F1 US Grand Prix Tyre issues

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that`s a bullshit... i mean come on... the configuration of the track is WELL known since the start of the chmpionship... i think if michellin can`t give a good tyre for it... if michellin can`t obtained a good tyre for this race what the hell are they doing in a competrion like f1
f1 is a competion about drivers/cars/tyres engines etc etc..
if u dont have a good driver, car, tyre, engine, team, etc etc u dont have a chance
so tyres are a big part of the game...

"jump, have fun, pull"

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If Michellin can't come up with a tyre, thats their problem,
I don't think a track should be changed just for them

What is bad is the throwing of objects on to the track by angry spectators,

Gone fishing

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Michellin screwed up......they brought a tyre that wasnt suitable for the race....they admited this.

The FIA knew this friday...teams scrambled to find a soultion.......the FIA denied all requests.

Its the FIA's job to keep the circus we know as F1 going and going safely.

6 cars do not make a F1 race.....this is not a performance issue.....this is a safety issue...the FIA should have worked towards a safe compromise.

I actually applaud Michellin's decission to publicly admit there screw up....."our tyres are not safe to race today"........better to pull out then risk a death.

shunkka...do you feel this is what should have happened in this situation?? a 6 car race?

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Michellin screwed up......they brought a tyre that wasnt suitable for the race....they admited this.

The FIA knew this friday...teams scrambled to find a soultion.......the FIA denied all requests.

Its the FIA's job to keep the circus we know as F1 going and going safely.

6 cars do not make a F1 race.....this is not a performance issue.....this is a safety issue...the FIA should have worked towards a safe compromise.

I actually applaud Michellin's decission to publicly admit there screw up....."our tyres are not safe to race today"........better to pull out then risk a death.

shunkka...do you feel this is what should have happened in this situation?? a 6 car race?

Michelin fucked up and only Michelin fucked up. As the FIA stated in their letter to Michelin (emphasis mine),

We are very surprised that this difficulty has arisen. As you know,
each team is allowed to bring two different types of tyre to an event
so as to ensure that a back-up (usually of lower performance) is
available should problems occur. It is hard to understand why you have
not supplied your teams with such a tyre
given your years of
experience at Indianapolis.

which ended with

Finally, it has been suggested that a chicane should be laid out in
Turn 13. I am sure you will appreciate that this is out of the
question. To change the course in order to help some of the teams with
a performance problem
caused by their failure to bring suitable
equipment to the race would be a breach of the rules and grossly
unfair to those teams which have come to Indianapolis with the correct

The FIA has placed the blame squarely on Michelin's shoulders, where it belongs 100%.

And I'm okay with that.

I feel sorry for the fans who got ripped off, both at Indy and around the world, I hope they let Michelin know what they think of their poor performance.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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The FIA still could have reached a fair compromise.

Again ...this was not a performance issue...this is a safety issue......Michellin clad cars still took top grid positions.....there not just whining because there tyres were degrading etc etc........there is a possibility of the tyres blowing up at prob the most dangerous part of the track.

Its the FIA's job to make sure the show goes on.

I wanted my Bacon Cheeseburger and a Beer today......and all I got was a lousey stick of celery;)

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FIA made it clear to the teams that Michellin knew what speed was safe to use in turn 13. The teams could have went out and used that recomendation......
It was poor planning by Michellin, the FIA made the correct decision and the teams..... well they did what they did.....

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FIA made it clear to the teams that Michellin knew what speed was safe to use in turn 13. The teams could have went out and used that recomendation......

I do not belive that was a acceptable compromise.....unsafe would be one way to describe it...........personally....I wouldn't want to take a Minardi up the ass;)

as for the FIA's rec to simply change the tires(race is over..back to the north american way of spelling)...the teams would have been under the inspection rule....and possibly DQ'ed for the tires not meeting the required rules for replacement:S


the FIA made the correct decision

Well..... we are going to have to agree to disagree on that one :P

It really is a shame....this is one of the best seasons in years...many diff teams have a chance to win.....the playing field has been somewhat equalized and no one team is running away with it yet(actually...todays farce has made the championship race a little better by bringing Ferrari closer to the others after a poor season start)...

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u r right
a race with only 6 cars it`s a shit
but... and here is a big BUT... at first f1 is a competition... not a SHOW... at first f1 is a RACE not a show...
it`s true as spectators (fans) we want a show... a competition with 22 cars
now i ask: who pays?
the show lost
the competition lost too?
i dont think
because as i said in my previous post f1 is about:
drivers, cars, engines, teams, aerodinamics, and etc etc etc... and TYRES... tyres are part of the game...
what happen if at the next race 8 teams say: we can`t race because our aerodinamics dont offer enough safety on this configuration of the track
it was the NORMAL decision that the race start with the cars well equiped...

PS.. sorry for my silly english... it`s not my language
i can bet i write better in english than others can write in romanian - yeah that`s my excuse

"jump, have fun, pull"

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The FIA still could have reached a fair compromise.

Again ...this was not a performance issue...this is a safety issue......Michellin clad cars still took top grid positions

Safety my arse.

Read the FIA's letter to Michelin in response to their (Michelin's) heavy handed demand to change the rules to save Michelin's bacon.

Michelin brought a fast tire that couldn't last. FIA was 100% in the right to refuse to accomodate Michelin. Brigestone had no problem bringing a tire that lasted.

The only ones that endangered Michelin's drivers was Michelin. They should be embarrassed and ashamed.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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The only ones that endangered Michelin's drivers was Michelin. They should be embarrassed and ashamed.

Agreed, and in addition to that, they should carry the financial burden of refunds on tickets etc. Why should the speedway have to loose money when they did nothing wrong and had no control over what happened.

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The FIA still could have reached a fair compromise.

Again ...this was not a performance issue...this is a safety issue......Michellin clad cars still took top grid positions

Safety my arse.

Read the FIA's letter to Michelin in response to their (Michelin's) heavy handed demand to change the rules to save Michelin's bacon.

Michelin brought a fast tire that couldn't last. FIA was 100% in the right to refuse to accomodate Michelin. Brigestone had no problem bringing a tire that lasted.

The only ones that endangered Michelin's drivers was Michelin. They should be embarrassed and ashamed.

Here here! Can you imagine the fallout that Michelin is gonna have with respect to tire sales in this country (and others)?? I, for one, won't be buying any michelin tires anytime soon.

I'm gonna buy me some bridgestones! :ph34r:

What a marketing/sales disaster... and F1 disaster!

BTW, Isn't Michelin a french company??


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