
Dog left in car.Bastards.

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If you got the license plate # send the info to PETA or some other insane animal rights group. They might irratate this assmunch enough that it never happens again.


thats just cruel Judy! PETA?! Hell why dont you just kill em and get it over with!!:D:D

But then again... thats the point. fuckers!

I used to leave my dog in my truck (yes in the cab) but I always left it running and the A/C on for her. Not many people got the nads to hop in a truck w/ an 80lb rottie sittin in the seat! :D

Oh that's just great. One day we're going to see some fucking rottie driving around in your truck smokin a bowl with the AC running and some goddamn hippie music playing too loud. :|

youre just jelous. :P Plus, I have a Vibe now, AND you'd have to move to Atlanta to see it. Unless you visitited Arkansas in the next few weeks (why would ANYONE visit Arkasas in the next few weeks?!)

Just tell the dog to not bogart the bowl! :P
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
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I'm very pissed at myself right now. I suck. If anything good comes out of this, it's that maybe others have learned something from my mistake.
I don't call the cops if there is something i should do first. I like to handle problems like the old west whenever possible. My hope was that it was cool in there for a few minutes near the floor and the owner would be back in 2 mins. My temper has got me in trouble many times with dumb people like this. I was going to smash the window, but thought i should go before i actually had the chance to hold the owner's face into the hot parking lot until the police came etc.
Hope there isn't a "next time" but if there is, my story will be better.

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Ignorant people piss me off too. I'm just offering a couple of legal and non violent solutions! ;)
Think about it-an announcement in the middle of a KMart? If you didn't think that would shame him/her enough to take care of the dog, you could have lied and said the lights were on or it was getting towed- that would make the owner come running in a heartbeat. Just a thought. I see dogs in cars all the time, but not when its this hot, and not without the windows cracked open!

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Hey dude, you not guilty at all but the fucker that did that need a fucking good beating, sorry folks wouldn't normally get so fucked off but that is totally out of order, you choose to have an animal, they don't choose to have you....

Its things like this that makes me hope Karma really does exist!

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Please call the police next time, Jeff.

I once called over a security guard to help my with a similar situation, but he didn't understand my concern. I explained to him how a parked car in the summer can create a mini greenhouse effect, and I called the police to report the situation. There was a crack left open in the moonroof, through which I poured in some of my bottled water. I waited until the police found the car with the security guard to explain the situation, then drove away.

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You know you can report it and all that jazz but what will get done about it is minor. This is one of those cases where you get a buddy to keep six, smash the window, slice the tires, piss on their seat and walk away with the dog... and their change tray.

"Ya we'll rape the local objects, and maybe do some jumps too!"

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My mum found a dog locked in a hot car a few months ago. First she called me because I worked at the RSPCA for 2.5 years and she asked me what to do. I told her to call the cops straight away. She'd already been there for 40 minutes with no sign of an owner. As she was on the phone to the cops the owner turned up and she got into an arguement with him. He was a stupid old man. Mum put him on the phone to the cop who tried to put him in his place but he hung up on her and argued some more with my mum and left.

The cop called my mum back about 10 minutes later to make sure she was ok. Stupid people annoy me. You should have called the cops for sure. If I ever see a dog in a car close to death I'm breaking windows left right and centre.
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I've seen that before, big siberian husky *my favorite kind of dogs* 94F windows rolled up, and it gets very humid up here in Indiana.. luckily enough I had just stepped off the engine at a Fire, getting ready to make entry into the building, when I noticed the car this dog was in was parked right in front of our hydrant that we were going to use for our supply line.. hehe well since parking in front of a hydrant is a federal offense, I just popped out both the front windows, the dog got air and we got water, and his owners couldn't say shit either:)

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I worked at a music store. Hot day, went to the bank. Came back from the bank and a car was sitting in front of the store with the windows open about 1 inch. On the back seat were a 1 year old and another kid about 3, both asleep, or dead. In between them was a big basket of clothes with laundry detergent and bleach on top. I went running into the music store, told my boss that some asswipe was killing her two kids by locking them in a sweltering car, and I was on the phone calling the police when this woman sheepish comes out from behind a music rack where she had been looking at sheet music. She went to the front door, got in the car and left. Lost a sale. And a customer, who gives a shit.

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I'm very pissed at myself right now. I suck. If anything good comes out of this, it's that maybe others have learned something from my mistake.

Cocheese - its real easy for the rest of us to play arm chair quarter back. Most of say we would break the window, but most of us have not been in the situation.


My temper has got me in trouble many times with dumb people like this.

Its not just you that does...;)

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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