
16 again.....

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Remember what it felt like you got your drivers license? .....I got to re-live that again this morning at 7:15 when my flight inst. said, "stop the plane", then got out and said," have fun!" :o So I got to take 61G for 3 runs around the pattern by myself. The first and last landings were almost perfect. The second?..... well, what do they say about walking away...?;)

....going to be hard to take my smile away today!!!

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Congrats on your first solo!!! Mine back in 2001 was cool, but you know what will even be more rewarding? (at least it was for me) Your first solo cross-country. Good Luck with your flying. I got the ground portion of my Bi-annual Flight Reveiw signed off on Thursday, but I have to wait another week for the flight portion of the BFR.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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The Earth rolls beneath my wings,
My mind dwells on other things.
For as my nose points to the sky,
I can’t believe I’m going to fly.

The months of waiting over now,
My instructor says that I know how.
And as the spinning wheels break free,
I wish that he were here with me.

Higher, higher the tip is lifting,
Racing thoughts, my mind is shifting,
What’s that he say’s on the rate of climb?
I wish we’d had done this one more time.

Five hundred feet, its now time to turn,
There’s still so much I have to learn.
Ease the stick and then the rudder,
The trick is not to make her shudder,

One thousand feet, stay in the turn,
This times there’s not as much concern.
Throttle back and trim her out.
Seems there’s less to care about.

Close down wind check now just in case,
Runway on the left someplace?
Handle Down, powers set.
Oh, God, I haven’t spoken yet.

Close down wind I call out with my name,
Why no answer? Is this a game?
Radio’s set I know its right.
Settle down, no time for fright

“Gear Down” I say without a doubt.
Final turn I can’t break out.
Power back she starts to sink,
Easy does it, time to think.

Two third’s ground, one third’s sky.
Jeez, I think I’m a little high.
Turning final all most over.
Aim at black top not at clover.

Hold her level till the last.
My! The runways moving fast.
Hold the nose up, Gee I’m clever
Seems like she wants to fly forever.

Thump! I’m down – It feels so good.
Nothing to it, I knew I could.
Take heart my friend and have a try.
For now I know that I can fly

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Awesome Swoop!
I am estatic to see that you are so excited to be doing this! I look forward to the day when you will pilot the plane I am jumping out of (although jumping with you is still better!) :P
Good luck with all the training.
Blue skies and SAFE landings!

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Thanks everybody!! I'm really looking forward to my solo x-country too. Since I've traveled alot with the jump plane, I'm already pretty familar with the different navigation systems so hopefully I won't get "lost". I was getting pretty down about flying after the 2 planes that I would be getting training/ right seat multi-engine time later in the year, crashed within a week of each other.:|( was somebody sending me a sign?) But I have a new burst of energy for it and hopefully it will get my nose back in the books to prepare for the written. It was such a perfect morning to solo too. It was so hazy first thing this morning that the sun was this AWESOME red flame in the sky. I'll never forget turning downwind, seeing the sun there on my right, taking a nice deep breath, remembering some things from the past, then realizing I was on my own to bring her back down.:S

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