
Why aren't you jumping right now?

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Its a sunday, holiday weekend, warm and beautiful outside, so why aren't you jumping? I'm not jumping because it is my hubby's turn to do what he wants to do, he chose paintball and I get to watch the babies...but as soon as he gets home I'm on my way to the dz for 1 quick hit;)

Muff Brother 3723

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Cuz it's raining here

and I'm sick and I think that my lungs would collapse if I tried to go up to altitude... that or I would cough these nasty germies all over everyone else in the plane. (it would be like a bonus)

oh, and my rig is still in FL and Im in Kansas City.

But besides those reasons.:)
but, deep down, I wanna jump.

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because i nearly killed myself on friday while going for a run. :S yes, i know.
so i am at home now, window shutters closed so i don't have to see the great jumping weather, keeping well away from dzs and airplanes since one wrong move and i won't be flying for an even longer time, willing myself to heal up and trying very hard not to go ballistic and trash the place.

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My all time ever best friend called and said he was in town for the day. We went to see a baseball game and are now preparing dinner.

Drop him off at the airport tomorrow at 6 am and head for the DZ, should be a fun day of jumping.

Cielos Azures,


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Working OT to pay for Rantoul.


"The mouse does not know life until it is in the mouth of the cat."

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I am a slave to tourist season. All of my family's businesses are tourism driven. It's 4th of July weekend at one the Southeast's most popular beach destinations, aka the Redneck Riviera, Myrtle Beach, SC. If we don't get rained out (please, please don't let us get rained out) tonight by these most unfortunately timed thunderstorms then I will be bartending my little ass off at the end of the Pier at Garden City. What does all this working mean? Mikkel is going to buy his *beer* camera helmet and camera verrrry soon. :)

HISPA #56 Facil Rodriguez
"Scientific research has shown that 60% of the time, it works every time."

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just got home from my california/vegas excursion and the all night flights and 4 hour time difference have me a little too punchy to jump. :S
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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same here!
(and $$ for World Cup Speed Skydive Meet=Jumptown)

I only will have 5 hours off duty in a 48 hr period
If I could be a Super Hero,
I chose to be: "GRANT-A-CLAUS". and work 365 days a Year.

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