
weekend numbers 18th/19th June 2005

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We only use it when speaking the RED NECK dialect. :D Wait.............are you from W Virginia.......I mean Wales? :ph34r:

Sorry, I'm from just outside London. No red-neck dialects here! :P We can't help how you guys on the other side of the pond abuse our language! :P


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high opening on 2 for break line adjustments canopy fun up :Phigh
hop and pop at cloudbase 3k with pilotchute hesitation 1st time caught out by sub terminal opening:D:D
"why isn't anything happening ?" then it opened to my relief:)

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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8; 11; 0

$8 left of the $1000 I put on my account like less than 3 weeks ago. Damn I've been jumpin a lot!

11 cool fun ass jumps. Including jumps with Syzergy's Bobby P, Shane and Elmo. They put on a super cool freefly coaching/organizing day on Saturday. Some tandem vids, some freefly, LOTS of hop n pops and CRW.

I had a great weekend. :)

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I think I owe a case for falling over with my chair. I had had, oh, 6 shots of tequila in about an hour and a half (but not measured shots, which probably saved me), and I fell over with my chair at the Mexican restaurant. Good times. :D

And I got to help pie J (for the second time that night ;)), and hung out with some seriously cool, fun people (at Tullahoma, btw).

All in all a great weekend. And I think I'll just take another week or two off of jumping, and then I should be ready to go again! Worked out well, because I'm broke as a joke right now anyway. :D

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3 Days I was held hostage at the DZ :$ Went out friday to have a few drinks with a friend, with the intention of meeting another friend to go hiking Sat am at the state park up the road. Well Waiting to hear from her, I never ended up leaving the DZ...


And thanks eeneR for organizing that one! Great to meet U!

Had fun playing armchair organizer :D Anytime Jeth, I am more then happy to help you guys out!! Great getting to meet you too. :)
Also had fun being fill in dirt diver for the Bigway organizer! B| Cant jump with them right now, at least I got to pretend on the ground for now.

Course all the goofing off this weekend has made my arm mad at me :$
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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10 tandem videos.. 4 AFFs.. and 2 freefly jumps. I owe beer I guess. but I am not sure for what.. i rode the plane down for the first time with one of my AFF students and then later on Saturday, one of my students broke his ankle.. Not sure of either of these are beerable offenses but I paid anyway.. ;)
gotta go... Plaything needs a spanking..

Lotsa Pictures

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uh huh, right, not so much:10:0

4-way Comp on Saturday... won silver medal... there were only two teams in our class but we still got second :P... and we did almost manage to complete a page on one of our dives.

I could really use some tunnel time... [:/]

Then some fun jumps 3: 2 Way jumps with an AFA Cadet... and a H&P on sunday also three jumps were used to demo a Sabre2 150 B|... nothing unexpected, out of the ordinary, etc... got one, C-landing and two stand-ups... once I figured out the flair...

Overall a great weekend... :)
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Two jumps after the clouds left (thanks for leaving the ranch 'god of wind and rain':P;)). Nice jumping saturday afternoon :)
CReW Skies,
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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