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[geek mode]LAN PARTY!!![/geek mode]

No doubt, I usually go down to SoCal once a year for an annual LAN party. Doubt it will happen this year, since dude that was hosting it got married.

Funny thing is that I am an avid gamer, but have not played in a few months since I have lost my job. No drive, I guess. But I still keep up to date on the games. I'll play CS, Q3, UT or UT2 anytime. I also like the older games, D1 and D2, and Q2 and sometimes Serious Sam when I am bored.

Butthead: Whoa! Burritos for breakfast!
Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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>dude the origanal AvsP scared the shit out of me!!!! the atmospere
>in that game is unmatched!!!

Absolutely! Reminded me of a story a friend told me:

Pitcture this: The dude has been playing AvP for a few hours in a pitch black room. He always plays with headphones on, so he's pretty much immersed in the game. Then, suddenly, something brushes agains his leg(in real life!). The reaction: The guy jumps up from his chair screaming, his heart having skipped a few beats, and his dog is scurrying out of the room wondering "what did I do now?" ;):D


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>dude the origanal AvsP scared the shit out of me!!!! the atmospere
>in that game is unmatched!!!

Absolutely! Reminded me of a story a friend told me:

Pitcture this: The dude has been playing AvP for a few hours in a pitch black room. He always plays with headphones on, so he's pretty much immersed in the game. Then, suddenly, something brushes agains his leg(in real life!). The reaction: The guy jumps up from his chair screaming, his heart having skipped a few beats, and his dog is scurrying out of the room wondering "what did I do now?" ;):D


LOL:D yep sounds about right hahahaha
I swear you must have footprints on the back of your helmet - chicagoskydiver
My God has a bigger dick than your god -George Carlin

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ok. its been awhile, but....
i got a 1.333gHz athlon with 512 megs.
i got a voodoo 5 accelerator.
i got a custom homemade 4-axis optic joystick.
i can get 830.53 frames per second in unreal tournament.
i have an extensive collection of screenshots of me kicking the ass of entire clans at once and taking on 3-6 bots at once set at GODLIKE skill level...and winning. im not all that great a skydiver but im damn near immortal in the tournament...if you wanna take me on get used to respawning. you can run, but youll just die tired.
bring da ruckus. tell me where and some advance notice and well have a war. i usually manifest as either "mr.hand" or "fucknuts meatpuppet" for testing and calibration. any takers? come one come all i seek a challenger.
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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I'm almost done putting together my new system..

Gigabyte, Raid, ata133, 400mhz bus
512mb Geil pc3200 400mhz ram
Gforce4, 4200 Ti

I am just waiting on the ram to get in so I can finish the damn thing!! ugh!!

Anyone have commando's 2 or rogue spear? Those are cool online..

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you got it. i CAN be killed, rest assured im no cheat...the greatest honor in the game is to be accused of using an aimbot or other cheat....those are easy charges to dispel however...i just invite the accuser to spectate me and judge for himself through my eyes if im using an autoaim program....every time i get an apology once they see its done by my own hands, wobbly aim and all. i used to be part of a 2-man clan called ourselves the strangers...we'd go in and kick ass till we drove everyone out of their own arena, then move on, or just take over one for awhile and thrash all who dared set foot there. i know i must come across as cocky....but ive earned the right to be. i AM that good. if anyone posts a server name or address in the near future i might just drop in....ive never fought a skydiver online....i bet their reflexes are better than the average player.
evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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hell yeah pick your weapon: all snipers? rocketarena? all weapons? redeemerarena? just, whatever you do, dont let me get my hands on a flakcannon or an asmd. anyone here ever seen the smiley face painted on the end of the flak shell? i can show it to you....B|

evolution WILL be served, one way or another!!!! im not jumping, im imitating a reluctant meteor.

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i ussually wander into whatever low ping servers i can find..


love the alien mindset...attitude aware rocks...see skydiving is good for something video games..;)

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Whew....I haven't visited this post in quite a while....anyone still gaming?

I'm still working with, now, a 5 yr old computer, so I haven't been able to "upgrade" my gaming. I really need to put together a new rig (computer rig) so I can finally open up my HL2 and Myst Uru.

SmoothAl B|

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