
Total cutaway who has done it?

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Yea I have went over the options in my head.

But what I am looking for is firsthand experience from people who have done it.
How they feel about there decision.
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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The filming and the story begs for a sequal!, 22 February 2003
Author: schris1 (schris1@rochester.rr.com) from BLOOMFIELD, NEW YORK

Here is another movie with the great Tom Berenger in it. I have it on (dvd) and I can't get enough of it! If there was ever a movie made that deserves a sequal this is the one. My only change in the sequal would be to have Julie Bowen take Maxine Bahn's place or to simply add her to the cast. Julie Bowen from what I have read about her enjoys skydiving. Let's put Stephen Baldwin and the rest of the skydiving experienced talent into another great movie or in this case a great sequal!

dear god :S:D

I like this one better:


Bad on an Epic Scale, 15 November 2001
Author: PizzaBoy from New Brunswick, NJ

If you truly savor a bad movie once in a while, "Cutaway" will be a tasty treat that will have you coming back for seconds. It's got everything - a sullen Dennis Rodman who has about three lines (yet gets third billing), fat, old, and drunk-looking Academy Award nominee Tom Beringer spouting insane dialogue (sad, really), Steven Baldwin giving the blandest performance ever committed to film, Casper Van Dien overacting and making menacing facial expressions, Ron Silver being Ron Silver, an awful token love interest chick, and lots and lots of annoying supporting characters. And that's just the cast! The story, involving skydiving and drug smuggling and a "cop who gets in too deep", is not only horribly written but a rip-off of the plots of "Drop Zone" and "Point Break"! The movie was made by the Manos brothers, who apparently have a lot of experience filming skydiving. And they do it well. But pretty skydiving scenes can't make up for the overall poor quality of this movie. It might make you laugh, it might make you cry. But you must see Cutaway, if only to see just how bad it can get.


Arianna Frances

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it seems to me that there was a guy from our own little dz.com family did that, at least temporarily. dunno if he's still hanging out at eloy or not.. i daydream about it, but with 100 jumps, kids and mortgage payments, not likely to happen. add in a major move south so i could do it full time and be able to afford at least brand name ramen. ;). besides that, when it stopped being a hobby and started being a job, i think it would lose it's allure. i mean, i skydive to get away from other stuff, if that was all i did, i'd have to find something else to do for fun.

edited to remove a name.
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i skydive to get away from other stuff, if that was all i did, i'd have to find something else to do for fun.

Yea I know what you mean man.
I never want skydiving to be a job.
I guess I wish I won the lottery and could just do fun jumps. But then again I bet we all do.

Oh yea and i liked the movie Cutaway so:P:P:P:P
I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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But what I am looking for is firsthand experience from people who have done it.
How they feel about there decision.

Maybe you aren't getting too many responses because the group of people you're looking for have cutaway from the internet, too. ;) Maybe you should shop for advice around tent city...:)
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-Salvador Dali

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I knew a girl who did it. Got divorced, started skydiving, shaved her head, found love in skydiving and women, quit her job, moved to AZ for a summer.
Last I heard she stopped skydiving to be with her SO.[:/]

I quit my job a few years ago, but managed to maintian odd jobs and things to keep the bills paid. I jumped lots, loved it. B|But im stilly paying off the CC from then.[:/]
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Psh. Skills schmills. If his skills were so great, he wouldn't have crashed into his teammate's head. He was a crater waiting for a coordinate - all speed, little control.

That wasnt Redline, silly, that was Turbo B|



My mighty steed

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Psh. Skills schmills. If his skills were so great, he wouldn't have crashed into his teammate's head. He was a crater waiting for a coordinate - all speed, little control.

That wasnt Redline, silly, that was Turbo B|



Oh yeah. Oops! :$ Well, then HE had no skillz! And what's with 'Turbo'? The only real Turbo is the poppin' lockin' break-dancin' one. Him and Ozone...

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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I don't have those responsibilities and it is very alluring to me. I personally think I would be very happy just barely paying the bills and living on ramen and cheap beer if my job was skydiving. That being said if in a few years when I get enough jumps for my tandem rating I will be trying to do just that. If it doesn't work out I can always get another real job. At the very least I will eventually do it durring the summers. It is all a matter of how you feel about it. If you love skydiving that much and are willing to live like that then go for it.

Greenie in training.

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have considered it, actually. When I was travelling through Guatemala prior to coming here to Jax I met a lot of people who had been travelling for over a year. They had just quite their jobs, sold everything, and taken a couple of years off of life. None of them regretted it.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Summer of '02, I got taken off my job for failing eyesight but still recieved disability pay. I basically spent the summerreadign rigging, packing and jumping. I was constantly broke, but the truth was that was oen of the happiest periods in my life.

"If you end up in an alligator's jaws, naked, you probably did something to deserve it."

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It's a poor permanent choice for somebody your age.

Take a year? Yeah.

It's one thing to own a home and have a garden, and love to garden. It's a whole nother thing to be a dirt farmer who can be wiped out by bad weather.

If you've got a trust fund or a retirement, sure. If you plan to get married and raise kids, it's a tough choice to put on them.

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If I am not mistaken aggiedave's only job is as a tandem master.

But sometimes in the evening, (after he's been drinking), he'll burst into your tent ranting: "WHO WOULD CHOOSE THIS LIFE?!"
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Only accurate thing in that movie was the scene where the vidiot and a babe were "interrupted" when Stephen crashed through their tent.

He of course had his camera helmet on. ;)
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Only accurate thing in that movie was the scene where the vidiot and a babe were "interrupted" when Stephen crashed through their tent.

He of course had his camera helmet on. ;)

Not just a vidiot and a babe - his teammate was in there too! :D

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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One day in 93 I threw every thing I owned into storage, quit my job, and with $250.00 to my name headed headed out for the boogie circut to pack. Best decision I have ever made. It changed my life. 13 years later and expecting my first child, I'm finnaly going back to get a real job. If your thinking of doing the same beware, Top Ramin is in your future but there is almost no end to the adventures you'll have.

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I did, albeit somewhat unintentionally. Quit my job, moved to another part of the country, and ended up as the rigger/packer at a dropzone.

It was really cool until winter started. Then I went down to Florida for a few weeks, and then back to Houston for a real job. While ending up back in Houston might not have been the best idea, a 5-month hiatus from adulthood was fun.

I highly recommend taking some time away to see other directions. But, well, if you pick skydiving as a direction, make it a direction -- don't just drift forever.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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No! I swear, I've seen it once all the way through, and then bits and pieces... my brain's priorities when it comes to keeping or dumping information are a bit off...


You sexy eye(d) dork.

:$:D Thanks! (for the dork part, I mean!) :ph34r::D

you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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