
Do men and women get treated differently at the DZ with regards to training and jumps?

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However, this DID NOT extend to my AFF. I am 100% sure that my AFF training was just as strict as the guys get it. I even repeated a level for not checking altimeter on time. I was treated professionally as a person, not as a pretty chick.

Which brings up a point i missed, referring to the Instroctor joke. I do believe that most, if not all instructors teach a quality AFF course.
This problem tends to come when they get their A's and are sent to the "wolves"....their new peers.

As far as it possibly being a "safety" problem, yes it is. Can you "do" anything about it, such as a program, probably not.

All, or at least one thing we (you, me, everyone) can do is watch out for our upcoming jumpers.
They are our future, they are a "product of us", they are a part of what keeps this sport alive, lets keep THEM that way.
People who jumped with my father referred to themselves as "one of Jerry's kids". This started back in 1972, all of a sudden it means alot more than what it used to.:S:S

Take care of your people, and your people will take care of you..... sumn like that...

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I'll chime in too I guess.

A while ago when I was a student, there was another student, a female one, in training with me, that had more jumps than me, as I remember it. Fast-forward to present, some time has passed, and having moved onto another dropzone in another part of the country, I return to my old dropzone. I see the same woman, who seems to have more jumps than me based on the complexity of the jumps being dirt-dived and people she is hanging out with.

I think, cool, she has come really far, I'm kinda jealous. About that time she wanders over to me and says hi and is kinda upset since she just scratched herself off a load and lost her ticket. When I asked why, she said the jump she was on had grown into a like a 10-way FF and she was scared to go on it.

When I asked how many jumps she had, I came to realize that it was about a third of what I had done since I had seen her last, and then I told her that I wouldn't have gone on the jump either, and reinforced the fact that she made the right decision.

I offered to do a simple 2-way coach-style fun jump with her so she could work on some "easy" stuff and we went on to have a great, mellow, no-pressure jump and guess what, she was all smiles when we landed and thanked me for jumping with her.

That is the biggest example I have seen to-date of a woman, because she was popular/attractive, being invited on jumps that could have straight-up got her or someone else killed! There is no way that they would have invited some dude with her numbers to go on that jump.

I had no ulterior motive in wanting to jump with her either since she was way older than me. I just wanted to fly relative and work on my rusty belly skills.

Anyway, you gotta lookout for yourself plain and simple. I never expect anyone else to tell me if I am doing something dangerous or questionable, I use my own judgement, based on experience and training, and will take a pass if I am not absolutely sure!!!
when in doubt... hook it!

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I agree that we are responsible for ourselves. However, more experienced jumpers also need to be responsible in the advice they give other jumpers and be aware that sometimes newbies just don't know any better.

I think that is EXACTLY what was trying to be said in the other thread. I couldn't agree more with these statements... :)

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Wait a minute... I was just trying to help her get the air out of that canopy. ;)

It only works one way. It's giving what ya got for what ya want.

If you are a guy who wants to meet the new hottie and you've got skydiving knowledge/opportunities?
Game on.

I have also watched as an instructor bitched out his 60-jump artificially-enhanced friend after she nearly killed her topless self in a raft jump. It seems that game is played successfully from both ends. :)

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Wait a minute... I was just trying to help her get the air out of that canopy. ;)

It only works one way. It's giving what ya got for what ya want.

If you are a guy who wants to meet the new hottie and you've got skydiving knowledge/opportunities?
Game on.


And when we are not jumping...
we are jumping each other....;)

I believe that one belongs to my brother, the phrase that is..

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It cuts both ways I think. Attractive women often get more attention, get asked on more complex dives, get lots of free coaching, etc, but at the same time I think they can be also less respected as skydivers unless they're one of the well known skygodesses in the sport.

Also, everyone gets asked onto dives that are beyond their skill from time to time.

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Yes they do get treated differently, but are trained exactly the same.

Yes get invited on jumps outside their range by guys!

Let's face it. There are male and female predators at every dropzone that prey on students and new jumpers especially if they are young. These people are usually interested in only one thing and it isn't the safety of the target.

Blue skies,


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I came back to the top to reply because I got lost in the clutter. My mind ain't what it used to be. Do I talk to women differently than men, yup. It is a flirting thing that all people do, whether they can admit it or not. It's kind of fun, but it does not cross the line in the relationship I try to develop while mentoring.

When I talk about skydiving, how to progress, how to conceptualize, everyone is getting the same talk. I may sound a bit like the surf pro as I tend to use lots of analogies to get my point across. In the air everyone gets the same treatment, you need to work to earn and learn. If I cheat someone on learning to feel the skydive just because of their sex then I am doing them no favor, and demeaning myself in their eyes, from my perspective.

If you, or anyone else feels that you are treated differently, how do you feel about that person, or about yourself for allowing it? Are you really getting what you want out of the experience?

It's true that there are people who look at the role of the experienced jumper as a way to access the meat market. Everyone that knows me knows that I love to play the game when it is game playing time, but when I want to share what I have learned over the years you will get me, the real me, and get to share the real me. You will meet others that will give you the same no matter where you jump, look for them if you really want to learn and live. If however you want to be treated like meat, then by all means PM your number and HEY...;)
TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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Are we talking fat chicks or hot chicks?

:o:o:o LOL

Men and women get treated differently WHERE EVER they go...If I'm at the store, at a bar, at work. It may not be right or fair, but it's the law of nature. I don't see why the dz should be any different, it's just a microcosm of society where everything is more intense.

It aint necessarily a bad thing...What's the big deal if someone helps you get air out of your canopy or offers some advice on body pos or safety? Be flattered, be nice, smile and don't be overwhelmed by it. It's all good 'slong as you have your head screwed on right chicks :P

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I haven't replied to one of these threads because I'm definitely one of the ones who have benefited from this particular kind of gender bias. I've had a lot of free coaching from some very skilled fliers, and I'm a small young girl. However, I'm wondering about getting on dives that I shouldn't have been invited on. I'm wondering if this is more prevalent with belly fliers than free fliers, or if it's just a product of "growing up" at a small DZ, but I haven't been on too many dives that I truly wasn't ready for. If I do end up on a particularly big freefly dive (more than an 8-way or so), I'll usually volunteer to fly camera or bump myself off.

I think any bias that has occurred in my situation has definitely been more focused on getting free coaching and extra attention when it comes to debriefing early swoop attempts than it was in getting in on bigger freefly dives that I just wasn't ready for.

Is getting on dives beyond one's skill level more of a belly flying thing?
"Ive seen you hump air, hump the floor of the plane, and hump legs. You now have a new nickname: "Black Humper of Death"--yardhippie

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;) This is a awsome post!! I have said on numeous ocasions that I wish I had tits!
Girls do get a lot more free coaching then guys with similar jump numbers. Thats Ok because if I were in there shoes I don't think I would do differently. Now there is the exception the guys that have a true passion for the sport and it is about skydiving not the potential of seeing some ass they want to see all skydivers suceed regardless of gender.:ph34r:
Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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I In the air everyone gets the same treatment, you need to work to earn and learn. If I cheat someone on learning to feel the skydive just because of their sex then I am doing them no favor, and demeaning myself in their eyes, from my perspective.

If you, or anyone else feels that you are treated differently, how do you feel about that person, or about yourself for allowing it? Are you really getting what you want out of the experience?

I agree totaly although not the case with some instructors.:(.:P Skydiving is Skydiving and screwing is screwing but screwing while skydiving......B|. Dont forget to pull twice.;)
Some day I will have the best staff in the world!!!

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Nerd's Law #1:

People do dumb things around those whom they find sexually attractive.

Disclaimer: Nerd reserves the right to rephrase his immutable laws of intergender relationships at any time if such a change will increase overall clarity and understanding of said laws.

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Disclaimer: Nerd reserves the right to rephrase his immutable laws of intergender relationships at any time if such a change will increase overall clarity and understanding of said laws.

Or if said rephrase heightens the probability of said Nerd getting laid.:D

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Women who are attractive have a slight advantage (actually, anyone who is attractive has an advantage). People with money have a slight advantage. People who are really outgoing and friendly have a slight advantage. People who have skydiving parents have a slight advantage.

There are people with slight advantages in the sport and in life. It's not really a big deal unless someone exploits it. There is a BEAUTIFUL woman named Kris who jumps frequently at SDC. She is a gorgeous woman, and she is very nice and very cool. Just because she is those things and MAY have had a few advantages (I don't know for sure...she may not have) does NOT change the fact that she can fly circles around most guys.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Now that you have said this I am trying figure what advantages I had learning to skydive...:S

I am also realizing that most of the mentoring I have started this season is with guys...:o

TheSpeedTriple - Speed is everything
"Blessed are those who can give without remembering, and take without forgetting."

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