
Freakiest Movie Scene

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What's yours? I was just watching Bravo's 100 scariest moments...and they had my favorite as #32.

That scene from Pet Semetary....you know, the little kid under the bed when he hacks through the dude's achilles tendon........then the face......

but it is that tendon that it quite possibly the best one for me.


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The part in The Matrix 1, when Keanu first opens his mouth to deliver his line...B|:|

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Pet Cemetary
When the Dad had to RE-kill his little boy.
(as a Father, I was really crushed by that)[:/]
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The scene in "I Spit On Your Grave" where the chick gets one of her rapists into the bathtub and starts giving him a hand job and you see her slide the knife into the bubble bath....then you hear this sort of "burrrip" sound like someones been holding a rubber ducky under water and lets it go only it's not a rubber ducky. it's his severed penis and the tub fills with blood and the guy starts screaming.

Then she runs out and locks him in the bathroom to bleed to death.

yeah that was freaky.


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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Damn, I saw that movie a looooong time ago.
So long ago I don't remember that scene.
Guess I'm gonna have to watch that one again, if it's on dvd.

I saw it when I was 10ish. Boy did that fuck my head up!


(Do not, I repeat DO NOT, take my posts seriously.)

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OMG. :|

GFD just (as I read it) got me remembering a movie that I saw when I was about 11. I was at a slumber party where the stupid parents apparently didn't care what a bunch of impressionable naive little girls were watching. >:(

The movie was Silent Night, Deadly Night.

The main character grows up to do things like chop kids' heads off as they sled down hills at night, and shove shirtless sluts into trophy antlers, back-first until they poke out through her chest.

It scared the crap out of me.

Freddy scares me too.

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"When a stranger calls." It's an older movie, but it still scares me to this day. The babysitter is left alone in the house, and the kids are already in bed. She keeps getting phone calls asking "Have you checked the children?" It turns out the creepy murderer dude is making the calls from upstairs...

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The twins in the Shining saying "come play with us Danny."

YES...YOU ARE SO RIGHT!!! How could I not remember that?
That is the scariest movie of all time.
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The Blair Witch Project. Mein Gott! it vas freaky :|

If you rated a movie by how much it cost to make it, this movie wins hands down as the scariest of all time, and without any special effects, IIRC... the very end really got my heart up in my throat! :o
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