goose491 0 #126 June 22, 2005 Holly Shit people! Generalization is an English word. Used to describe the act or an instance of generalizing. It has purpose. A principle, statement, or idea having general application. Us North Americans had better lighten up before we're all no more then a bunch of whining pussies. IT IS NOT WRONG TO MAKE GENERAL STATEMENTS! You, nor anyone else can deny that generally speaking, Harley owners DO have a "click" thing going on. Generally speaking, they will not waive to you when you are on a sport bike. Don't try to pretend like this statement is some sort of crime against humanity just because you're a nice guy and wave at everyone. And once again for the guys in the back (because generally, people in the back can't hear as well) IT IS NOT WRONG TO MAKE GENERAL STATEMENTS! For what it's worth, that was my $0.02CND My Karma ran over my Dogma!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisL 2 #127 June 22, 2005 Quote IT IS NOT WRONG TO MAKE GENERAL STATEMENTS! Sure it is. Because they are incorrect. You can say "In my enperience, most Harley guys dont wave" and nobody can reasonably argue that point because who but the person that said it can speak about what he has personally experienced? Then of course the person that says that has to understand that his personal experience cant possibly come close to having gone past even the teeniest % of Harley riders. Its just absurd to say "Harley guys dont wave to sport bike guys" Its especially absurd since my own experience, and that of some sport bike riders that I know, directly contradicts this claim.__ My mighty steed Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
goose491 0 #128 June 22, 2005 That's nice Chris. lol My Karma ran over my Dogma!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrEaK_aCcIdEnT 0 #129 June 22, 2005 QuoteYou, nor anyone else can deny that generally speaking, Harley owners DO have a "click" thing going on. Generally speaking, they will not waive to you when you are on a sport bike. Don't try to pretend like this statement is some sort of crime against humanity just because you're a nice guy and wave at everyone. i will say this in a way that hopefully help make it clear I ride a sportbike. sometimes i wave first and sometimes the other person waves first. so its a 50/50 thing. the percentage of bikes i pass in a given stretch of time and distance is about 65:35 cruiser:sportbike ratio. cruiser being Harly Honda Yamaha Suzuki what ever. sport bike being the obvious. so long story short i havent experienced this in my own riding passion. But im sure that in some places in the right situations that this can be experienced. If one goes to a Harly hang out then obviously the mood will be Harleys and sportbike riders are the minority. then one might see this treatment. same goes if ur at a local sportbike hangout and one comes in on a fatboy then one would be the minority. again the odds of seeing this trend would be greater. so if one thinks about it one could make the generalizing(sp?) statement that both spectrums might posess the highschool "click" thing. but i was never one to go with the crowd either edit: damn i forgot thats my .02USD just given u a friendly hard time ExPeCt ThE uNeXpEcTeD! DoNt MiNd ThE tYpOs, Im LaZy On CoRrEcTiOnS! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fool 0 #130 June 22, 2005 I wave. S.E.X. party #1 "Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "f*#k, what a ride". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #131 June 22, 2005 The Harley riders don't wave generalization seems to be about as accurate as Volvo drivers scare the crap out of everyone. There's something there. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jedeisurf 0 #132 June 22, 2005 This one time at band camp, I was riding a jap bike and got flipped off by a Harley rider. Hell I did not even wave at him, it's just the way some people are. David Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angelfish 0 #133 June 22, 2005 Quote and got flipped off by a Harley rider. @ least you were acknowledged!!! Guess that's better than being snobbed. ______________________________ Don't fear the reaper. ... BOC Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrEaK_aCcIdEnT 0 #134 June 22, 2005 hey ur not on ur way yet... how am i supposed to teach u to ride if ur not on ur way up ExPeCt ThE uNeXpEcTeD! DoNt MiNd ThE tYpOs, Im LaZy On CoRrEcTiOnS! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angelfish 0 #135 June 22, 2005 So, I checked out the Katana 600 vs. my dream bike GSX r600 ... height-wise, the Katana would definitely be a better fit. It is 2 inches shorter. I'm only 4'11!! So, fat chance I could even get on one of these awesome machines! ______________________________ Don't fear the reaper. ... BOC Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrEaK_aCcIdEnT 0 #136 June 22, 2005 lowering links and fork relocation can adjust that to some extent. while it would e dificult im sure that a gsxr can be made to closer suit ur height. with proper springs and ride height adjustment should be able to get the sag set to accomidate. although lowering the bike will sacrifice some of the cornering abilities to some extent also. if u really want to learn how to ride on a bike that I know will suit ur needs u can go to a saftey course. u get an insurance discount and they usually use something like honda rebel 250s. they act like u havnt ever seen a bike b4. its alot of fun. cost is about 130-140 if i remember correctly. edit: but feel free to come up anyway ExPeCt ThE uNeXpEcTeD! DoNt MiNd ThE tYpOs, Im LaZy On CoRrEcTiOnS! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Conundrum 1 #137 June 23, 2005 Quote So, I checked out the Katana 600 vs. my dream bike GSX r600 ... height-wise, the Katana would definitely be a better fit. It is 2 inches shorter. I'm only 4'11!! So, fat chance I could even get on one of these awesome machines! You should sit on both of them before thinking you won't fit. The GSX-R and the Honda 600RR both have a 32" seat hieght and I can barely touch the ground on the RR and I can touch OK on the GSX-R, which is why I bought it over the Honda; so go sit on the GSX-R and see how you actually fit. I am only 5'3". Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Squeak 17 #138 June 23, 2005 QuoteQuote So, I checked out the Katana 600 vs. my dream bike GSX r600 ... height-wise, the Katana would definitely be a better fit. It is 2 inches shorter. I'm only 4'11!! So, fat chance I could even get on one of these awesome machines! You should sit on both of them before thinking you won't fit. The GSX-R and the Honda 600RR both have a 32" seat hieght and I can barely touch the ground on the RR and I can touch OK on the GSX-R, which is why I bought it over the Honda; so go sit on the GSX-R and see how you actually fit. I am only 5'3". That's right, seat height plays a part, BUT seat Width is just as important. Also most seat have a fair amount of room to resuplt it, lowering or narrowing the sea (or both), and it's pretty cheap to do.You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky) My Life ROCKS! How's yours doing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #139 June 23, 2005 QuoteNo No. Not you man. That might actually be a fair contest! Smile Hit 375 lbs max a few weeks back I will tell you its been a couple of months since I lifted regularly... But I was doing 315 for reps (8 reps) when I slacked off...wanna give me a month to get "back in the saddle" before the contest?--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jasonRose 0 #140 June 23, 2005 Quote So, I checked out the Katana 600 vs. my dream bike GSX r600 ... height-wise, the Katana would definitely be a better fit. It is 2 inches shorter. I'm only 4'11!! So, fat chance I could even get on one of these awesome machines! Get somthing safe and easy to handle for your first bike. Don't let some 1 year bike riding know it all talk you in to buying something thats going to get you killed. I have been riding since I was sixteen and I have had several differn't bikes. I have had friends that went out and bought big power sport bikes for there first one and they ended up in the hospital. I have also seen people buy harleys for there first bike and they ended up in the hospital. Get something tame and learn the dynamics of riding a bike then when you feel more power is in your future upgrade. To many idiots buy to much bike for there first ride and end up in the hospital I see it at least twice a week where I work. Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrEaK_aCcIdEnT 0 #141 June 23, 2005 I too have seen people get bikes that were obviously out of thier league for thier first... But a 600 isnt out of a persons league if they have gone through a saftey course and have a good head on thier sholders to keep them from doing something stupid. If u dont respect what u got then u will always end up hurt. It doesnt matter if its a 250 or a 750 or even a 1K and up. if u dont respect it and ride within ur limits then anyone is askin for trouble. To say not to take the advice of a "1 year know it all" is kind of harsh. Boy im glad ive been riding more than a year... Ive seen people that have only riden for 6 months that have had more self control than someone that has riden since they were young. (i.e. 20+ years). but thats just my say. who knows i guess i could be wrong ExPeCt ThE uNeXpEcTeD! DoNt MiNd ThE tYpOs, Im LaZy On CoRrEcTiOnS! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
n23x 0 #142 June 23, 2005 Here's my latest. (Ignore the less than grown-up picture, it's the best I got ) Lots of fun on twisties. (For you CO folks, I was riding in Clear Creek Canyon near where the rock slide was about an hour before it happened. I will miss that run while it's closed...) Also, I would like to shoot out a special thanks to the lovely young lady that tried to mow me down with her suburban at a stoplight. .jim"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
justinb138 0 #143 June 23, 2005 QuoteBut a 600 isnt out of a persons league if they have gone through a saftey course and have a good head on thier sholders to keep them from doing something stupid. I'm going to disagree with you there. I've been riding for about 11 years, and I wouldn't get a 600SS as a first sportbike, much less tell someone to get one as a first bike. QuoteIf u dont respect what u got then u will always end up hurt. True, but it is much easier to kill yourself on a bigger bike. Quote It doesnt matter if its a 250 or a 750 or even a 1K and up. Getting cut off on the highway and grabbing a handful of throttle on a 250 probably won't do much. Doing that on a ZX9R can kill you pretty easily. QuoteIve seen people that have only riden for 6 months that have had more self control than someone that has riden since they were young. (i.e. 20+ years). Self-Control is not an equal substitute for experience. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrEaK_aCcIdEnT 0 #144 June 23, 2005 QuoteQuoteBut a 600 isnt out of a persons league if they have gone through a saftey course and have a good head on thier sholders to keep them from doing something stupid. I'm going to disagree with you there. I've been riding for about 11 years, and I wouldn't get a 600SS as a first sportbike, much less tell someone to get one as a first bike. QuoteIf u dont respect what u got then u will always end up hurt. True, but it is much easier to kill yourself on a bigger bike. Quote It doesnt matter if its a 250 or a 750 or even a 1K and up. Getting cut off on the highway and grabbing a handful of throttle on a 250 probably won't do much. Doing that on a ZX9R can kill you pretty easily. QuoteIve seen people that have only riden for 6 months that have had more self control than someone that has riden since they were young. (i.e. 20+ years). Self-Control is not an equal substitute for experience. of course i wouldnt recommend a zx9 or zx10r to anyone as a first. thats ludricis. for those who dont know suzuki retards the timing on its 600s and 750s. it prevents an individual from accidently looping one out in the lower 3 gears. now that doesnt mean that if someone starts chopping the throttle or clutchin up wheelies that it wont happen. just makes it more difficult just by slammin the throttle. as far as self control not being a substitute ur right. self control isnt ment to be a substitute for experience. I was just saying that I have seen people with rather low amounts of experience show great self control. and ive seen experienced seasoned cyclists do some pretty crazy stuff and while the experienced rider may be 100% capable of doing what he/she is doin. there are certin situations when an unsafe act isnt the best idea. in my experience which i will say is somewhat short compared to the old timers (over 2 years) and about 16,000 miles. riding a 600 crotch rocket that wouldnt be good for a beginner like me when i started out. (<----- in sarcastic tine ) all in all everything worked out great! The bigger radial mounted brakes have saved my ass many times with people cutting me off and the added power has helped me throttle out of situations were a smaller cc bike would still end up getting ran off the road by a cager. I ride in rush hour traffic regularly cause i have to. I dont spook easily when it comes to unexpected events cause i expect them. I have taken much advice from older more seasoned riders and listened to what they had to say. like i mentioned the mindset has alot to do with it. Each individual will get what they want in the end whether it ends up being what they wanted first or ends up being what they realized was best for them in thier own situation based on thier priorities and what there intent is for getting a bike. I wont be selling my bike till it croaks. riding is a passion just like skydiving and both need to be fed so feed it. ok enough rambeling for me........ to each his/her own and have fun, stay safe, and as always wear ur lid!!! ExPeCt ThE uNeXpEcTeD! DoNt MiNd ThE tYpOs, Im LaZy On CoRrEcTiOnS! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisL 2 #145 June 23, 2005 Quotewanna give me a month to get "back in the saddle" before the contest? Nope. If you can hit 315 for 8 that puts your "theoretical" one rep max at around 390 lbs.. I only want to do it if I can make mincemeat out of you! I'm not interested in a fair contest How bout this...give me another 6 months to get that additional 20 lbs I need, and you dont lift at all during that time. Then we can do it! BTW, how could you stop so close to 400??!? (Thats my current goal)__ My mighty steed Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
justinb138 0 #146 June 23, 2005 Quoteof course i wouldnt recommend a zx9 or zx10r to anyone as a first. thats ludricis. I have a friend whose dad sells bikes in a shop not too far from my house, so I used to spend alot of time in there. It was amazing how many people w/ no riding experience would come in and try to buy the biggest bike they could get (ZX12R,RC51, etc). They would refuse to sell them anything larger than a 600, and didn't hesitate to tell them that they would kill themselves on anything bigger. Quote for those who dont know suzuki retards the timing on its 600s and 750s. it prevents an individual from accidently looping one out in the lower 3 gears. Interesting, I didn't know that. QuoteI was just saying that I have seen people with rather low amounts of experience show great self control. and ive seen experienced seasoned cyclists do some pretty crazy stuff and while the experienced rider may be 100% capable of doing what he/she is doin. Yep. It happens. More commonly though it's the guys with little experience riding wheelies down the highway at 100mph in rush hour traffic. Quote in my experience which i will say is somewhat short compared to the old timers (over 2 years) and about 16,000 miles. riding a 600 crotch rocket that wouldnt be good for a beginner like me when i started out. (<----- in sarcastic tine ) all in all everything worked out great! The bigger radial mounted brakes have saved my ass many times with people cutting me off and the added power has helped me throttle out of situations were a smaller cc bike would still end up getting ran off the road by a cager. I ride in rush hour traffic regularly cause i have to. I dont spook easily when it comes to unexpected events cause i expect them. I have taken much advice from older more seasoned riders and listened to what they had to say. like i mentioned the mindset has alot to do with it. Each individual will get what they want in the end whether it ends up being what they wanted first or ends up being what they realized was best for them in thier own situation based on thier priorities and what there intent is for getting a bike. I wont be selling my bike till it croaks. riding is a passion just like skydiving and both need to be fed so feed it. ok enough rambeling for me........ to each his/her own and have fun, stay safe, and as always wear ur lid!!! Man, the [Enter] key is your friend... That big paragraph gave me a headache.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FrEaK_aCcIdEnT 0 #147 June 23, 2005 ur welcome ExPeCt ThE uNeXpEcTeD! DoNt MiNd ThE tYpOs, Im LaZy On CoRrEcTiOnS! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #148 June 23, 2005 QuoteBTW, how could you stop so close to 400??!? (Thats my current goal) Cause that wasn't my goal. Never really had a true goal in how much weight I could lift, I just enjoyed lifting heavy. Other things in my life got in the way of lifting weights. So what I'm doing to solve that is getting rid of my gym membership, then spending a bit for a couple of benches and a lot of plates for my house. Then I can workout when I want, and I'll get to pick the music.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stumpy 284 #149 June 23, 2005 I'm doing the same (but i had to buy a house to put em in first!)Never try to eat more than you can lift Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
goose491 0 #150 June 23, 2005 QuoteI fucking dropped it though so now I need a new right mirror and I can't seem to find them. Here's a set you can bid on buddy There's a "Buy it Now" price of $33USD. They are packaged seperately so I wonder if you can contact the seller and buy just one. These are new but if you don't mind waiting and checking each day, i'm sure you'll be able to find a used one, or a new one for just the one side. My Karma ran over my Dogma!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites