
Perris 100-Ways

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DAY 0:

Sitting in the bombshelter. Vallerina, fly2angel, and Remster are here. Remy was a little impatient because he couldn't get served at the bar. The bartender was in the bathroom! Come on even he has to go sometime. Karen is now here too!

Things are looking up already. Waiting on jumperconway and several others to show up. Kate is collecting money so we can get an early start tomorrow.

I'm D3 in the 105-way and exiting 3rd! Woo hoo!!! I will be facing Bill Von in the formation who will be flying in the room that my group builds off the base.

More to come in a few as more folks show up.

Blue skies,


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Hey Jim, tell Flyangel2 to look for Shelley Crowell at the DZ. She's as far as I know, an AFF I/E, as well as a licensed interpreter. Pretty blonde lady in her 20's I think. She's real nice. She and Mar could talk all they want in sign language about everybody else, and nobody would know what's being said... :D
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Mar knows Shelly well ;) She's a really nice girl, but I don't think she's at Perris anymore...

Nope, she and John moved to TX, I believe, last year.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Mar knows Shelly well ;) She's a really nice girl, but I don't think she's at Perris anymore...

Nope, she and John moved to TX, I believe, last year.


Thanks for the info... I'll have to look them both up whenever I get to Texas...

Shelley did the night jump briefing in sign language for the Deaf Skydivers the night we set a Deaf Night World Record with a 7 way... B|
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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How's your shoulder Val?

Please give Mar a big squeeze for me...

I am sooo jealous that you all have great weather!!
Last week was a blast though, clouds n all.

Can you please ask Amy (Mrs Von ;))if she is continuing the survey??B|

You are led through your lifetime by the inner learning creature, the playful spiritual being that is your real self.-Richard Bach

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Hey Jim!!

Good luck to you all! Please pass a hello from me along to all the Spaceland folks and DZ.commers for me!

Hi Conway!
Hi Val!
Hi Mar!
Hi Remster!
Hi 95 other peeps!


you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel loquacious?' -- well do you, punk?

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Day one was interesting. Although we didn't complete the 105 way (5 attempts) the jumps went well, most groups did well with only a few people out or low. Day ended on a high note when everyone was very close to a completion.


Day two started on the downside. There were a few approach collisions and some very basic mistakes. What was interesting was that one group would make a mistake and on the next dive another group would make a different mistake.

On the sixth jump of the day we completed a 104-way! Hoorah!!!

Val is buying beer in the Bombshelter right now since it was her first 100-way.

Way to go everyone...

More tomorrow.

Blue skies,


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Well four or so 100-ways completed out of six jumps, but we have not made the second point. It has been very close. The second point is 3 concentric circles (stars) with the outer circle being a 72 way or so.

Based on the dives today, we should be able to make the second point tomorrow.

Val and I are in the same 10-way loop and Bill is a free floater in our room. For the second point, I fly in and take Bill's arm. Our section has been completed each time except the last when the base funneled. I think Amy is on the other side of the formation.

Had our first cut-away today. One of the women had beau coup line twists right in front of my and was kicking them out. She stopped kicking and I was wondering why when she cut away. Apparently she had a weird step through and the risers were twisted around. She made a great decision to get rid of the mess to jump on the next 100-way.

Last night a bunch of us went out for Italian food and found out it was Amy's birthday. Nothing link 20 or so skydivers singing off key. HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!

Tonight is polyester night at the bombshelter. Wonder if anyone will actully show up with polyester?

Vallerina is now a 100-way jumper and was buying beer yesterday. Met MoJoSparky. I've actually known him for a long time, but didn't know his .com name.

More later if the party is good enought.;)

Blue skies,


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Well we wrapped up with 3 more jumps which didn't complete...:(

We did transition from the first point to the second on the first two jumps which would have worked well had people not gone low, backpacked each other...usual tired jumper stuff. The Sunday jumps sure didn't compare to the Saturday jumps.

What was amazing on one jump was the anchor for our 10 way line backpacked with another diver coming out the door and both went low. Usually MjoSparky would lead our line into the formation in his bright orange jumpsuit, the anchor would be next, with the first in the line, then me, and the third in the line. Each of the 20 jumps was the same. On all the videos you would see orange dock, white, blue and blue/white in quick order.

On this particular jump, blue was low due to the backpacking ...and I mean about 20 feet low. As we passed over him, we were all thinking "what the f&%# do we do now? He's the anchor.....

Before we could do anything he passed under us again, but was driving toward the base and rising fast! He popped up into his slot a little fast and had to really put the brakes on, but he docked before we had gotten to him. It was an amazing come back. The other guy also made it back up which was a good thing since he was the zipper on the base with mjosparky.

A lot of folks are here in the bombshelter now cause we're done!

If you have not tried big way....better get in line!

Blue skies,


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I'm so first in line

i went to kates big way camp two time but i had a run of bad luck the first time I hurt my knee that i got repaced 10 year ago, and the 2nd time i got weather out just last week. only got to do 2 20 way, 1 30 way, 4 40way and 1 60 way two of the 40 way complete one look like a heat ( I think that a good pic for my mother ) I think i didn't have enough jump to show kate my skill to get on invitational events this year. I hope they put on another big way camp in the fall. The bad part is one I'm from the mid west and my home dz has turn in to freefly dz with only one rw event this year. two most of the big way evens are over 600 miles from my home .
All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you. J. R. T.

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I met some really great people over the past two weeks, and I learned so much about very big-ways. I'm in LAX paying too much for internet right now, but my quick comments:
-Billvon makes a great parent to the bad kids
-If you have a cutaway, a big way will give you a greater chance of getting your stuff recovered (big THANKS to our very own cpoxon and also Alex.)
-The tunnel is the best place to practice hard docks, but I still get nervous when I see the gleam in Mike's eyes when I tell him I want to practice them...
-It's all about the gloves
-100-ways from below are not quite as fun
-I still want to be Amy when I grow up! :D
-Sunscreen is the best thing ever
-Water is good stuff

Anyways, I had fun, and I am very glad that I went to the big-way camp and 100-ways. I hope to see many of you again in the future in the sky!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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