
Weekend numbers

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The American Boogie was a blast. Saw lots of friends, drank excellent beer, ate excellent food, jumped cool airplanes.

And made one phone call, which I didn't get till last night cause I was here :P
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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The American Boogie was a blast. Saw lots of friends, drank excellent beer, ate excellent food, jumped cool airplanes.

And made one phone call, which I didn't get till last night cause I was here :P

There she goes again...rubbing it in :|


Oh and 0:0:0...what else is new...:D
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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If it makes you feel better, we did get some rain on Saturday night, but only after I had gone to bed. Oh how I love laying in the tent listening to the creek and rain drops on the tent.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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as if :S:9:1

I forgot to mention... my beerable offence is jumping a "new to me" Sabre2 150... nothing unexpected about it.... it was a lot of fun to play with the front risers (above 2000 ft of course...)

Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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If it makes you feel better, we did get some rain on Saturday night, but only after I had gone to bed. Oh how I love laying in the tent listening to the creek and rain drops on the tent.

You big meany!! thats right keep it up!!! :|

She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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1 ER visit: 4: 1

ER Visit - 2nd jump - way off DZ landing...cornfield...bad landing...ER visit...luckily only a bruised elbow not broken like originally thought.

OMG, Glad you're okay! I didn't hear about that. It was nice to meet you this weekend! Thanks a million for the pack job and advice! :)
p.s. Its nice to know I wasn't the only one who landed off this weekend. ;)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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1 ER visit: 4: 1

ER Visit - 2nd jump - way off DZ landing...cornfield...bad landing...ER visit...luckily only a bruised elbow not broken like originally thought.

OMG, Glad you're okay! I didn't hear about that. It was nice to meet you this weekend! Thanks a million for the pack job and advice! :)
p.s. Its nice to know I wasn't the only one who landed off this weekend. ;)

Er who the heck was flying this weekend...

Wait, dont answer that, I dunno If I wanna know.
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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I had an awesome time at the New Wave Boogie at SDC!! B| And also some not-so-good times.

0:8:Way too much

8 jumps - Some awesome 2-ways, 2 3-ways, 2 4-ways and a 5-way at the end! :)8 slammer openings... man, those suck. >:( My neck hurts.
4 pack jobs by me, 4 pack jobs by riggers (still slammers) Packing really sucks in 100 degree heat. >:(
1 off-dz landing in the cornfield -- guess I can PLF after all. But it would've been nice if they remembered to come get me so I didn't have to take that hike down the dirt road in 100 degree heat. :S
5 good landings in the field
1 landing on the taxiway as the plane is landing - not good. :o But boy, the PLF works! I'm thinkin "Aw, this is gonna hurt!" But I PLFed and was fine. Then I didn't run fast enough off the runway and got a talkin-to by manifest. Ok, lesson learned. (But it sucked that it was my last jump. :()

Waaaaaaay too much beer owed! I think rookies should be exempt from the beer rule, every jump is a first! :P;) But just for the record, mine were:
1st 3-way, 1st 4-way, 1st 5-way, 1st diving exit, 1st off-dz landing.

Big congrats to AJ (soarfree) for her 100th jump this weekend!!!!! :)

All-in-all a great time. Met some really cool people who tried to help me out with my slammers. Jumped with the awesome chicks from the Furies, thanks for all the coaching ladies!! :)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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Great weekend. 11:01 for me. Made my 100th on the load that my wife made her first!:)
"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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And made one phone call, which I didn't get till last night cause I was here

I called you? :o Wow, I musta been drunk. What'd I say? :ph34r:

See attachment, then you'll know what you said;)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Finally got some decent weather and some free time on Sunday...

Got 2 jumps in... beer owed for my first unassisted exit (?).

Ended up leaving at around 3pm even though I could have probably jumped 2 or 3 more times. My back started bothering me after jump #2 for reasons unknown and I didn't want to risk jumping like that.

The 100F+ heat all day didn't make walks back to the hangar very pleasant :S

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Had a great weekend out in California at the American Boogie!

I met a few DZ.commers among the many new people I met this weekend!

Thanks to all the Davis jumpers who did some fun, even if funneled, RW jumps with me.

Beer Owed for first helicopter jump!! What an awesome exit!! :)

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Re: Hard openings- what are you flying and how is your body position when you dump? Is it possible you are dumping while you are still in a track?

Umm- and the beer rule was made for rookies- there are NO exemptions! :P

since when do we pie for anything under a thousand at SDC anyway?

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Just picked up your Tony suit? Didn't you order that when I was there in January??:o

No...I didn't order it in January. I had been looking at color combinations and making my final decision on which jumpsuit manufacturer I was going to go with. :)
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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OMG, Glad you're okay! I didn't hear about that. It was nice to meet you this weekend! Thanks a million for the pack job and advice! :)
p.s. Its nice to know I wasn't the only one who landed off this weekend. ;)

Thanks! It was nice to meet you as well. Sorry the pack job didn't slow up your openings enough. Did the different pilot chute help any?

:D No...you weren't the only one that landed off. On the jump that I landed off, I think there were a total of 6 of us that landed off. :D
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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I am still working on my landings, I am 3 jumps from my Solo but I just cannot make it within the 50m mark. Funny thing is the past three attempts i have overshot by 10m each. You would think I would of learned eh? hahah

Hope to make it so I can jump with you guys soon.

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