
Social Distortion

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They rocked! HOWEVER the 2nd band Lost City (of) Angels fucking ruled the night. Fresher, raw talent. I've listened to the cd 3 times now and it's blowing me away www.lostcityangels.com

Not to take anything away from SD, but these guys are going to be huge if there's any justice in the music biz.....
Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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What?! No mention of The Eyeliners?:P They were hotties!

I have to agree. Lost City Angels freakin rocked!! They are easily as talented as any band I have seen. Awesome musically, vocally and unique! I wish I would have bought their cd last night.

Social Distortion rules! They still put on a great show and rock the house. Nothin but raw talent with in your face rock/punk from the boys from Orange County! Mike Ness is da man!

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