
Goldcoast Skydivers under attack!

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I was out at Goldcoast today to show my support, donate $$$ and get some altitude;).

I talked with Mike a couple of times today and asked him why he thought he's being targeted for eviction and harassed with these legal problems.

Mike seems to think this is over the ATC tower they are building on the airport.
The JCAA (Jackson County Airport Authority) supposedly (Mike/Others have requested and are waiting for these documents under the "Freedom of Information Act") delivered documents detailing aprox 30,000+ take-off and landings per year in their request for public (Federal taxes, that you and I pay) tax dollars to improve the runway/taxiways and build the ATC tower.
Mike and others wanted to know where these figures came from, because they believe them to be grossly/fraudulently over-stated.

*** 30,000+ T & L's per year = 82 per day, everyday of the year***
This airport does no-where near that, might be lucky to do that in a week according to Mike and others. More like 5000+ per year with Goldcoast operations accounting for more than half of those.
Heck, even if they we're counting the individual skydivers it wouldn't add up!

( The following is not exact, but to the best of my memory...)
Apparently Mike appalled at such a waste of tax-payer dollars and the lack of need for the tower, met with someone from the JCAA or some-such and asked "Where did you get these figures?" and was told that "They weren't sure who supplied the numbers." to which Mike replied something about de-frauding tax-payers and was promptly "Invited" out of this persons office. Since then Mike says he has had more nit-picking problems than ever before in his twelve (12) year history, and this is not his first court battle with the JCAA (but thats history not being covered today).

He has been told "Remove your quonset hut" he asked "Why?" and was told "Because we told you to!."

He has been told "Move your travel trailers"... "Why?"... "Because we told you to!"

All of this Mike has done, and more, but he will not grovel and kiss their ass like they want and this pisses them off.

Why is Goldcoast held to a one (1) year lease, year after year when most or all other tenants are given five (5) year leases?

Now they are trying to evict him on trumped-up violations of lease agreements.

Yesterday, for this weekend, they (The JCAA) agreed to let him sign a weekend lease to use "His" facility, but they chain the gates and demand that everyone park in the main airport parking lot.

Mike bends but he will not break, when will this chain-jerking harassment end?

This is plain and simple harassment... IMO

Mike has a lawyer now and is fighting the good fight, trying to take to this to Federal Court.
Go get'em Mike!!!

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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did the media (TV) newsies show up today after I left?
I had heard that they might, just curious...

Not that I saw. Also, I want to make a correction in my previous post. Trent Lott was NOT Speaker of the House. He was a former Senate Majority Leader. Ahh, I feel better.:)
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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*** 30,000+ T & L's per year = 82 per day, everyday of the year***

Could it be that the militarty is using the airport for
Stealth take off and landings?
I don't care how many skydives you've got,
until you stepped into complete darkness at
800' wearing 95 lbs of equipment and 42 lbs
of parachute, son you are still a leg!

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Considering I saw 0 take offs today, I am thinking that Moss Point will have to do 172 tomorrow. It's supposed to be thunderstorms tomorrow, so if they don't make the 172, then on Tuesday, they will need to make 258. Soon, Moss Pont will be busier than O'Hare. Ummmm...does somebody smell dirty politics bilking federal tax dollars?
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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It may be worth remembering that this airport is the namesake of former Senate Majority Leader, Trent Lott. A prominent figure in the state of Mississippi, who can make things happen... Perhaps see to it that his airport has the best (e.g. ATC Tower) of everything?

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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This is almost the IDENTICAL stuff we went thru at Quincy, including the exagerated T/O Landing numbers. They (Quincy) are really hurting now, and have even lost their rating due to the WFFC leaving and taking the number of T/O Landings that we did in a 10 day period with us. Imagine what this would do to Mikes' airport, if he took all of his operations away from them.
As I see it,
A. First we must find out the actual numbers of Mikes operation. (It would be terrific, but unlikely as hell to find out the other operators numbers)
B. Letter writing to all elected officials, especially whomever is in his FAA jurisdiction is necessary, using all of those numbers as the basis. This should be done by all of us and by C) See below
C. Contact all of the local businesses who will suffer if
Mike is not allowed to continue. (I think that there are 2 hotels and a couple of restaurants right close that would be very supportive. Their employees are good contacts too.) These are voting taxpayers who will all stand to lose income/jobs if Mikes operation goes under. Their letters of commendation will mean more than any/all of ours to the elected officials.
Who can find out who the elected officials are in Mikes jurisdiction?
A. Mayor
B. Council/Board of Trustees, Parish officials
C. Congress man/woman
D. State Representative
E. FAA reps

Another good contact for actual info would be the FBO, who knows how much fuel is used, and by whom.

If the FBO is not able/willing to give help, contact HIS supplier, and ask the same thing. (Just watch for the trucks to come fill his tank, and call the folks)

I would be happy to give you some help in organizing a letter writing thing, if you can provide me with some figures.

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All of this has been done. But, you are very thorough! Quite impressive!!!!!!! Mike has all of his t/o landing numbers and we are observers to the others. There is no way they are doing 86 per day. There are only about 7-10 hangers on the property. Trent Lott did get federal funds to expand the runway from 6500 to, I think, 8500, to accomodate commercial flights. Do you really think Southwest Airlines wants to land in Moss Point, Mississippi? I am all for the airport growing, but I want it to grow through honesty.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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Isn't Southwest going out of business or something? I bet it's Becky Layne, skipping work and doing 50 touch and gos a day...yeah, that's it. Then again, doesn't Mike only put up 20-30 loads a year...if I remember correctly, he doesn't really contribute that much to overall #'s

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Hi Laurel,
Just kicked in a twenty spot to help Mike. From the sound of things just posted, sounds like the characters that are giving Mike the problems may just have opened up their own can of worms!! 30,000 T.O's and Ldgs per year, hmmm???
SCR-2034, SCS-680


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Hi Laurel,
Just kicked in a twenty spot to help Mike. From the sound of things just posted, sounds like the characters that are giving Mike the problems may just have opened up their own can of worms!! 30,000 T.O's and Ldgs per year, hmmm???

Thanks so much!!!!!!
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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Here is FAA Order 7110.65 (9-8-3). This order defines ATC procedures for sequencing, separating, vectoring, issuing clearances ,etc. to air traffic. This section defines procedures for Class "D" Tower controlled airspace.



Handle requests to conduct jump operations in or into Class D airspace in which there is a functioning control tower as follows:

a. Authorize parachute jumping with respect to known or observed traffic.

b. Issue advisory information to the jump aircraft and to nonparticipating aircraft as necessary for the safe conduct of the jump operation.

PQL will be classified as Class "D" if a control tower is installed. It will be a VFR Tower without approach control (IFR) responsibilities and will most likely be staffed by contract controllers such as RVA, Barton or Midwest not FAA controllers.

These are the requirements for Class A, B and C:


a. Authorize parachute operations only within airspace designated for the jumping activity.

b. Separate aircraft, other than those participating in the jump operation, from the airspace authorized for the jumping activity.

c. Impose, as necessary, any conditions and restrictions which in your judgment would promote the safety of the operation.

14 CFR Section 105.25, Parachute Operations in Designated Airspace.

And finally Other Controlled airspace:


Handle notifications to conduct jump operations in other Class E airspace as follows:

a. Issue a traffic advisory to the jump aircraft before the jump. Include aircraft type, altitude, and direction of flight of all known traffic which will transit the airspace within which the jump will be conducted.

14 CFR Section 105.13, Radio Equipment and Use Requirements, prescribes that, except when otherwise authorized by ATC, parachute jumping is not allowed in or into Class E airspace unless radio communications have been established between the aircraft and the FAA ATC facility having jurisdiction over the affected airspace of the first intended exit altitude at least 5 minutes before the jumping activity is to begin for the purpose of receiving information in the aircraft about known air traffic in the vicinity of the jump aircraft.

b. Issue advisories to all known aircraft which will transit the airspace within which the jump operations will be conducted. Advisories shall consist of the location, time, duration, and altitude from which the jump will be made.

c. When time or numbers of aircraft make individual transmissions impractical, advisories to nonparticipating aircraft may be broadcast on appropriate control frequencies, or when available, the ATIS broadcast.

d. When requested by the pilot and to the extent possible, assist nonparticipating aircraft to avoid the airspace within which the jump will be conducted.
"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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Sent donation! I will write letters and send them tomorrow. When is the next court date, and are we allowed in Federal court for support? It pisses me off the hear the type of numbers being shown. I hope this turns out for us, I will be doing everything I can to help.

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I just fired off this email to Senator Lott's office. I HOpe you all will do the same.


Dear Senator Lott,

I would appreciate your support in settling the dispute between the Jackson County Airport Authority (JCAA) and Gold Coast Skydivers

It seems that the JCAA is trying to force the dropzone off of the airport for purely financial and unethical reasons.

Please do what you can to ensure that this business stays open. I certainly appreciate your help.

Rick Homeier

There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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Good letter Bro Perdido, keep up the good work. Laurel put up a whole list of contacts for us to write and call, in a earlier post to this thread.
Another that I'd recommend is the Mississippi Dept of Tourism, especially for all of us that are from out of state, even those of us from AL and LA.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Has anyone over there contacted the local new media about this. They have a ways of digging up dirt that you would never think of. How about a full page add about the lies of take offs and landings in the local newspaper. Most tax payers read the paper. If they want a war give um one! It saddens me to here this news from Gold Coast. That facility is a very nice one. Hot showers, nice bathrooms, large sun deck, RV hookups. Mike started that DZ with a C-182 and a couple of tarps on the ground to pack. Give them hell!

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They'll be getting a letter from Alabama toot sweet.

Mississippi Division of Tourism Development

Contact Information

Mississippi Development Authority

Administrative Offices:

Division of Tourism Development
Post Office Box 849
Jackson, MS 39205
E-mail: lturnage@mississippi.org
601.359.3297 ()
601.359.5757 (Fax)

Tourist Information, Brochures, Packets:

1.866.SEE.MISS (733.6477)
Web site: www.visitmississippi.org
E-mail: tinquiry@mississippi.org

Individual Convention and Visitor Bureaus
Contact Information

witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Has anyone over there contacted the local new media about this.

We have contacted the local media and they have been running stories. They are missing the boat on falsification of numbers bit. They have touched upon it but they aren't focusing on it. We are taking it further, though. Ranger, Joint Chief of Staff aide, skydiver, and Trent Lott aide, has been contacted. He is going to help us. Look up Ranger - he was on both jumps with Pres. GHW Bush and has lots of connections in Washington. He is very concerned about the findings so far and that Gold Coast is run by and employes over 13 veterans and active military persons.
PMS#28, Pelogrande Rodriguez#1074
My Pink M

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How many people showed up to jump this weekend?

Also, when writing to Senators and Representatives should it be more specific to include the numbers, or more general and broad to just call their attention to the problem that is going on? If more specific what is the best information to include in the letter, the inflated takeoffs and landings?

-Tammy P.M.S #190

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Does someone actually have a source for the discrepency in these numbers or is everyone writing letters saying, "I heard on dropzone.com...." ?

Sources are slightly important in such matters.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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