Not yet, but perhaps when at some point, especially if interest grows. As for jumping in crazy winds--no thanks.
The winds at altitude tend to be higher than at ground level and geography can make them _much_ higher. We'd get 60+ MPH winds at 17,000 feet MSL in Colorado and 10 MPH on the ground.
darkwing 5
What is the "Rapid Descent Device" mentioned in the PARIS ad? Probably not a hook knife, but something clever to make you go down fast without spinning. Handy if bad guys are around.
-- Jeff
My Skydiving History
-- Jeff
My Skydiving History
QuoteWhat is the "Rapid Descent Device" mentioned in the PARIS ad?
I am not sure but I am checking with some contacts to see if I can find out.

Edited to add.
This the best I can come with on how it works. See Attachment.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals
I'm pretty sure it can be done, but it'll take a lot of time and money to do it. I'd avoid cheaply bodged solutions.
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