
Dual AAD's?

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Thought I read somewhere where dual ADD's were used on a rig but I cannot find the source. Just added insurance? Does anyone know if this could makes sense in some cases beyond that? Seems like it could if they are independently set for different emergency scenarios. Maybe not. Any comments?

In the last European Symposium I saw a rig of Mars "Real x" you can mount on two AAD reserve ...... to their construction "MPAAD" and another one .......type "Cypres"

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In the last European Symposium I saw a rig of Mars "Real x" you can mount on two AAD reserve ...... to their construction "MPAAD" and another one .......type "Cypres"


I suspect that is more of a marketing tactic.

That is because they want to sell MPAAD AADs and MPAADs need different pockets than most other electronic AADs.
Any rigger can install Cypres 1, Cypres 2, Vigil , Vigil 2, Argus and FXC Astra in Cypres pockets, but you need different pockets (near base of reserve closing loop) for MPAAD.
Also, you need a window in the middle of the back pad to see the display on an MPAAD.

Few skydivers - or schools - can afford to install two AADs on the same reserve.

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Skydive Torontp Inc. uses dual AAD's for the first jump students. One AAD on the reserve and one on the main. When a student has demonstrated some stability after few jumps he get a rig with only one AAD (on the reserve).
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What about when the student has a hard pull and goes to reserve while he's falling through the main AAD deployment range?

I know you should cut-away first anyhow, but students might not do that...

USAFA uses a Single Operating System on their student rigs, so that's not an issue.

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