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Is that similar to the Katana? (The heavy, poor handling pseudo-sport bike)

That's the one. Heavy as a motherfucker.


Have you looked at the SV650 or Kawasaki EX500?

Sv650 definitely. But it's a bit over budget as for now.

Lots of bikers here ey? Thought so :P
My bike is currently held together by ducktape (the glass is...I dropped it whilest practicing for my exam [:/] ) I have a sports exhaust system and it gets me some looks. But when they see the tape they stop looking ;)

Had a good ride today. Always keep in mind that you're vulnerable on a bike though. Stay safe!

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You may not like loud bikes, but I will tell you loud pipes does help keep you safe on the road. I don't expect you to understand that, but if you ever started riding you'd figure that out real quick.

Loud pipes saves lives.


If there was much truth to it, the AMA wouldn't take an expensive stand against it. Though a few sportbikers and and even smaller number of cruiser owners change their pipes for performance, most do it for the odd need for attention, the same as the assholes who cruise with their stereo on full blast.

If you need to be heard by motorists, why aim the blasting sound behind you? Why not just install a siren pointed off the front then?

We covered this before, but I'm always happy to join the dick waving contests. My 4,000 miles on a gs450 and my 81,000 on two very quiet BMW boxers, without one accident while commuting in san francisco traffic, says that the pipes have no value other than to offend the public.

It's sort of hilarious to see a poser go by, setting off car alarms in his wake, but it's an odd mix of pity and revulsion, really. And I'm a biker. Nevermind what the cagers think.

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Loud pipes saves lives.


But it makes them sound so much more....necessary. But I think you're right. Good eyes, being heads-up, prepared, and knowledgeable are the things that immediately come to my mind when I think of things that make me safer. Loud pipes aren't on that list for me either.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Wow, nearly missed this one

I've a 1984 Suzuki GSX 1100 EZ, 100,000 on the clock, engine rebuilt last year
The only part thats not original is the seat, I lowered it as I prefer the feeling of being in the bike
as to on top of it.

An NO it's not a poxy Katana:D

Edit; I lied the exhaust is'nt original

Gone fishing

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And Vallerina.....holy cow. Someone started a thread asking for about fellow bikers. We don't come into your thread and whine about hating belly dancing.....what do your comments have to do with the thread topic? at all? Someone was looking for bikers....your aren't one, and obviously you don't like things about that mode of transportation or the people who use it.

She has plenty of experience as a pillion, has been around more bikes than you have bellydancers, and has enough of an interest to be taking the BRC this summer.
You have any belly-dance classes scheduled?

And Dave - don't get me wrong. I like a good, strong sound... especially if it's a by-product of power. It's the over-the-top set-off-the-car-alarms rattle-shit-off-the-walls that I don't like. And if you're crusing through a residential area, christ, grab another gear or something... try to be considerate. We have enough stereotypes to fight.
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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grab another gear or something... try to be considerate. We have enough stereotypes to fight.

That I do, I'll shift to put my bike in low RPMs. The biggest problem in the B/CS area in that regards are all the wanna-be racers with the sport bikes going through residental areas doing 35mph in first gear. That really pisses people off around here.[:/]
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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As for the noise discussion...

Frankly I never knew my bike had a sports exhaust. It's my first bike and I was pretty clueless when I bought it.

I don't know if loud pipes save lives. But I do know a cyclist will think twice before crossing the street without looking if he hears my pipes (and they are far from antisocial...)

I'm pretty envious of you Americans. You have the black version of the 2005 R1. That's some serious pornography with those red rims.

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grab another gear or something... try to be considerate. We have enough stereotypes to fight.

That I do, I'll shift to put my bike in low RPMs. The biggest problem in the B/CS area in that regards are all the wanna-be racers with the sport bikes going through residental areas doing 35mph in first gear. That really pisses people off around here.[:/]

LOL :D I dont do that... 3rd is were it should be. but sometimes 2nd ;) 5K rpm is totaly acceptible :ph34r: j/k. residental means rpms stay low...

ExPeCt ThE uNeXpEcTeD!
DoNt MiNd ThE tYpOs, Im LaZy On CoRrEcTiOnS!

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ok i'm gonna have to get in on this one.first off val has good taste.gold wing.nuff said.i having ridden harleys for years switched to bmws.not to bash harley but the ones i had were junk.i have a little 1978 flat twin bmw that has 215,000 yes thats right 215,000 miles on it and it starts every time i put the key in it.im taking it to lima ohio next month to the bmw international rally.that is 900 miles from my house and ya know what?i aint gonna do nothing to it before i leave except fill the tank with gas.a bunch of my buddies ride new harleys and i tell em.just as soon as this thing wears out i'm gonna buy a new harley.course i said that 12 years ago when i bought this thing.anymore though.if its got wheels on it.i like it.

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My current bike is a Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500 and is being customized with V+H pipes, big-bore kit (1740cc) and custom paint (see pictures). I have had:
Harley Dina Superglide, FXR, and Heritage Soft-tail:)B|
You may be able to tell from the pictures that I am an AUBURN fan!B|

"You made my panties wet!" Skymama (Fitz 09)
"Never argue with an idiot. They will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

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Sooooo...any bikers out here? No need for colors...I'm just talking about people who ride a motorcycle of some sort.

I myself own a GSX600F (sporty touring-bike)
All things considered it's not my cup of tea so I'm probably gonna trade it in for a Gs500 (lighter, easier to manoeuver and naked)

I currently have
1983 FXR harley davidson
1996 1200 custom sportster
1991 CR 250

sold my GXR 750 a couple years ago >:(
Buying the new BMW when it comes out!!!!

If this was your first bike a smaller one would be a better fit for you. Be carefull out there I see new riders in the Emergency room all the time! Mostly guys thinking they are better riders then they actualy are but I have seen a couple girls in there as well. Be safe have fun!!!
Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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My current bike is a Kawasaki Vulcan Classic 1500 and is being customized with V+H pipes, big-bore kit (1740cc) and custom paint (see pictures). I have had:
Harley Dina Superglide, FXR, and Heritage Soft-tail:)B|
You may be able to tell from the pictures that I am an AUBURN fan!B|

Nice paint!!!!B|
Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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I DO love sports bikes... unfortunately, I just don't know how to operate one. But, I do love being a passenger in one. B|

But IF I could just own and operate a bike... this would be it (or something like this) ... (see if I can dl this pic).

Don't fear the reaper. ... BOC

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