
weekend numbers...

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Nope; 17; Not telling! :D

Once again.... I love Skydive Orange. Glad I stayed home to play. :)
5 tandem videos
1 belly video
lots of freefly
lots of crew
lots of learning to swoooo
and finished the weekend with a cool 9 way freefly tube dive. that was hot shit and made great video. :)
Oh.... and I got a tip for one of my videos!! YAY!! B|

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yeah right:31:lots owed, but payed with the keg we brought!

one of the best boogies ever!!! most importantly, we raised $740 for JFTC with the raffle at SGC!!! I made a ton of really awesome jumps this weekend with tons of friends! I got to meet so many new people and do some really neat things in the sky. my new favorite jump is jumping with Iwans tube. I want him to let me keep that thing:) i also got a few more wingsuit jumps in too! thanks for docking on me all weekend addie! Justi and i wil be famous soon with our red bull jump i hope;) thanks everyone that came out for the boogie. we had awesome weather and and awesome time.

theres just too much to write about and too many memories to type out. i loved this weekend and everything about it!
i will have pics up soon!
thanks for FF organizing PJ! happy birthday to you!!!

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Great weekend- 9 jumps-
Got to jump the demo more that was awesome.

Did a tube exit that went perfect it was sweet.
Oh yea i owe beer for that one.
Had a great time
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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bah, crappy weekend. Spent all three days in bed, and still home sick today. Nearly took a trip to the ER last night when I had some issues with breathing. Oh well. Best Memorial Day weather I can remember in recent history and I got to watch it from a window.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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8 jumps, woulda been more if I coulda found my freebag and didn't pitch my silver :S:(.

1st canopy wrap, 1st cutaway.B|:P

Great crosscountry jump...

Thanks Phree for letting me test out that S3, I don't think my shoulders are going to be quite the same after that.

A great time at SGC and I can't wait to make the 7 (or 9) hour drive back out there to hang out with you all again (and all the people from other palces as well:P)

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1 very fun beach boogie!

4 jumps all weekend, not bad for packing and being rained out mostly on Sunday.

1 case owed for my first successful hoop jump. I was the first one through the hoop! So much fun!

I almost forgot! :$ I got to go on my sister's 5th tandem. We got to do a jump almost at sunset on the beach! It was so much fun! I love sharing our playground in the sky with my family! Yay!

Blue skies!

"Life is either a great adventure or nothing." - Helen Keller

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0:8:1 Eight jumps, all fun, first jumps of the year coming back from an ACL graft in my right knee.Carol Lee was out with a similar surgery for the first time and we finished jumping Monday with a SCR for packer Joseph on his 31st jump and little Katy got her SCS.Feels great to get back in the air.

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What a great weekend. My first Boogie, my first tail gate jump, my first freefly dock, first time at Greene County, first double digit weekend, that is alot of beer.

Thanks to Greene County, you guys rock, especially Alana and Justi, see you in Chicago, hopefully Kansas can jump with us then. Thanks to PJ and Joel for helping me sit fly. I couldn't have done it with out you guys.

I was psyched to meet everyone down there, and I will find some way to upload the psycho voice mails and try to clear up the audio so Wingnut can hear them clearly.

I like Beans

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twas a great time jumpin this weekend, launched an awesome 4-way, got dragged around the sky after we broke into 2-waysB|, did an unsuccessful 2-way, and also tried to do a hybrid, which turned into a 2-way:D. Beer owed for first kiss pass from a girl:D

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Did my 1st clear & pull from 14000 with 5 others...got to watch 2 2-stacks, and 1 3-stack from close proximity...got to watch Kimmy do her first stack (mine comes next weekend!!! lol) and also got to do my 1st 'team landing' BWAHAHAHAHA!

Great weekend!!!! B|

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100:18:more :D than I can count.

The 100 is for my 100th jump, which I did at Perris this weekend. The 18 jumps include 6 at Eloy earlier in the week. Had a fantabulous amazing weekend with some old friends and new friends. I'm a happy girl.:)
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Feels like I drove 2,000 miles this weekend, but it was worth it to get all of my friends together.

0 jumps, which I am really sad about but hope to make up this weekend...

37, the number of birthday candles on one of my best friend's in the world birthday cake (next year Keith, we will definitely make quite a few jumps on your b-day).... Sunset Rock was awesome with you and thank you for the most amazing hugs, they really helped in the time of need.

Ben, Jenn and Keith, you guys are more than anything a girl could ever ask for in friends.... :)

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