
Men do you stare if a woman's high beams are on?

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It was already posted and made fun of so whats the harm now?

That's so wrong. Is this why the thread came up? I have no idea what to tell you, Kitty girl. Trust me, I completely understand:(

For the record, I was only referring to myself, when I wrote my post. I felt like too many people on this thread kept addressing me. They are people whom I don't know, or they would know better than to do that regarding this issue. I wanted to write something in defense of the women, since so many people seem to believe that women want to "flaunt it" when their nipples show. WTFH?

I'm with Betsy, let's get some tees made...

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I don't know what the hell it is about but I can't just can't keep my eyes completely off them!!!

Dude..............it's just like going to sleep after sex. It's not because we WANT to. It's because we HAVE to. ;):D

You are dead on!!!!B|
Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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Everyone is talking about revealing or flaunting tops, but clothing can also help someone to camouflage their breasts.

So what should I have done here?

first, dont be embarrassed, its NOTHING to be embarrassed about at all..embarrasment is a silly emotion in the first place, particularly when you did NOTHING 'wrong'/

as to "what" simply smile, laugh and say "yes as a matter of fact it WAS an exciting dive" :P
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I don't think, however, that there is a quick clothing fix for men to camouflage their hard-ons. Sorry guys...you will just have to deal with our blatant stares. :D

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I have read all the posts on this thread! Damn, I guess you gotta hear it from Grandma. :o Everyone stares at BOOBS...It is natural and normal....Especially for guys....Women were made with curves to attract men!...and we do. :) What the hell is the big deal? God gave us eyes to see. So let's all look at the beauty around us....Including BOOBS of various shapes and sizes and at different stages, [highbeams or otherwise] ;) A set of KNOCKERS, whatever the size, are beautiful! ...Yes, even the ones on National Geographic Magazine that hang sooooo low, that they hide stretch marks on the owners stomach. Why are they all beautiful? Because they belong to Beautiful Women, of all ages, at various stages of life that affect their changing bodies. B| Highbeams? We have no control over that.....cold-excitement-wind, sex, etc. ;)Enjoy the moment and the beauty of a woman's body, cuz fellas, we are checking you out too!!! ***Yep, I'm a Grandma, but hey, I ain't dead yet!!!!!:P

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I have read all the posts on this thread! Damn, I guess you gotta hear it from Grandma.

Wow... That was a beatuiful post... just beautiful... It brings a tear of joy to my eye... :)
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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a 13 year old Catholic schoolgirl

ah that explains nearly everything......

Yea, that says it all.;)

Ironically, I wrote the Catholic schoolgirl part specifically to make it catch Zenister's eye. I know his views on religion (many of which I actually completely agree with) from prior posts after what he wrote about self-esteem issues. I thought that he would understand the dreaded "Catholic schoolchildren" mentality. I knew that statement would put things into perspective; however, the low self-esteem issue was right on the money, more so than the religious school issue.

Anyway, I have to say that although I believe in and practice absolutely no religion and haven't for much of my life, blaming religion for anything in one's past is ridiculous. There are still some wonderful benefits that religions have to offer some people. Obviously, to have contempt for or to think oneself superior to someone who practices a religion is much more judgemental and arrogant, than not. I try to not be that way and to be open-minded to religious people as well as non-religious, as long as nobody is trying to convert me. :D

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I don't know what the hell it is about but I can't just can't keep my eyes completely off them!!! :D

In reply to the original post - give yourself a bit of insight - read "The Naked Ape" - You'll be surprised at what it's all about.

Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.

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Everyone is talking about revealing or flaunting tops, but clothing can also help someone to camouflage their breasts.

So what should I have done here?
I wore a sport bra and tshirt under my jumpsuit. Yah its embarrassing and certainly NOT the first thing I would like for people to notice about me when I'm skydiving. [:/]
It was already posted and made fun of so whats the harm now? B|

Now you become the RoamingDZ.com Poster Girl.
What embodies "Let's have some fun!" more than that photo?:D At least no one could doubt that your smile was sincere.;)
Just playing Sweetie.
The human weakness of a POWERFUL woman :o:$ is that she can't always control her own power.
And the next time anyone questions the Holy Benevolent power of the headlights, they can ask my beautiful wife "what's the first thing I noticed about her?"
Damn true. It was pure evolutionary attraction at it's finest. Then I got close enough to see her eyes and
BBOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!![/I][/B] ....toast.
OrFunV/LocoBoca Rodriguez/Sonic Grieco/Muff Brother #4411
-"and ladies....messin with Robbie is venturing into territory you cant even imagine!-cuz Robbie is

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