
Weekend Numbers July 2nd/3rd 2005

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One very interesting jump... doing a 3 way RW and after a dock, suddenly I float a little. As I arch harder to get down, BOOM I go flying upwards. one of the f*ckers deployed my main for me at 8k.:o

I'll get him back though :ph34r:

MB 3528, RB 1182

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1 hell of a good time at SDD and seeing all my frineds.
Jeager bombs were the order of the evenings, plus a very stout ale.
17 jumps, many of which were above my skill level, thanks to team VIBE for that. The last one of which was my 500th!

also other shenanagins and drunken idiocy that rivials none. :D

Im gonna miss that DZ! [:/]

Atlanta here I come!!!! B|
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Jumped at my home dz, jumped the 207 for the first time :D, did my first hop and pop :D... Rome was invaded by the Farm peeps (which was SOOOO much fun!!!) Glad you guys came over!! :D

Came back to Chattanooga for fireworks last night...

Here's some pics...

First one is of two random men who were wanting MORE COWBELL :P
The other is of my best friend Sheryl and I after we watched the fireworks last night...

HAPPY 4th Y'ALL!!! :)

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4 sit-fly
1 Shredder
2 tandem dummy for a friend ( I don't like being in the plane without a parachute).[:/][:/][:/]
"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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First license
First boogie
First turbine
First time above 10,000 (Yay Mullins' King Air! Boldly going where our 182 and 206 have never gone before!)
First 3 way
First 4 way
First sit fly
First time pulling at an altitude starting with "3"
First time not landing in the student area
First diving exit
First time sleeping at the DZ
cavete terrae.

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0:16:0 Fifteen tandems one coaching dive. Thanks to LITTLE STRANGER for my recurrency jump on tandems after my ACL graft surgery.New management took over and everything ran smoothly as usual.Welcome to SSM Paul and Jenn,new owners,Erik S+TA, Ryan manager,Wendy in manifest and Theresa with her new SKY PIMP camera helmit. Blue Skies ,Dave

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Got back in the air on Saturday, and boy was my sit slow as hell. :D The next two jumps were the same, but on my 4th, I relaxed and got my speed back up. Thank God! B| I was so frustrated on the first 3. [:/]

It was a great weekend, though! Nice small crowd at the DZ, but we had a lot of fun! ;)

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Slow day Saturday.. 5 tandem vids and a couple of freefly.. Stayed busy on Sunday though, witha couple of AFFs, 6 more tandem vids and a 4-way freefly for Aarons's b-day.

Today, Plaything and I got about 90% of a flooring project done.. :P
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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Beer owed and paid on first jump brand new Jav Ody. What a great comfy container, but not comfy enough to keep my ass from hurting after bad landing which followed a bad flare which followed bad landing pattern.

Jump 4 was after some great advise from my mentors at DZ. Stood it up Oh yea. They gave me no choice , ouch, learn and do it again.

Jump 5 nice. Held a sit. Not long enough for beer.
"Cloudy Skies look different through skydivers eyes. Is that a hole in the clouds I see?" Let's get driving!

Blue Skies and Sweet Dreams

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I had an awesome weekend. 1 case for first jump at Spaceland and one for being on the losing end of a 10-way speed star competition.:( Lots of great freefly jumps including 2 with Trent from Anomaly.


If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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I like cute boys!! 3 fun jumps including finally jumping with Cocheese!! He was even a super duper sweetie and paid for my jump ticket. And i did an awesome 3way with Opie and Sharky.

SDC was so awesome. Had a great time hanging with the kansas crew and the veird dutchman, fishing with Rainbo's son, van surfing with Gentry and Jen, showing off my hooker lights, fireworks on saturday night. My highlight was meeting Joe (I swear to god it was) and going on a beerrun with him.


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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