
zabasearch.com?????!!!!!Important to know!!!!!

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Okay, who has heard of this site? Here is an excerpt from Snopes.com:

I am sending this to everyone in my address book, and I urge all of you to do the same. Check to see if your name is in this Zabasearch database, which also includes addresses, phone numbers and birth dates. If it's there and you want it removed, send them an e-mail at info@zabasearch.com to request it.

They will be launching this site in May for EVERYONE to see!!! I don't know how our names are appearing there, but I checked my own and a few other random ones, and they are all in this database! Please send this on to all your friends and family ASAP!

To check, log on to www.zabasearch.com.

After opting out at info@zabasearch.com by email I guess the only way to know for sure you have been removed is to check back a few days later.

This is unbelievable.

This is true, but paying their fee just might be a money maker, but it is interesting the info they have already.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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Okay, who has heard of this site? Here is an excerpt from Snopes.com:

I am sending this to everyone in my address book, and I urge all of you to do the same. Check to see if your name is in this Zabasearch database, which also includes addresses, phone numbers and birth dates. If it's there and you want it removed, send them an e-mail at info@zabasearch.com to request it.

They will be launching this site in May for EVERYONE to see!!! I don't know how our names are appearing there, but I checked my own and a few other random ones, and they are all in this database! Please send this on to all your friends and family ASAP!

To check, log on to www.zabasearch.com.

After opting out at info@zabasearch.com by email I guess the only way to know for sure you have been removed is to check back a few days later.

This is unbelievable.

This is true, but paying their fee just might be a money maker, but it is interesting the info they have already.


Made em clicky fer ya.

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um ... this can already be done very easily .... all of that information is very public

genius idea though ... let people pay them to not show their information .... but it's still available by any other means...
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that info is available a million other places too...unless you stop buying stuff, dont use any credit cards, dont have any utilities in your name, never fill out entry forms, plus a million other things you cant do and on top of that move to a deserted island you wont be able to prevent your info from getting out there....now if they were posting account numbers or something like that then there might be reason to worry;)

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Yep, saw this on the news. Pretty scary. The only way to opt out is to give a bunch of info to them. They do pull you out of their search engine, but if you get listed by another other site they search to compile their list, you are right back up there. Any time you fill out some questionnaire, a club card application at the grocery store, whatever... it gets listed somewhere on the web for zabasearch to post. I love the usefulness of the internet, (even DZ.com) but it worries me what people can do with it.

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Oh, I know the info can be had.......I found it odd how many different addresses are listed for the same name, some I've never resided at:S.

Just thought I'd pass it along for interest.:)

Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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it worries me what people can do with it.

[with Elmer Fudd Accent] Be afwaid, be vewy afwaid!


they cant do anymore with it then they could if they were to find you in the phone book:S Not sure why people get so concerned about this stuff...you can usually find out more about a person just by doing a simple google search on someone

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Oh, I know the info can be had.......I found it odd how many different addresses are listed for the same name, some I've never resided at:S.

Just thought I'd pass it along for interest.:)

yeah, that was weird, they actually had multiple names for me at my same address...all variations of my actual name..

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Any time you fill out some questionnaire, a club card application at the grocery store, whatever... it gets listed somewhere on the web for zabasearch to post.

Not exactly. Databases have to allow access and most private info like that is maintained very close to businesses. Grocery card info is a goldmine for direct marketers. They can target specific coupons to specific people and get the type resonce they want. Info like that is never "listed somewhere on the web". Almost all that data is from public sources.

Buy or sell a car and its a matter of public record. Same with a house. Criminal records are there too. Opt in to major credit agencies costs a whole lot more then most places are willing to pay. Its amazing whats out there in just the public realm, the private is even scarier.

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they cant do anymore with it then they could if they were to find you in the phone book

But I'm not listed in any phone book. I'm pretty amazed... they have me in there 4 times...all same address (my parents house) at both of their phone numbers twice. One of those numbers is unlisted. Can't figure out how they could have connected me to that address and phone number... never paid bills there or anything like that.


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so I checked there I was. but thats nothing you can't get off any check, I would say fuck it, this type of info can be found in other places for free. and if someone has to check I would say give me the $20.00 and I'll tell you more. Thats a waste of a jump ticket. SUCKERS..

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