
I got a new piercing

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wow, that's cool sunny, i'm getting the cartilige done im my ear here first monday after the first weekend in june... th 7th i think it migh be......... did it hurt? could ya hear it when they did it? let me know how it heals...

"i have no reader's digest version"

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I have dos tragus', or is that tragi? :S Once in each ear, obviously. ;) Yeah, they hurt a bit but not bad.

Is that anything like Dos Equis? :P

Seriously, though...which piercing is the tragus? Is that the front of the ear opening itself, or part of the "external" ear?
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i really like the rook piercing. my gf got hers done a few weeks ago and i think it looks awesome. she just got one of those curly rings for it instead of a hoop and that should look cool when she changes it out. good job :)

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sunny, you realy should get your ear donelike roadrash has hers done, the 4 piercings and then the spiral jewrly she has is by far the cooles ear piercing i've ever seen!!!

"i have no reader's digest version"

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Hey Sunny! That loos really cool, it also looks like it hurt like a son of a bitch tho!!!!

It did hurt a bit. I still say the belly button is the most painful piercing i've ever gotten. I really liked the piercing parlor i went to, and will most definitely go back to the same place for my next 2 ear piercings. :)
Roadrash, post a pic of your ear so i can see what wingi is talking about!!


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Very cool! I want the tragus piercing to be my next piercing. The only thing stopping me is I am concerned about when I wear a helmet for skydiving that it would irratate the piercing.
I know when I got my belly botton pierced I had to be reaally careful about it for a few months or so after.
I would so rather get another tat then get another piercing, but I have not decided what and wear to put another tat. :S and I love piercings too :)

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Hey girlie congrats!

I've loved my rook piercing since I was in high school, man senior year I think. OMG, I feel old, I haven't thought about how long its been or how long I've had it till now, :o:o:D:D

It's an easy one to take care of if you just clean it right. Have fun with it!!!!

Tragus, you hear every layer of your cartalidge crack and it hurts. If you want it get it. if you thought the rook was painful, the tragus might be pretty [:/] The pain is worth it if you really want it. I suggest one at a time so you can sleep cause mine were sensitvie when sleeping on them.
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sunny, you realy should get your ear donelike roadrash has hers done, the 4 piercings and then the spiral jewrly she has is by far the cooles ear piercing i've ever seen!!!

Yup, Sunny's is damn nice as well, but Robyn's is way out there! It is a very cool piercing with the spiral.

Hell, now I'll have to dig through all my Rantoulio pics when I get home to see if I caught it.B|
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Very cool.

I had my tragus done before I started skydiving. Im sure not all people have this issue, but I did.... Mine got pretty messed up from putting my helmet on and taking it off so much. It kept getting irritated and got infected so I had to take it out after it started getting this weird "bump" on it. Once I tool it out, the bump went away :)
On the other hand, I thought the belly button didnt hurt at all...so it all depends.

Good luck!

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The rook is next on my list had my tragus done about 3 years ago only been jumping since October but have no problems from putting on/taking off my helmet

The tragus was the least painful and problematic of my piercings mostly as I slept on it the night it was done and it appeared healed after 2 weeks no problems since

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