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My wife is hotter than your wife.
minobu 0
Only skydivers know why the birds sing!
Darius11 12
There will be arguments. Hopefuly not to many of them

I'm pretty sure I'm no doormat.

(drink Mountain Dew)
kelel01 1
But yes, NOW you get what I'm saying, because I actually said it right.
But it really pisses me off when people try to deconstruct my psyche based on a fucking post. I'm not so good with the words sometimes, you know?

QuoteBut it really pisses me off when people try to deconstruct my psyche based on a fucking post. I'm not so good with the words sometimes, you know?
Bah! don't sweat it... Men don't read well.

My mind is like a functions only when open.
Rainbo 0

TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."
Rebecca 0
It's all in how you approach a situation and respond to it. Done openly, objectively and honestly,
Disagreement = new perspective and
Conflict = growth
A good 'discussion' or argument can be a great way to find out more about each other and push boundaries. Also, coming to an agreement after a disagreement can really spark new feelings and deepen existing ones.
Or, you could find out you really don't like your partner, which is not a bad thing to find out - it gives you a chance to change for the better.
Some conflict is a good thing.
you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?
2fat2fly 0
QuoteBut you shouldn't be afraid to fight, and it can be healthy on occasion.
Liz an I have been married for over 6 years, been together for 9 next month and while we disagree on sometimes, I can honestly say that we've never raised our voices or had what most people would call a fight. We have been able to resolve issues so far with out loosing our cool. It probably helps that she's a therapist and is better that most at keeping the discussions on topic. Our only hard rules are that we don't use the words "always" or "never" and we don't even jokingly ever say the word divorce.
It works for us but, then again, I'll be the first to admit that I married well above myself this time.

Sure me and the men I've seen may have disagreements, but I'm just saying I've never had a bad relationship before

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

If there is one man I want to spend the rest of my life with, he better be one I REALLY like

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...
Yep, sex sort of works well for me.QuoteQuoteI agree with Kele01 to some degree that if there was NEVER any sort of disagreement or anything of that sort in a relationship it seems that that relationship would be somewhat boring.
I guess I'm out of place here then. If you need disagreement to keep a relationship from getting boring then my feeling is that a more fundamental problem exists. If I find someone I want to be with, I can think of TONS of better things to do than disagree about something.
QuoteNo more old, crabby, whiny-ass titty babies for me. Grow a set, for the love of Pete!
WTF, I don't even like Pete!

-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.
QuoteYa know, a relationship where there is no:
etc, etc?
I can't imagine being in a relationship, with someone who was selfish and argued with me all the time. I really don't understand why people stay in relationships that aren't fun. I have never been in a relationship with a man, where we both didn't enjoy each other completely and we never argued or bickered or anything. I love my ex boyfriends to this day
How many tree houses have you been in?

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

edit to add: Confusion explained

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...
QuoteI was wondering the same thing, and then . . .
I realized that I'm not happy in a relationship unless I'm challenged, to a certain degree. The ones where there was little to no turmoil are the ones that faded VERY QUICKLY - no passion was involved.
I can't truly fall for someone unless they challenge me. And being the fiery little thing that I am, that's gonna lead to problems - fighting, bickering, etc. But I love them.
Like a line I heard once on a movie: "He doesn't care enough to argue with you." If I back down from you, it either means a) you're right (not likely) or b) you don't mean enough to me for me to argue with.
I have known many couples that fight or argue and it was really nothing more than forplay. Sounds odd, but it true. I have suggested to more than one girl who freakin pushed every button she could find on her boyfriends that she really should think about S&M and that would be a great outlet for her energy. Lots of men and women would like to be a slave. Really.

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"
f1freak 0
I see now that no two people are the same and there has to be the disagreements, arguments..... I'm not saying that they will be really bad, but they SHOULD be there (IMO)......
Differences are a fact of life and I believe they can make a relationship stronger if both people deal with them....
Hell even agreeing to disagree is better than one person just going along just to avoid conflict....
I'm NO EXPERT and thats for sure. it's just something i have noticed i guess....

Face it, if you are in a relationship long enough, there will be disagreements; however, I am into the type of relationship where disagreements are discussed maturely. I have never had problems before really, my relationships have always been good.
Perhaps that's why I want to be a marriage and family counselor

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...
QuoteWTF, I don't even like Pete! I must have been unclear. It's not so much that I (and others) want to avoid high-drama, it's more that it's a waste of time and I won't tolerate it.
It seems that people miss the real point. The point of a relationship is to relate to each other as people.
If you argue a lot, then you don't really like each other as people. If you continue to date someone that you dislike, then it is all about looks, sex, or money. When that grows boring, no one should be surprised when they split.
There is a power-trip game called, "How much crap will he put up with?" Most of the players are 18 years old and there are no winners.
QuoteYou want a kick in the pants Mr.?
A lick in the who?

I was gonna ask what it's like to be in a relationship. What the heck is that? Is it like whuffo RW?
QuoteMen don't read well.
Huked on foniks werked fer me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that I can understand. If that is what was meant, then I misread the posts above.
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