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I've recently been given the opportunity to buy a used Triathalon 190 for a really low price (~$300). A jumper I know is willing to cut me a deal on his canopy, because he down-sized, and I tragically lost all of my stuff on a cutaway back in August.

The reason I'm asking on here is because I need to buy it soon (I don't want to make him hold on to it forever, when he could put it up for sale here). The weather here isn't going to be conducive to jumping for a while, and my DZ is closed. So if I buy it, it will probably be without getting to put a jump on it.

I will be changing over from a 2002 Spectre 190 to a similarly dated Triathalon 190. Assume they both have around 500 jumps. What will be the major differences?

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the price :)
and the Triathlon is most likely made out of the South African ZP, which packs a bit nicer.

I think it's a good deal he is giving you, and you won't see much difference provided both canopies were/are in trim.

Keep in mind there are 3 different kinds of Triathlons - regular/CRW/Hybrid. It's best to get the regular unless you plan to do CRW :) But all are great canopies, especially for $300

good luck

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Keep in mind there are 3 different kinds of Triathlons - regular/CRW/Hybrid. It's best to get the regular unless you plan to do CRW :) But all are great canopies, especially for $300

good luck

Really? 3 different ones? What are the differences?
I have a 190 Triathalon (regular I think). I like it quite a lot. Packs nicely, opens nice (if I pack reasonably well), flies great, lands nice. I don't have much experience on different canopies to compare it to (except a 288 manta:P) but I can't see how you'd go wrong for that price, even as a temporary set up.
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I love my Tri. You'll hear a lot of people bash them, but it opens great, flies great, but is a total bitch to pack. I've been told that they get different batches of fabric in to do the canopies, and mine is EXTRA slippery. Everybody that has tried to pack it comments on the fabric difference and how slippery it is. I think I just got unlucky in that respect, but other than that it flies, flares, and opens like a dream. :)

Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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You'll hear a lot of people bash them, but it opens great, flies great, but is a total bitch to pack.

Sure thing! What else have you tried? :P


I think I just got unlucky in that respect, but other than that it flies, flares, and opens like a dream.

I like only its fast opening. You can easily find canopies with better flare.

Its just an all around canopy, not a miracle.

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You can easily find canopies with better flare.

The version 4.0 line set for the Triathlon improves the flare on them by moving the brake lines more inboard on the canopy.

A canopy with 500 jumps on it is most likely due for a line set soon, and could be upgraded to the current version line set at that point...

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You can easily find canopies with better flare.

The version 4.0 line set for the Triathlon improves the flare on them by moving the brake lines more inboard on the canopy.

A canopy with 500 jumps on it is most likely due for a line set soon, and could be upgraded to the current version line set at that point...

I bought one with 1000 jump. It was badly out of trim and really short and shrunken break lines. It was hard to land softly. It was opening in stall and rocking back and forward.....

I got it relined. Its still not a miracle. I like it because its opening fast and reliable. Its just a life saving device for ending my wing suit dives. I can land it in 2m circle any time. Its just a good all around canopy, nothing more.

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for 300$ you almost cant go wrong, I have quite a number of jumps on triathalon and spectre canopy's, you will notice on hot no wind days that the tri will still give you good landings but will not shut down as nicely as the spectre, front riser pressure is definately heavier. if its the gelvenor fabric it will pack like a dream, if its the slippery stuff it will be about the same as the spectre

they are nice all around canopys, they do nothing fantastic, but are a good solid canopy and my first choice for tight demo's.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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I have aprox 165 jumps on my Triathalon 190 and love it. Consistently soft openings, nice flight, nice flare. I love my Triath. Bear in mind that I don't have alot to compare it to. Manta student canopies. I have flown a Triath 170 also and liked it just as well. If you don't want it, I do.

P.S. I have no trouble with packing it. It is all ZP but I bought it used so it was already broken in.

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I paid $500 for my Triathalon 175... I love it! flares great.. very responsive. If you get it, learn what packing results in the "good" opening. For mine (and I say MINE) I have to give the nose a VERY slight roll to ensure a nice soft opening. Overall... I love my canopy. If its the right canopy for you, get it! You'll enjoy it!
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I have OLD bones and 2 Triathlons...a 1996 220 with the 4.0 mod done last year (this makes a huge difference in the flare) and a brand new 2006 190 which was a real bitch to pack at first until I started Psycho packing. I LOVE my Tri, it's a good all round canopy and should fly very much like the Spectre!

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I LOVE my Tri, it's a good all round canopy and should fly very much like the Spectre!

the triathlons that I have jumped did not fly anything like a spectre. they are very different.

only thing I could compare is they are both 7 cell canopies other than that, the ones i jumped flew completly different than a spectre.

the tri's i jumped didnt get very good penetration into the wind. didnt have the same flaring power of a spectre. the tris seemed to be more slugish in flight than a spectre. the openings on the tris were favorable they opened on heading didn't snivel forever and didnt open hard.

based on my experience with both canopies I would get a spectre any day over a triathlon.

I just don't like not having forward drive guess thats why I fly a 9 cell now..
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I have never flown a tri so can't say much about it....just make sure that you have it checked out by a rigger before you purchase ----- linesets run about 300$ give or take........so figure you will need a new one of those immediately if not in the near future....hence the rigger comment.....those guys will tell you how soon they need to be replaced.;) oh and don't forget about the time that you won't be able to jump while those lines are being replaced.......my hubby's canopy was out for about 12 weeks to get relined ---- obviously there were other things wrong with it, just more of another thing to think about.

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my hubby's canopy was out for about 12 weeks to get relined ---- obviously there were other things wrong with it, just more of another thing to think about.

Was it being relined by the manufacturer or an independent rigger ? 12 weeks sounds like enough time to get a new canopy built :)

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my hubby's canopy was out for about 12 weeks to get relined ---- obviously there were other things wrong with it, just more of another thing to think about.

Was it being relined by the manufacturer or an independent rigger ? 12 weeks sounds like enough time to get a new canopy built :)

I don't know of a respectable rigger in the world that would take THAT long.
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A couple of things:
I have two Tris (note that the spelling is Triathlon..only 1 "a".)
190, gelvenor, original lineset configuration, spectra line, 800+ jumps
175, snot-slick, 4.0 Mod lineset, spectra lines, 100+ jumps

They both open consistently soft and on-heading.
I do seem to get a little better flare with the 175.

I love my Tris. Great all-around canopy.
If YOU don't want it, I do.

I'd recommend the Tri....between the two it's about a tie in performance but for the price? That's a deal-maker!
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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:)I've been offered a 210 Triathlon. Only 50 odd jumps in a Tallinn container.
I weight 180, so I would be at 1:1
My question is dive angle. These 7 cells fly at a much steeper dive angle?
And flair?
Is it possible to do a two stage with these?
Thank you :)
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I bought a Tri 160 recently for my wingsuit jumps (1.3lbs/sqft). I've jumped a Spectre 150 a couple of times and believe the Tri is trimmed slightly flatter. This is my first 7 cell and I felt a huge difference in glide. Be prepared to fly in 1/4 brakes to make it back from long spots.
The flare is decent (my Tri does not have the brake mod). At your wingloading I doubt you'll have any issues landing it
I'm really enjoying the canopy (I even get some nice swoops with it), give it a try if you can.:)Safe skies
Edited to correct brake input

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Hi Paul!
This is what I was taught by Luigi Cani during my canopy piloting course. He explained that he participated in a couple of tests with other canopy pilots flying side by side equally loaded canopies (I guess when he was still working for Icarus) and the tests showed that flying slightly in brakes (actually 1/4 not 1/2 - I will correct that on my post) presented the best glide for all cases except nose winds (in this case you should apply front risers).
I have been following his advice since then and I'm usually flying in brakes during my canopy ride unless I'm bellow other equal or lighter loaded canopies and need to clear the landing pattern quickly. Although I don´t have data to prove I felt an improvement in flight distance with this technique.

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Changes the angle of attack. Works with Spectres and Pilots, too. Rears work too, but are more tiring.
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Changes the angle of attack. Works with Spectres and Pilots, too. Rears work too, but are more tiring.

I understand that. But I always thought that deflecting the tail also decreases forward speed, thus the glide ratio suffers, whereas using rears only flattens out the glide and doesn't slow the forwards speed.

This isn't my area of expertise, can anyone present some scientific info ?

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