
I'm going to ATLANTA

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still not sure why (Brandy talked me into it)....... but will you guys be nice to me?

no, we're going to be very very mean! Linny, you have been a bad bad girl and you deserve a spanking!

ooh, did I just go too far?;)
"Ive seen you hump air, hump the floor of the plane, and hump legs. You now have a new nickname: "Black Humper of Death"--yardhippie

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Where you gonna be staying? I live there now, great city if you're lookin to party. Never had so much fun as living in ATL on expenses.

I'll be staying with my friend Brandy who just moved there from Cali not too long ago..... I'm definitely going to be partying at the boogie........ but I'd also like to explore the city (but when? I don't know)
I'll be there Fri night through Mon night June 3-6

BTW........ I LOVE your sig line. I think a cheerio just went up my nose!

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Sweet! We can hog-tie you;)...ask Brandy she loved it.
You can jump with "The Blob" since Brandy will probably be too busy to jump with you, like she is with us. Just look for the metro-sexual in a teal jumpsuit.
And it's only perverted if she get's more than two fingers in your ass!:$
Boboso Rodriguez

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ME TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lindsey what time does your flight arrive?
Mine is like 10pm....apparently just in time for a few drinks downtown.....yeehaa

Mine gets in at 930pm....... so it's perfect timing. I wish I was flying with you though, cause somehow I ALWAYS get stuck sitting next to stinky fat men who need their toupe's washed. (seriously)

hog tying huh? just as long as I don't get tickled! actually, WTF is hog tying?
Nevermind, i don't want to know.

Can't wait to meet everyone. I have a feeling I should buy an extra battery or two for my camera and some extra tapes too................................................

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