said "Oh yeah?", walked in myself, pushed the door shut as she tried to follow me through it, and turned the lock. :D:D:D Of course it was only for show. She only had to use the door right beside it, and I unlocked it again before going inside. "I'd of offered to hold the door for you even if you were an ugly man... get over yourself." I said.

I hope she got the picture as a few bistanders had a good laugh at her expense, that being nice is good. Being rude is not.


I'd never have the balls to do something like that (in whatever situation that would call for it) but that's great!! :D

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You've described exactly how I feel...

Me too.............so..........can we just have racous, meaningless, dirty, drunken, monkey sex and forget about it? ;)

dude! shes taking you to McDonalds, what more could you want? :S:D:D
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Where have all the gentlemen gone?

In this day of fast cars, fast connections, fast planes and instant everything, has romance and love gone out the window?

I found one! Just spent an amazing 3 weeks of my life with him. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.

He would come all the way around the truck just to open MY door, give me a kiss, make sure I was all tucked in and then go back to the driver's side. :$

Holding hands on the walk to the plane, little kisses before exit and more kisses after we both landed safely. When we were jumping, he was more concerned about MY safety than his own and was always looking around the air to make sure I had a good canopy above my head.

Stargazing for at least an hour on a PLF platform while the 'skeeters were eating him alive, just because it was a mutual interest.

He went OUTSIDE to smoke because he respected me enough and knew I didn't smoke. I stopped him from doing that because I respected him enough to know that I knew he smoked when we "met" and I wasn't willing to change him or his habits. He left me a flower on my computer from one of those trips outside to smoke. :$ I pressed it and plan on turning it into a bookmark.

While I was constantly raising hell about this, "going dutch" was definitely NOT in his vocabulary.

There was many a time when I would look up to find him watching me with this, "I can't believe she's going out with me" look. :$

Non-stop conversation until the wee hours of the morning. Although the sex is nice, the fact that we can talk about anything/everything and not argue is an added bonus.

We met through the "fast connections." We've grown to know/like/respect one another through those connections. Even though we now have that 8000 mile space between us again, I think those same connections will help bridge the gap and keep us together.

Only time will tell, but I, for one, am thankful that the internet was created. :)

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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I wouldn't be romantic with someone unless I was sure it wouldn't be taken the wrong way. The wrong way being that I was head over heals for the person in question. Unless... I was sure they felt the same way, if not more so about me, and I actually was head over heals about them(hasn't happened yet).

That being said, I hold doors for whoever happens to be behind me, and if I'm walking with a lady, I always hold the door. Being a gentleman is just something you do.

Seriously, W.T.F. mate?

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