Call centers in India

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i just got off the phone with a chic in South Asia for Sprint PCS. they have been dicking me around over there fuckup that ran my bill up to $383 (normally $40) She was very polite but kinda hard to understand.
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I called Wolf Camera a while back and I got an India number. I was pissed because no matter what I said the female who I couldnt understand just kept repeating the same thing over and over again...

Me: I never got it even though it was shipped and delivered ont he 16th.
Her: Delivered on the 16th anymore questions sir?
Her: Delivered on the 16th anymore questions sir?
Me: Are you dumb? I NEVER GOT IT!
Her: Delivered on the 16th anymore questions sir?
Me: Can I talk to a manager.....you are of no service.
Her:Delivered on the 16th anymore questions sir?

I hung up and told her to DIAF.....

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Art imitates life imitates art. :S There was a play in town over the weekend called "Alladeen" which is based on this very thing. Supposedly it's based on an overseas call center & how they try to "Americanize" the workers there to make them more believable/appealable to the people on the other end of the line. Google Alladeen. (I'm too lazy right now to do a clicky, sorry.) :P


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LOL...still going :P ......

Some of the responces to this thread have me thinking(yes thats dangerous)...while I was quite irked with getting 3 call centers in India the other day......I have also had bad experiances with call centers in Canada and the US....not usually for the lack of comprehension but for rudeness(as Geno said...the ppl at the Indian call centers are usually quite polite)..

SO..imagine if you will..calling for tech support in a call center in __________ .

Let me start.....being from Newfoundland the 1st dig will be at my home province ;)

Call to Smell computers tech support in a small fishing outport in NF.

Me: Hello my new Smell comp is giving me problems.

Him: Yes bye we gets dat alot.....wat it doin to ya bye?

Me: Well its not doing anything to me....but it keeps locking up forcing me to reboot when ever I attempt to open a browser.

Him: Yes bye

Me: Yes what?

Him: Sorry bye da misses just called me on da cel...I gots ta go open a bucket of salt pork for er....I'll puts ya over to me duckie in da next cubby hole..


Her: Smell tech support...ow can me helps ya bye?

I know...not very good...but I hope the idea is ;)

Scotish tech support? Aussie? Irish? any takers?? ;)

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